Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, help or assist once again. Last time I asked about a weak nose and a way...

25.08.2004, 13:59
The doctor, help or assist once again. Last time I asked about a weak nose and ways of avoidance of frequent bleedings. One of your advice or councils was " to moisten vatku in butter or oil and to put in the evenings ". What butter or oil should be? Thanks

Doctor V.I.Kochenov.
27.08.2004, 02:01
Nasal bleedings are interfaced or integrated to a varicose phlebectasia of a nasal septum, presence of a microscopical hemangioma in zone Kisselbaha more often. In veins on a septum arterial pressure - any rising of a BP - = and a bleeding. In the certain sense this medical exsanguination. At its or his occurrence a head to throw back back is not necessary, let the blood follows forward is better. To stop simply - to press a wing of a nose to a nasal septum and to take minutes 10 15. It is necessary to watch or keep up a BP. To descend or go to an ENT to the doctor - prizhech a vein or angiomku a strong argentum nitricum, to make a cryogenic destruction. Butter or oil of a dogrose on vatke, retonola an acetate = vit And in butter or oil to enter and take, but already after a cryolysis