Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my daughter (24 years) chronic renit. It was surveyed at pl...

16.08.2004, 21:07
Hello! At my daughter (24 years) chronic renit. It was surveyed at paid LOR-the doctor, in the advisory center 1 town b-tsy, at the allergist. Have diagnosed Hr. renit with treatment of 10 procedures of US with gidrokartizonom, ointment efkomon and all. Procedures have made, by ointment is used, even began to drink Diazolinum, Tavegilum, effect - 0. Can eat more radical measures or our doctors have already forgot to treat. She should give birth or travail to the child. In fact such disease can what to affect or influence that in the image health of the child. Pletomu generation at us weak and underdeveloped, t. To. Have forgot to treat. Uv. Doctors! Whether Is at you what or new motodiki treatments of this disease. I ask you me to excuse. Simply there are no forces to look at the girl who goes with blisters or blebs of Naphthyzinum and an Edcamonum. Also wakes up dva-three times for a night from an edema of a nasopharynx.
All analizi and rentg. issl. Is. With greater or big trembling and respect the exhausted mother.

Balashova T.L.
17.08.2004, 16:35
Natalia, bring your girl to us, we shall try to help or assist. Ph. for record 504 21 44