Просмотр полной версии : Couple of weeks has cured fulikuljarnuju an angina which was an exacerbation hro back...

Alexey (25 years)
22.06.2004, 19:40
Couple of weeks has cured fulikuljarnuju an angina which was an exacerbation chronic tonzilita back.
Now I ask to tell as to treat chronic tonzilit. Thanks.

The doctor of an ENT V.I.Kochenov.
22.06.2004, 22:53
Cryotherapy, laser therapy, ulrazvukovoe low-frequency influence by a cavitation through antiseptic. Regular, as clearing zhubov, gargles of a throat with broths of grasses, addition of antiseptics, peroxides of Hydrogenium. All variants immunostimuljatsii, zakalivanie.

Alexey (25 years)
24.06.2004, 06:08
Where it is better to spend these procedures in your opinion?