Просмотр полной версии : Inflammation of a nasopharynx.

06.05.2004, 12:29
At me often at an angina (reddening, purulent fuses) pass an inflammation from a throat in a nose and above. Now I have hardly had been ill with an angina (about 3 months), a throat have cured promyvaniejami and antibiotics, but the inflammation in a nose remains. It is shown in the form of a constant pain, dryness, reddening of a back wall (that that is visible in a mirror), in the mornings clots with a blood. But besides zalozhennosti the nose is not present, soplej is not present, temperatra normlnaja and in general samochustvie very good. During treatment drank antibiotics, but it is visible they do not help or assist.

I try to wash out a nose Furacilinum, but effect very short-term.
What posovetute, to itself to address? The doctor after survey has advised drops in a nose (Sofradeks) - but at what here drops, effect from them any

The first doctor
06.05.2004, 20:59
Let's understand.
- Often at an angina (reddening, purulent fuses) pass an inflammation from a throat in a nose and above.

How you define or determine transition of reddening and purulent a proside in a nose and where still above this all goes???

Now I have hardly had been ill with an angina (about 3 months), a throat have cured promyvaniejami and antibiotics, but the inflammation in a nose remains. It is shown in the form of a constant pain, dryness, reddening of a back wall

- In a nose and a back wall of that you see what inflammation in a mirror (drinks or pharynxes? At what here then a nose?)

(That that is visible in a mirror), in the mornings clots with a blood.

-whence clots. From a throat? From a nose?

But besides zalozhennosti the nose is not present, soplej is not present, temperatra normlnaja and in general samochustvie very good. During treatment drank antibiotics, but it is visible they do not help or assist.

Something certain it is possible to tell or say only after survey? If you did not accept consultation of one LORa, address to another.

07.05.2004, 16:37
Probably incorrectly I use terms - at me problems not in to a nose and in a throat, but above that that is visible in a mirror. Also it is felt as in a nose. Similar on acute inflammatory process (when the throat hurts), only above. The third month Also lasts.

Sgustuki bloods from a nose at smorkanii.
The doctor washed out a throat and greased with Propolisum is has certainly helped or assisted. But here there where he has not reached, all remains. As well as than will advise to treat?

I would go to loru if knew the good expert. If nothing will help or assist certainly it is necessary so to make.

The first doctor
11.05.2004, 17:15
Possibly, a problem at you in a nasopharynx. It is necessary to look, that there occurs or happens. In absentia this problem to not solve.