Просмотр полной версии : The man - 62 years. Consultation vracha-vertebronevrologa Is required. Almost p...

15.08.2004, 19:58
The man - 62 years. Consultation vracha-vertebronevrologa Is required. Almost constant scelalgia which has appeared after pains in a lumbar department of a backbone. And, the pain "has left" already one leg or foot (its or her sensitivity has gone down), (pain) on other leg or foot now has moved. If it is a hernia of an intervertebral disk, treatment only surgical?
The patient has a hypertonia and the raised or increased mass of a body (at body height 175 - weight 110).
Where it would be possible to address. Charges on treatment or operations are how much great?

Goncharov M.Z.
16.08.2004, 18:49
First of all it is necessary to pass or take place magnitno-a resonant tomography of a lumbar department of a backbone (only it is desirable on the decent apparatus, not on otechestvennom-at presence of a choice). Then if in Moskve-can seem with pictures to me internally. If net-write here the conclusion.

17.08.2004, 10:15
I thank for the answer! And where in Moscow it is possible to pass or take place m-r a tomography? Excuse, but in what limits cost of this diagnostics (I ask to estimate or appreciate, whether I can help or assist the father)

Goncharov M.Z.
18.08.2004, 02:11
Most udobovorima at the price of and kachestvu-1 j the diagnostic center, in Beljaevo. Cost approximately 1200 roubles. It is cheapest of qualitative.