Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte. Prompt please, what is it can be. I on training upa...

24.06.2004, 09:59
Zdrastvujte. Prompt please, what is it can be. I on training have fallen unsuccessfully, but all over again nothing pochustvoval. Then in 1 2 days have appeared pulsir. Headaches in the field of where that between a nape and an eye (the right party or side). To me did or made MRT a brain, the roentgen of a neck and more - measured any analysis as a blood goes on vessels in the field of a neck and a head - but analyses have found nothing.
Where in a month 4 5 such attacks have passed or have taken place that by itself, but there was a unpleasant sensation as though something stirs or prevents in the field of shchetovidnoj glands and a mandible (the right party or side). In advance thanks!

Chizhikov K.I.
25.06.2004, 00:40
Most likely, it is possible to explain it your raised or increased suspiciousness and bracing on complaints.