Просмотр полной версии : The dear Doctor, zdrastvujte. To me 32 years, a stomach ulcer, gastroduodenit...

20.05.2004, 15:27
The dear Doctor, zdrastvujte.
To me 32 years, a stomach ulcer, gastroduodenit, SRK. However my gastroenterologist speaks nothing to me in occasion of pains which periodically arise at me in the field of a solar plexus, irradiate in an inguen, sometimes arise in umbilical area. Pains very sharp and strong, volnooraznye - - can arise right after meal, but can and through long enough time. I have noticed, that when at me the serious period of job and is broken a dream - 6...7 hours per day, that it is not enough for me - they appear more often. I can sometimes feel a painful point, but more often they are not precisely localized.
Yes, sports I, alas, yet have no opportunity to be engaged, and job basically before a computer of 9...12 hours. What is it can be? Excuse in advance if I not absolutely to the address of have addressed also BIG to you thanks for the answer.
With sincere respect,

Chizhikov K.I.
21.05.2004, 03:33
Without survey to tell or say it is not obviously possible, but, most likely, it hardly concerns a neurology.