Просмотр полной версии : Hello dear or expensive doctor Suponeva. And! Please, it is urgent! At me...

01.05.2004, 01:45
Hello dear or expensive doctor Suponeva. And! Please, it is urgent! At me pregnancy of 6 weeks. At the husband in 12 years was CHMT, in three months the first attack, have diagnosed episindrom. Accepts it is long Pagljuferal-1 - 3/4 morning and in the evening. Attacks happen 1 time in 1 2 years. Voros: what probability, what our kid will inherit similar disease? In conference that speaks, neznaem as to think. I need in periud for pregnancy to pass or take place any actions on prevention of such disease at the kid. Very much it would be desirable to know your opinion. Respond please, we experience, for us it is very important!!! Thanks!!!

Suponeva N.A.
02.05.2004, 07:23
Tanja if the reason of attacks really is CHMT probability to pass it by right of succession zero. Think - as it is possible to hand down consequences of a trauma at the parent? Those diseases which have GENETIC defect in the basis are by right of succession passed. If you have doubts in the reason of an epilepsy at your husband (for example, CHMT was not so serious) I advise to seem epileptologu as Pagluferalum is a preparation of already last century or blepharon. There will be a desire and an opportunity - write, I shall connect you with such expert.

04.05.2004, 03:59
HUGE to YOU THANKS for the answer. The trauma was (under the story of the mother-in-law) serious, have struck at school a mop on a head, the face has swelled up so, that eyes ele-hardly opened, after inspection have revealed, that in the right temporal share the hematoma has not resolved and doctors speak, that iz-for it or her attacks happen. Thanks for the offer to communicate, I shall necessarily find a way to make it. Many thanks still time!!!