Просмотр полной версии : Restrictions!

01.02.2005, 18:09
Tell or Say to me! If I am infected Vich, from for it or this to me can forbid playing sports. On what in a life this factor will affect or influence?! What zaprishchajut at pljusike?

08.02.2005, 03:19
To forbid to you that or you can only, strong exercise stresses never promoted good health! In total it is necessary moderately!

.s. Not moderately perhaps only pleasure) and good mood)

19.04.2005, 06:19
Certainly, morzhevat on Sowing. Ocean Ledovitom I do not advise... And so, nonprofessional sports for itself will not prevent..

25.05.2005, 08:38
And if professional motor racing?

12.06.2005, 01:11
You are engaged prof in motor racing and you are soared in occasion of vicha)) I tja belittle))) more likely a neck will curtail or turn)) and from vicha only in years 30 will dry out)))

Tishin Irina Vl
17.07.2005, 06:37
Any load it-has strained, not only opredellyonnoj groups of muscles but also imunki as a whole. And when imunka it is constantly attacked by a virus, it was more reasonable from sports to physical culture to pass. And motor racing just also demands it or this naprjaga.

02.08.2005, 23:40
I am not cut you constantly here if so pryot obshatsja why not in a chat?

08.08.2005, 17:19
Without komentariev

11.08.2005, 04:24
Yes not pryot me, and kumarit.