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21.12.2004, 01:52
All greetings! At last I at home!

Has decided to go and surrender tomorrow on all possible or probable infections. From the moment of risk has passed or has taken place 3.5 months, I think if something has picked up that result already bude unequivocally authentic.

So, I wish to surrender on: a HIV, Gep. B/C, TSMV, toksoplazmu, a lues, a gonorrhea. Niche has not forgotten? I shall remind risk was - not protected kunnilingus.

In general do or make rates of the Lord...

31.12.2004, 03:52
Here when you will surrender then also rates we shall do or make, and that you will change the mind at the last minute, or still that.

Swing, roundabouts, hills - the Attraction in a word both *9794; and *9792;...

07.01.2005, 15:12
Here when you will surrender then also rates we shall do or make, and that you will change the mind at the last minute, or still that.


And that to think a lot? To me 21 and I actually very much wish to live... If will be "+" that I shall plan the life in view of this knowledge and I can begin treatment in time! If a minus - that in general is remarkable, I shall try to not suppose any more such mistakes or errors! And there is at me a hope for that, what is it all the same a tuberculosis for during last ORZ with my lungs there was a full ass And my signs continued in current of one and a half months are very similar to a tubercular intoxication!

One horse-radish in ignorance to live much more terribly and more dangerously...

23.01.2005, 11:17
Here I also have surrendered yesterday, results will be tomorrow after 15.00 if to that it is interesting - I shall write...

27.01.2005, 10:05
Certainly write, you the good fellow, I all cannot go to hand over analyses though after contact has passed or has taken place more than 6 months

28.01.2005, 12:49
Mine : all will be ok, risk insignificant!

07.02.2005, 19:42
I put on a favorite (-)
Swing, roundabouts, hills - the Attraction in a word both *9794; and *9792;...

10.02.2005, 05:25

13.02.2005, 10:49
Thanks for support friends, me your confidence in "-"... The risk minimal Agreed with that that, but signs speak about the return

282 and you that of that volnueshsja? You like in 3 months "-" have received! All at you by way of

Stremno the pancake tomorrow behind results to go, and it is necessary... At me here the question has arisen, and what if at me all the same a tuberculosis? On how much I understand he can give false-positive take, i.e. if will be "+" that what to do or make? To go at once to AIDS-center and to confirm or all over again it will be checked up on tubak? In general of that to do or make in case of "+"?

16.02.2005, 04:15
It is healthy the friend, it is pleasant to come and so here and to meet old friends, molodets-has found will power to learn or find out once again about "-"

Soon you will change the nik with Hoping on Calmed down.

And I here yesterday have got at last to the immunologist, nadavala a heap of directions on VEB, TSMV, the Herpes, a toxoplasmosis (hron.). Speaks, that at me a virus any all is concrete kolbasit an organism and immunka on a limit, killers zashkalivajut, parameters in full.. e, has more shortly told or said if I do not wish to spend a heap of money-hand over while only for a HIV if there will be a minus, we shall dig further, the clinic up to a disgrace looks like vichugu, probably OS the automatic device has passed in 2, I feel, that immunity in a full miss. Signs again poperli.

Here, that I was responded by the doctor on one site:


I think, that you have chosen not absolutely successful way, discussing a clinical symptomatology at forums of the Network, instead of with the doctor-, epidemiologim, dermatovenerologom, at last.... For the skilled or experienced doctor one visual attribute can become that extremity or end nitochki which will untangle all ball.

And here to address to the psychoneurologist I would not began to advise. The picture quite keeps within frameworks of clinical displays of a virus infection (I make common cause with the doctor-immunologist). Here just it was for a virus? A HIV - not a unique lymphotropic virus which can give a similar symptomatology. I think, we are waited still not with one opening of the viruses which are being while outside of a field of vision of researchers (= at which looked, but did not see thousand researchers has been opened or open more recently - and he is visible even in a school microscope). In the beginning of my study in institute a unique marker of infectious hepatitises was the Australian antigen (HBsAg, that as it is clear from acquaintance to materials of a site, did not guarantee exact detektsiju even a hepatitis), and hepatitises shared on hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and a hepatitis " neither A nor B " (so, literally!) . I.e. neither about a hepatitis With, nor about hepatitis G, etc. speeches did not go. And now " on suspicion " scientists are some viruses causing hepatitises - but in practice of public health services the test-systems for revealing these viruses is not present. Continuation of researches Is necessary: proofs are necessary, technologies are necessary. The science moves forward, but yet has not comprehended or overtaken all and all.

It is impossible to exclude, that in your case we deal in unknown persons while (anyway, for applied medicine) a virus. But, you see, if it so - whom as not you to blame for the fact of infection? For anybody not a secret, that working women sex-industry as politkorrektno call them now - the accumulator of various infections. And a condom in such situation - not a guarantee of protection. Correct translation or transfer English-speaking safesex - not safe sex, and the protected sex. Understand a difference? The board of the antique soldier was an agent of protection, instead of a guarantee of absolute protection.

Oral sex, at presence of microdamages on mucous - the real opportunity of a becoming infected and to ignore it it is impossible. By the way, one of displays of the virus infection caused or called by a virus Epstein-Barra - a pharyngitis, a lesion of the pharynx, accompanied augmentation of regional lymphonoduses. So planned research on EBV (which role in development of the most various problems with health, by the way, has been proved rather recently, and diagnostic systems are introduced literally last years) and TSMV very opportunely.

Concerning dynamics or changes of an operating time of antibodies to a HIV (and, accordingly, terms of inspection at use IFA) it was in detail told at this forum (and on a site, in particular, in Gallery IPPP) - will use search. To use PTSR on the given term (hypothetical, prospective) infections are not present sense - the virus in krosi should not be any more (I shall repeat, at presence of an infection, and it is improbable).

Disease also can be not connected with casual contact - simply concurrence on time, here again epidanamnez the doctor-epidemiologist, infektsionist should collect.

And more I would advise to come into closer contact to the doctor-immunologist - it is necessary to watch or keep up a status of immune system in dynamics or changes.

P.S. (cyte.) " in a blood have found ljamblii... " It is necessary (Zhvanetsky) More carefully: accuracy of treatment of the analysis depends on correctness of the formulation. Well - quoted obviously absurdly (ljamblii - the elementary, living in an intestine), and in other situations it is possible to deceive and the doctor, and.


Evgenie Anatolevich Ivashkov,

The candidate of medical sciences, the doctor of the maximum or supreme category (clinical laboratory diagnostics)

24.02.2005, 02:36
All greetings! At last I at home!

Has decided to go and surrender tomorrow on all possible or probable infections. From the moment of risk has passed or has taken place 3.5 months, I think if something has picked up that result already bude unequivocally authentic.

So, I wish to surrender on: a HIV, Gep. B/C, TSMV, toksoplazmu, a lues, a gonorrhea. Niche has not forgotten? I shall remind risk was - not protected kunnilingus.

In general do or make rates of the Lord...

From that that is told or said correctly sdelaesh if zdash analyses on a HIV and a lues.... The Hepatitis In you and so uznaesh in 6 months after infection, the Hepatitis With lasts approximately about one year ito not always it or him find, TSMV is at everything, the lues is distinguished or recognized in 60 days after infection, and you would feel a gonorrhea in 3-5 days after infection.

06.03.2005, 10:36
Here I also have surrendered yesterday, results will be tomorrow after 15.00 if to that it is interesting - I shall write...

Give, success as always.

17.03.2005, 23:19
Zdarova Brazy!

Well here I also have received result, and result this absolutely negative!!! I.e. a minus on all fronts! 001 you see, there were on this planet people without TSMV the Only thing that to me have not made so it is the analysis on toksoplazmu - have told or said it is necessary since morning and on an empty stomach, well that I shall make later.

So I suspect days off where nibud to educate lungs, and that if I still few times otprashus from job - will dismiss nafik And then by results of I shall decide what to do or make further... I hope I wash immunity better than at 98 % of the population, but about one year still few times I shall surrender

2 Nikakoi, I completely agree with the doctor from a site I Recommend, hand over at once on a HIV, VEB and TSMV... Something prompts me that at you VEB by your risk!!! I think you already read about HVEB? And so people with HVEB I describe the status, as a chronic flu, on- just your situation!

And more time all thanks and success!!!

P.S. From this site I do not leave anywhere, ahead 8.5 more months of a phobia

26.03.2005, 09:05
Nikakoy, respond please, than the toxoplasmosis is fraught. Like have found, but some doctors speak, that he not active and I have already had been ill with it or him. And all the same as that stremno...

26.03.2005, 17:12
282 and you that of that volnueshsja? You like in 3 months "-" have received! All at you by way of

You were mistaken, I did not hand over

28.03.2005, 22:33
I congratulate, it is very glad. Where here prizes distribute?
Swing, roundabouts, hills - the Attraction in a word both *9794; and *9792;...

08.04.2005, 12:28
I Congratulate, it is very glad. Where here prizes distribute?

Early for prizes, in 6 months we shall discuss

282, yes, forgive or excuse, were yuri and vasjan... One horse-radish changes nothing it, go yes hand over the analysis, all will be gut!

08.04.2005, 19:20
Hoping, I congratulate on the come or stepped definiteness: =))) If so at you will go and further that you will ruin all bukmekerov =))))

14.04.2005, 21:43
Hoping, I congratulate on the come or stepped definiteness: =))) If so at you will go and further that you will ruin all bukmekerov =))))

Not, definiteness will come or step only when I learn or find out that me so kolbasilo, continues pokolbasivat And bukmekerov it is not a pity

20.04.2005, 22:46

Well posovetavat to you eshyo on what that to hand over????

26.04.2005, 10:55

Well posovetavat to you eshyo on what that to hand over????

Give, I can still that I do not know

As I have already written in a subject about a pneumonia, now I shall be respiratory infections will be checked up on all!

Anja With
03.05.2005, 06:58
Stop and that stanesh the FOOL. Excuse

04.05.2005, 23:17
Stop and that stanesh the FOOL. Excuse

" To live you will want - and not so raskarjachishsja " (C)

09.05.2005, 09:14


Well posovetavat to you eshyo on what that to hand over????

Give, I can still that I do not know

As I have already written in a subject about a pneumonia, now I shall be respiratory infections will be checked up on all!

Nashchet a tuba:

1. I do not recommend to shine lungs on naprasnu.

2. For the beginning test Mantu and IFA on antibodies to a tuberculosis.

And if something prorisuetsja-only then go svititsja.... And that not the fact...

The tuberculosis can be absolute any localization in a body.

Yours faithfully,

13.05.2005, 05:24
Why result so it is fast?