Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me not a standard question I not the physician and on it or this am possible or probable...

18.05.2004, 01:24
Hello! At me not a standard question I not the physician and on it or this probably to you wash a question pokazhetsja strange but vsezhe...
Here has thought and that if by patients or patient to do or make "transplantation"
Specific antibodies from what that illnesses or diseases? To take for example diftiriju, to the patient were not in time zdelat an inoculation in time therefore were not vyrabotanny specific antibodies, and illness or disease razvorachivaetsja on full mosh... And that if to transfuse to such patient a blood of the healthy person to which there was zdelanna an inoculation from diftirii (t. e the person which in a blood already has specific antibodies), "to replace" we shall tell or say 1 is lovely. Leucocytes which popodaja in an organism of the sick person sharply " other cells and all of them together brosjutsja on struggle against an infection will infect with the idea "? What do you think in this occasion? In fact if such variant would be possible or probable then our medicine could treat such diseases as diftirija, a hepatitis, a tetanus, a rabies and so on...

Erovichenkov A.A.
18.05.2004, 12:20
Dear Igor! Your offer - is not new! Enough specific antibodies for prophylaxis or treatments of some infectious diseases for a long time are used!!!