Просмотр полной версии : You and have not answered my question. I wrote in April. Please otzov...

01.07.2004, 05:55
You and have not answered my question. I wrote in April. Please respond, I ask you...
At me around of eyes and a mouth krasnenkie pryshchiki, fine, I can not them than cure like an allergy, snachalo were around of eyes, and now send or have passed to a mouth - I do not know what to do or make advise than them to deduce or remove - five years I am excruciated, I smear with ointment senoflana, helps or assists on chut-hardly, then again appear...

The help!
01.07.2004, 20:57
At you an infection: an ornithosis (to birdies 5 years ago have communicated; infrequent disease, - therefore have not defined or determined). Four sessions. Come on a site of healer Leonid Chyornogo. While senoflanom any more do not smear, only inside of it or her exhaust.

Smirnov K.V.
02.07.2004, 11:54
Ornithosis here there is nothing, therefore wait with healers. Most likely it is a question of such disease as a perioral dermatitis. About treatment I can not speak, t. To. In absentia it to do or make senselessly. Visit or attend the dermatologist. If you live in Moscow - my contact bodies: 8 910 417 41 70. Konstantin Viktorovich.