Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me here what problem. About 2 months ago there was a wart...

20.06.2004, 14:52
Hello! At me here what problem. About 2 months ago there was a wart on a finger of an arm or a hand. Gde-that weeks 3 I with her resembled, then prizhgla liquid nitrogen. I have unintentionally torn off the formed crust in a week after cauterization. Under her there was a pink skin with transparent seredinkoj. I have already ceased to pay attention to it or her. But in some days this place has inflamed, and in the middle the wart more former has grown. Days 10 I snej was tormented (hurted or was ill;was sick, "pulled"), put levomekol, Vishnevskogo, all without result. Eventually a method of an electrocoagulation to me have removed or have taken off a wart, and under her it has appeared as has told or said the doctor " a bloody bag ". Now I cauterize potassium permanganate and I smear with ointment baneatsin. But yesterday from the same party or side in a nose has jumped chiry, on a neck the lymphonodus has inflamed. Skazalav about it or this to the doctor which made all the previous procedures. She has appointed or nominated "rulid" to spend on drink. I wished to ask: this all is interconnected? An antibiotic not so strong? Also I can chiry and the lymphonodus to be connected by what I wiped the face cubes of an ice the last some days? Thanks in advance!

Sazykina L.N.
20.06.2004, 19:03
Follow references of your doctor. It is not connected with use of cubes of an ice.