Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, the surgeon in an out-patient department has suggested to remove small fibromku on a nose e...

16.06.2004, 23:37
The doctor, the surgeon in an out-patient department has suggested to remove small fibromku on a nose an electrocoagulator, the same and in a cosmetology, but I do not accept cosmetic effect... What could you tell or say about agent "superchistotel" with the maintenance or contents of a hydrochloric acid from warts and papillomas? It is possible for me to try to apply it or him all over again?????? Thanks:)

18.06.2004, 14:33
So at you a fibroma? A papilloma? A virus wart?

Albanova V.I.
19.06.2004, 19:12
I do not advise you, result, probably, will be worse. Besides he depends on the diagnosis. superchistotel - an agent from warts, instead of from fibromas.