Просмотр полной версии : Whether a cystitis it?

10.11.2006, 19:03
Consult, if it is possible or probable, on my problem. I understand, that without analyses and survey this consultation has no special force, but nevertheless. After sexual contact to the husband (we abstained about 2 months) have arisen jazvochki in a vagina. Already approximately some years as have found out genital herpes so I have thought, what is it, probably, in me an exacerbation. It was treated locally atsiklovirom, painfully, but it is tolerant. Somewhere for the second day there was an acute urodynia. The bottom of a stomach or belly did not hurt or be ill;be sick, other signs were not, except for how to descend or go in a small way was awfully sick. The hot bath has not helped or assisted. To all other at me have begun monthly so to get to the doctor on reception it was impossible. When all the same on 5 put I has got to the doctor, she has taken the analysis wet, and has told or said, that it is not similar to a cystitis, and that, probably, such reaction has arisen that we with the husband long time abstained. Has registered antibiotics for three days and all. Whether I should be checked up on any venereal diseases. The husband approves or confirms, that at it or him that's all right, nothing hurts, signs are not present. At present (has passed or has taken place almost week) the urodynia has already a little decreased, but nevertheless diskomfortno.

12.11.2006, 18:23
The inflammation obviously is.
But without analyses and survey to tell or say it is impossible. It is necessary to address to the gynecologist and to hand over a smear on flora and method PTSR on ZPPP and bacteriological crop, plus the analysis of a blood on ZPPP, and also to make a colposcopy (survey under a microscope). After that it will be possible to diagnose and appoint or nominate treatment. The selftreatment often is noneffective, and sometimes simply dangerous.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.