Просмотр полной версии : E. coli

06.09.2006, 20:25
Hello, at me 15 needl pregnancy, two at a birth, at a capture of a smear from tsvirkalnogo the channel is found out what that escherchia coli 10 in 5 degrees. The doctor has appointed or nominated polizhinaks inside. Tell or say, whether it is valid E. coli and whether treatment is correctly picked up. Thanks

07.09.2006, 11:05
I do not know, whether suppositories will help or assist. In such situatsjah complex treatment with an antibiotic which is possible or probable on the given term is desirable.

The doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

09.09.2006, 11:41
Tell or Say, and what harm to the child is put or rendered with this rod?