Просмотр полной версии : Hysteromyoma

03.09.2006, 15:57
Hello. To me of 50 years. Uzi has shown: a myoma on a lobby and on back walls of a uterus and a little falikulov in ovaries. For the last half a year is marked or celebrated body height. And more a small amount of a free liquid in a small basin. The temperature keeps 37.2. It is dangerous? Whether operation is shown to me? In advance I thank.

04.09.2006, 00:02
I assume, gynecologists will not respond to a question. The sizes of myomas, an exact locating, dynamics or changes of body height?

05.09.2006, 20:55
On the right int. Subsulfurs. Myomas. The site in diameter 3, 8 on 3, 2 sm - in March. In September - behind on the right int. Subsulfurs. Myomas. The site lowered ehogennosti 5, 1 on 3,7 sm, on a forward wall int. Myomas. 1 site, 4 sm adjoins a cavity of the uterus. The Cavity of the uterus is slightly deformed. The Small amount of a free liquid in a small basin on the right.
And more a question: and why gynecologists will not respond?

05.09.2006, 22:56
Now, after reduction of data, can respond. But variously.
The temperature has no attitude or relation to myomas more likely. Interest is caused with only submucous myoma. If there are no other complaints there will be the gynecologists, inclined to observe of process (it more often gynecologists with an endocrinologic or endocrinology bias), the some people will insist on operation, at times categorically.