Просмотр полной версии : Problems with appendages

17.08.2006, 13:39
Hello! At me already during three years of a problem with pridatkomi. Pereodicheski disturb pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly, sometimes vozhnikaet a sharp pain, twice after such pains laid in hospitals where have diagnosed a chronic inflammation of appendages. A floor of year back again pochuvchtvovala itself it is bad, besides have begun any krovennye allocation. The divisional genikolog has diagnosed - an exacerbation chronic vospolenija appendages though analyses were all good. In etozhe time has addressed in other clinic where has repeatedly handed over all analyses, including on hormones. As a result the doctor has told or said, that at me small hormonal failure, and the inflammation is not present. And now me krovennye allocation, pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly again began to disturb, the stomach or belly kak-as if has swelled. Pains always begin in the middle of a cycle. What to me to do or make? Zaranie thanks!!!