Просмотр полной версии : Cold and pregnancy

14.08.2006, 14:29
At me to you very important three for me a question. My usual cycle of 25 27 days (though last was 24 days). Gde-that with 13 go day of a cycle at me slime has gone, as always happens in the middle of a cycle, and on 16 j day there were strong pains (too for me the frequent phenomenon in the middle of a cycle, lasts 1, a maximum 2 days). On 16 j day of a cycle we with the husband had not protected sexual contacts (neither up to, nor after in this cycle was not). 1. Tell or say, please, at me very much the high probability to become pregnant? When, it turns out, I had an ovulation? 2. On 22 j day of a cycle at me cold (a rhinitis, a throat, the general or common delicacy, but temperatures are not present). Whether cold on this term if there was a conception is dangerous? 3. Whether it is possible for me to accept in this situation paratsetomol from cold or it is dangerous and better to apply kaike-that other agents (what it is possible)? Many thanks for the answer.