Просмотр полной версии : Krovjanistye allocation

20.07.2006, 01:02
Hello. To me of 18 years. Stsematicheski I am observed at the gynecologist, but now he in holiday. I had pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly and brownish allocation after petinga (kisses, stimulation through clothes) with my young man. What is it can be? I accept contraceptive tablets "Trikvalar", vaginalnogo sex never was. It disturbs me. I very much want sex but while there is no such opportunity. The orgasm at me was, at it or him - is not present. What with me? Whether there can be it very serious problems?

20.07.2006, 08:20
The reasons can be much.
For finding-out of the reason krovjanistyh vydeleny it is necessary to make a colposcopy is a survey under a microscope (for exception of a pathology of a vagina including traumas of a vagina) and to spend US of a small basin (for exception of a pathology of a uterus and appendages). To be surveyed on an infection (a smear by method PTSR and a blood on antibodies, bacteriological crop) for exception of an inflammation. Sometimes it is necessary to appoint or nominate hormonal inspection, sometimes inspection of coagulating system of a blood - gemostaziogrammu. Sometimes it is an attribute of cancer diseases.
The doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.