Просмотр полной версии : Apoplexy of an ovary?

16.07.2006, 01:18
Strong pain and gravity in the bottom of a stomach or belly, especially at walking; often it would be desirable in a toilet, thus there is a pain. Proceeds from 2-3 days about one week, passes or takes place itself". During one and a half years such happened or was possible three times. Last time - in the middle of a cycle, the others - I do not remember. For the first time the gynecologist has told or said, what is it nerves. In the third - other gynecologist - what is it an apoplexy of an ovary, has advised to use "regulon" or "novinet". (me 19, a menses 13 years, a sexual life with 16)
What is it can be? Whether it is necessary thus a medical care?
The information on an apoplexy of an ovary in interenete frightening enough.. Whether Something about operations, etc. Sootvetsvuet she of the validity?