Просмотр полной версии : Clamidiosis, mycoplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus, what in the beginning?

02.04.2006, 16:50
The dear doctor, prompt what to do or make. My problems last within 5 years and nobody can solve them. Now all under the order:
Vperye I was ill with genital herpes after the first sexual contact in 16 years. Treatment has passed or has taken place successfully. Treated usual ointments and trays or basins. In years 18 (now to me 22) me have found a mycoplasmosis in any state out-patient department. For a long time was - any more I do not remember, that was. It was treated in house conditions to that the doctor - a heap of antibiotics has painted, insteljatsy by Protargolum and nyxes. In some years, already being married has got to the private or individual doctor Central kozh.ven.dispansere. Having told him that at me was he has suggested to make the analysis only on a mycoplasmosis and has found it or him again. Treated besides and me both the husband silnyi antibiotics and procedures (too insteljatsii but any fat viscous or viscid preparation and it is simple shpritsom without a needle). We at all did not know, that is used in the treatment, what preparations. Then at me the cystitis has become aggravated and I have gone to other doctor on acquaintance in the medical center "Beacon". Treated longly - bezzrezultatno. All was restored in 2 weeks. Then was in private or individual clinic, there to me in general at survey have told or said, that at me all is normal, though I felt not so and then here recently have got in "Consultation". And there here this all ponahodili. Treated a cystitis - have not cured. To the general or common lcheniju did not pass, I can not be solved.
Did or Made DNA-diagnostics of infections.
To me revealed or taped antibodies IgG. Referentyj a limit (as there it is written) - 10 units
At me the Cytomegalovirus - 109, Herpes - 188, the Mycoplasma - 50, Chlamydias - 136, Trihomonaza - 9, Ureoplazma - 4. Here and so.
To the husband (to him 28)
Mycoplasma - 3, Ureoplazma - 8, Chlamydias - 2.
While to me treated a cystitis, cystoscopy has shown, that he virus (practically the same preparations, as before, the list is if it is necessary for specification), to the husband did or made prophylaxis of these three diseases, what as they have told or said to reduce them to a minimum. We have besides spent a great lot of money and poisoned or persecuted with its or his antibiotics.
At the husband all is normal, though and at the sexual certificate or act we are not protected.
At me - monthly not regular, at an emiction the constant burning sensation (always small but after I shall a little catch a cold or a bittern of alcohol, in general it becomes intolerable), after an emiction at once appears desire to descend or go still time, during the sexual certificate or act of a pain from a bladder. Sometimes acute pains below from the right party or side, giving to a leg or foot. Allocation without a smell, white, but not in strong a plenty. Sometimes there are cracks on genitals.
Prompt, that it is better to do or make. I already want the child, and doctors categorically in it or this refuse to me. I am afraid to break again to treatment, I can not already drink these antibiotics. All treatment continuing nearby 2- of months after 2- of weeks flies on smarku...

03.04.2006, 16:35
I do not know, whether there is now a mycoplasmosis or bacteriemic or bacterial infections, but similar problem in other. At you the virus infection and usual methods of treatment will not give result.
After detailed inspection on mycoplasmas and a tank. Crop I think you it will understand. At me many such patients who pass or take place constantly courses of antibiotics without effect.
Come from everywhere.
Virus infections
Virus infections can lead to chronic inflammatory processes of a uterus and a vagina, causing an itch, bleach, etc. Proceed it is long, undistinguishedly, with appearing sometimes and disappearing signs appearing sometimes. On their background local immunity decreases and join secondary (is conditional-pathogenic infections), such as a thrush (funguses), coccuses, E. coli.
It is necessary to make a colposcopy (survey under a microscope) for exception of condylomas and to hand over smears method PTSR, and also the analysis of a blood and urine on many kinds of viruses. At the close or attentive approach of the gynecologist, usually it manages to reveal the reason and to appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting treatment. Treatment long enough, but at patience of the doctor and the patient manages to achieve a positive take more often.
At pregnancy it can lead nevynashivaniju, failures of function of a placenta, a delay of a fetal fetation and to its or his destruction fetally.
Treatment and preparation up to pregnancy and special preventive courses of treatment during pregnancy is necessary.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.