Просмотр полной версии : poluobmorochnoe a status in the first day monthly

Natalia N
06.02.2006, 09:34
With this problem the gynecologist sends me to the therapist, and the therapist back to the gynecologist.
I shall set this question in some branches.

Last 3 years sometimes (not always) in the first day monthly, at the beginning when still weak allocation, I have such status: pulse becomes rare or infrequent 48-52-55-60 impacts in a minute (it that usually pulse at me frequent 84-86 sometimes happens palpitation, and within 12 years I sometimes accept anaprilin on 10 mg at attacks or courses, last year daily in a small dose konkor (bisoprolol) 1.25 mg - all to destination the doctor with diagnosis NTSD, VSD.).
At such pulse pressure can be and 120/80 and 150/100. A status awful, arms or hand, legs or foots and a nose grow cold, arms or hand pricks "igolochkami", it would be desirable to lay down, pulls to a floor, in opinion of there can be a darkness with gold front sights as at falling in syncopes. In a syncope never at such status fell. Called in fast, speak, anything you will not make, cause us.
Further pains begin, they can be strong, and I assume, what is it reaction to a pain (a spastic stricture?). Or when pains absolutely not strong, therefore it is not clear, why there is such reaction.
I accept 1 tablet Ketonala, the pain passes or takes place, it would be desirable to sleep, then pulse as though even it becomes too unpleasant speeded up.
The gynecologist shrugs brachiums, and advises to go to the therapist. Well if pains strong poprinimajte here new here to us advertise or promote medicine Nimesil. The therapist unequivocally directs or refers back to the gynecologist.
The variant with drink in advance ketonala under the scheme or plan 2 days up to monthly does not approach or suit, since a cycle absolutely irregular. On what such status depends, I shall not understand, since even after stresses or the big break monthly (there were 3 months) and suspicion on an inflammation - absolutely painless were.
For half a year I was surveyed often, NMTS, erosion shm, SPKJA that under? That do not put, US before and after mesjach. - in one out-patient department constantly norm or rate, in another constantly write - the volume of one ovary up to 11.4 (norm or rate up to 10 sm3) is increased, but in dynamics or changes of a cyst is not present, hormones 10 years I hand over periodically (norm or rate), infections are not present, hormones appoint or nominate at NMTS to me yet do not want, advise mastodinon to try or taste, and in general the gynecologist speaks, that I almost healthy person , to not trust it is impossible, since the doctor - zav.ginek.otdeleniem.
It is necessary to note, that time two food poisoning when the stomach or belly hurted or was ill;was sick, the status was similar, with poholodeniem, a cold fit and jolting. Whether it is similar to individual reaction of an organism?
Question: what is it? the individual. Reaction to a pain? A painful shock? How it to remove or take out? To itself to go?

09.02.2006, 15:27
In absentia to tell or say it is impossible.
Unequivocally, that as you describe these attack are connected with hormonal peaks, therefore ginekolog-the endocrinologist (as a cycle irregular) here together with the cardiologist can spend detailed enough inspection For revealing the reason.

The doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

13.02.2006, 14:48
are connected with hormonal peaks

32 g and years 10 I periodically hand over to me these or it dorogushchie hormones on 7 for time.