Просмотр полной версии : Advice or Council of the professional is necessary!

13.02.2006, 10:55
My wife is ill or sick with a myelosyringosis.
She is already pregnant.
What consequences for the child and for the wife can be?
At it or her progress is observed.
In the summer badly felt only the right arm or hand, already both arms or hand and legs or foots at times slightly lose sensitivity.
The neck hardly is truncated also slightly funneled or funnel breast a strong scoliosis.
Whether illness or disease of the wife can be reflected in the child?
Whether there is a sense to think of abortion?
To us have told or said, what not everyone will undertake us and if to give birth or travail to that only by means of cesarean.
Please, write detailed answers to questions.
You can write, that we went to the doctor, etc., but what for then a forum?
At us small small town and medicine it is badly developed.
Respond please to my questions.
In advance I thank.