Просмотр полной версии : Pains in a belly-button at pregnancy

11.01.2006, 14:48
Duration of gestation of 20 weeks, for this time has typed or collected 10 kg of weight, the stomach or belly is already visible from apart, on US - the child develops normally. Recently have started to disturb pains in the field of a belly-button... At times very strong. With what it can be connected?
Whether such set of weight is not too dangerous?

13.01.2006, 12:09
Hello! The increase of mass of a body after 20 week of pregnancy is considered superfluous. It is fraught with edemas (can be, the so-called "latent" edemas), development of a toxicosis pregnant 2 half of pregnancy (that doctors name a nephropathy). It can be display of " the latent diabetes mellitis ", Diabetum of pregnant women.
So, it is better to you to come on reception and consultation of the doctor. I shall be glad to you to help or assist. Come!

Yours faithfully, the doctor the -gynecologist Navolotskaja Oksana Mihajlovna