Просмотр полной версии : Klostilbegit, Uzi and how all to understand?

23.08.2005, 16:16
Good afternoon, on 16 d.ts. At stimulation klostilbegitom, 2-nd cycle on 50 mg. In day with 5 on 9 d.ts. uzi has shown, in the right ovary folikully up to 9, in left 10-11. endometry up to 8 mm. Thus a small uterus. On 21 d.ts. Pink botched work (usually cycle 26 dn, but on a background djufastona with 15 on 25 d.ts has begun. On 2 t. In day) this month I did not apply it or him, the doctor have cancelled. Then lungs of allocation in current of 2 days and everything, is usual 5 dn. A plentiful menses. On 26 d.ts. Or already on 4? I do not understand, was on US and has shown sl. A picture: Left I-to folikuly up to 8, right I-to f- up to and dominant or prepotent 15 (!) (on 4-that put), endometry 8 mm. The sizes of a uterus 51*36*51. How to me now to consider or count a cycle? In general spoke about SPKJA, and in September offered a laparoscopy and after that US the doctor has begun to doubt and has given klostilbegit on 100. And with 12.. On 26.. urozhestan. Whether the rights the doctor? Whether costs or stands to me stimullirovatsja why the uterus has suddenly grown? Thanks.

24.08.2005, 12:48
Uterus not small!!! At such sizes on a background of stimulation it is norm or rate. If you did or made a roentgen of a uterus for check of permeability of pipes I think with a laparoscopy it is necessary to wait.
Hardly at you a polycystosis of ovaries at a regular cycle.
It is enough seryoznoe disease and for its or his acknowledgement or confirmation it is required not only US, but also detailed hormonal inspection. Often on US write - multifollicular ovaries that is not separate disease, and can be only an attribute hormonal disbalansa, as a rule not demanding treatment.
About the beginning of a menses it is necessary to address to the doctor.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.