Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy after cesarean...?!

12.04.2005, 19:13
I duplicate here the topic. Girls! Advice or councils and your experience are urgently necessary! Small 1,5 years. Today I have learned or have found out, that is pregnant (somewhere 6 weeks if to consider or count from monthly). The first labors were cesarean (because of bad patrimonial activity - gave birth or travailled nearby 15- hours). To tell the truth, planned after the second. Now I face to a choice: to leave or not?! To myself I am surprised and am horrified, but overweight aside is not present.. T.k.:

1. I am afraid awfully (it was serious after the first operation),

2. Not enough time has passed or has taken place (the doctor like would speak - year 3 should pass or take place (?!)

3. I know, that pogodki as a rule one floor (but it not the main thing!)

4. It is necessary to work (serious firm holds for me a place)

5. It would be desirable, that the first podros slightly

6. Only has departed from feeding and pochustvovala itself the woman and the person ((has gone on sports, has started to grow thin, etc.)

In general I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO or MAKE?! I the doctor has left somewhere for holiday (there is no opportunity with her to communicate) it is necessary to search urgently for other doctor - on it time is necessary - washing me knew inside out, and how with new?!

There were not clearly whence undertaken pavors (from just read through topic about KS), that the seam can miss and t.p.... And, speak, at 2-nd cesarean anesthesia does not operate or work (more correctly badly operates or works) and is audible all process of operation (?!) - I am not ready even to this repetition (me at the first zapichkali Taaakim kol- ++ - have told or said " a low painful threshold "!!

Girls, lovely who here is with not one cesarean? How it passes or takes place?! Through what time? Whether up to the extremity or end informed? Or someone was necessary to do or make failure?

10.08.2005, 16:46
Know, at us in Russia doctors consider or count it, that after cesarean to become pregnant it is impossible 3 years. At us and on the account put in 7-8 weeks, not earlier. And in Germany for example on the account put directly right after delays in 4-5 weeks. Also in Geramnii 3 years after the first cesarean Do not consider it necessary to wait!!!! I do not know as most to it or these to concern, but I have some "German" examples. One lady has given birth 3 cesarean and children were almost pogodki one after another. My good girlfriend has given birth 2 cesarean. The second zaberemenila when to the first there were 10 months. And all at it or her is good. Doctors have told or said, that it is possible for 3-rd to get or start. And in Russia doctors speak, that the woman can only 2 give birth cesarean.

You will need to observe of a status of a uterus on US, and that it only is closer to the extremity or end of term. Then beforehand to lay down in hospital (it is usual in 38 weeks) and to you again will make cesarean on an old seam. And can you and by own strength again will try to give birth.

Your doctor in holiday, but in fact he will soon come.

I so have understood, that to you did or made operation under the general or common narcosis and you are afraid TO HEAR operation. But in fact epidural it is better than a full narcosis!!! The girlfriend told, that is not terrible at all. And she the coward at me, is afraid of a pain. Before you an obex you will put also will see nothing.

So to solve to you and only to you - to leave the child or not! The Main thing define or determine for itself, whether like All of you heart of this child!

The floor of children does not depend on them "pogodkosti". The floor is defined or determined by the man, instead of the woman.

I wish to be defined or determined somewhat quicker.

All at you will turn out!!!