Просмотр полной версии : Cauterization of erosion and unpleasant problemki after

27.05.2005, 03:31
It was necessary prizhech erosion, now has faced a problem vydeleny and a unpleasant smell from them. As I have understood, while all will not begin to live, and should be. But! This smell.

Girls who collided or faced with it or this, prompt, how struggled with a problem?

05.06.2005, 16:35
And than cauterized? The laser?

Strange, any smell was not.

Vydeleny too.

Here the bleeding-yes, in 7-10 days as well as was warned by the doctor.

05.06.2005, 19:42
No, not the laser just. And then, me in general about what have not warned, it was necessary to ask the girlfriend as it or her was.

11.06.2005, 19:51
As I have understood, while all will not begin to live, and should be.

No so should not be, on extreme a measure at me such after cauterization by liquid nitrogen was not. Most likely, it is two different problems, erosion and a certain infection (the reason vydeleny) which aggravated erosion and which should be found out still, having handed over analyses and to treat.

23.06.2005, 08:48
It or Her, it not an infection, it vodichka such after cauterization leaves, here on the bill it or her has warned the doctor. But that is why it badly smells? To me electrocauterization did or made. And before cauterization I analyses have handed over all what only it was possible. All ok.

23.06.2005, 10:23
To me did or made by the laser, vodichki was a little, the smell was not.

To me the doctor has told or said Miramistinom there itself to water, that God forbid an infection what to not pick up.

Whether I know polzujutes you it or him. Try or taste. But it is better to ask the doctor certainly.

25.06.2005, 10:03
Too it seems that is better at the doctor to consult.

01.07.2005, 15:06
Too it seems to me, that it is better to ask the doctor. At me was "vodichka", but it or her was not too much, and a smell it was not precisely absolute any.

06.07.2005, 18:27
Tell or Say, please, and it is sick, to cauterize erosion? And that too is necessary to me this procedure.

18.07.2005, 00:56
In general so, called to the doctor, she has told or said all OK. And should be. Now the question as with a smell to struggle a pancake.

, No, not painfully absolutely as do or make anesthesia. I did or made in good clinic, instead of in wives. Consultations.

23.07.2005, 18:50
To me electrocauterization did or made.

In vain. After it or him cicatrixes remain.

Generally, not given birth or not travailled it is not recommended to do or make electrocauterization. And given birth or travailled it is not necessary. All the same nitrogen or the laser much less travmatichno. And electrocauterization is a yesterday.

Julia Vedenina
28.07.2005, 21:27
I join a question. Painfully? And how much on time will heal?

01.08.2005, 11:35
How anesthesia do or make?

To me Solkovaginom cauterized, did not begin to do or make anesthesia.

04.08.2005, 09:01
Obezbalivali all over again an aerosol or a spray, then a nyxis have made. Will heal 1,5 months nebolno absolutely.

Spoke on the bill of nitrogen and the laser. The doctor has told or said that many then after them have an erosion again. It is its or her personal statistics.


Spoke on the bill of nitrogen and the laser. The doctor has told or said that many then after them have an erosion again. It is its or her personal statistics.

05.08.2005, 19:05
After cauterization Solkovaginom in the first day were rather plentiful allocation, but neither a smell, nor after-hour bleedings were not.

And it is sick, to cauterize erosion?



Obezbalivali all over again an aerosol or a spray, then a nyxis have made.

Where a nyxis - in shejku uteruses?!

It is impossible to anesthetize there anything - unless epiduralkoj!

Spoke on the bill of nitrogen and the laser. The doctor has told or said that many then after them have an erosion again. It is its or her personal statistics.

After ANY cauterization erosion appears again. Because excision is not treatment.

Erosion is a consequence or an investigation. Silly to influence it or her. While the reason is not eliminated or erased;removed, erosion will appear. By the way, she is absolutely not hazardous to health.

I terribly regret, that have given in to the panic imposed by doctors and have allowed to excruciate myself.

06.08.2005, 09:17
I too regret (though was not sick to me absolutely). Simply now disturbs the fact of this senseless intervention. Thanks God, now from erosion from from treatment does not remain also a trace - the doctor (already another) speaks.

06.08.2005, 20:14

You, excuse, carry such bosh... Erosion-it or -this;-thus basically and not erosion, that is it not defect mucous, and replacement with her of the necessary epithelium so we shall tell or say, unnecessary. This is dangerous bother that the normal epithelium tries to supersede "abnormal", there is a metaplasia, and on its or her place can be formed rachok. I Specify-can, but unessentially it will make. To treat it or her or to not treat, the doctor solves. Now consider or count, that it is better to observe erosion, periodically doing or making a colposcopy with a biopsy.

Consequence or Investigation of that is erosion, to anybody is plainly not clear, therefore that there it is necessary to cure to clean or remove erosion, too it is not known.

And to anesthetize shejku there is no sense, on her there are no painful receptors

09.08.2005, 06:06
Cauterized ozotom. The doctor at once has warned about the subsequent vydelenijah with a unpleasant smell

It was sick... But all is tolerant.

10.08.2005, 02:56
Most likely, it is two different problems, erosion and a certain infection (the reason vydeleny) which aggravated erosion and which should be found out still, having handed over analyses and to treat.

At me when did or made cauterization... On that momen infections were not any. So, that... Still a question from what allocation.

10.08.2005, 06:20
Well and in what there was a bosh? You of anything have not told or said more cleverly.

10.08.2005, 11:56
To me have told or said, that if to not cauterize. Instead of to pay attention, can pererasti in a cancer, and then-...

Cauterization still is necessary to me, so better, more qualitatively and more without serious consequences: nitrogen or the laser. And where it is better? In consultation or in paid clinic. The matter is that 2 years ago in paid me have put to filch, and erosion have passed or missed, whereas one month before in consultation saw erosion as it was found out on records, but to me why that have not informed. And more, how to make, that erosion later again was not showed??

10.08.2005, 12:30
Now too this problem disturbs me.

At me small errozija, and she that disappears, appears again.. (Though to me it is strange - where she can disappear?)... But years to 15 me speak, that she at me tiny...

To cauterize do not offer. Speak, it is necessary to observe time in half a year. But it all the same excites me... I do not like. That I had something NOT SO...

More shortly, I do not know while what to do or make. I am better prizhgla and would forget about it or this...

10.08.2005, 13:57
Whether and me only that each time at survey vrachiha smears with an iodine. And something can and not an iodine, but there on a rod. It is sensitive at once burns, and then anything and any consequences.