Просмотр полной версии : PMS. What to do or make?

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28.10.2004, 17:13
The premenstrual syndrome is that nightmare which I do not know as to stop. Days for 10 prior to the beginning of a menses start to rush on people with unreasonable demands, to be angry, irritated or bitterly to cry. Attempts to take in arms or hand in what do not result or bring. Can, somebody will prompt - what to do or make? In fact there live somehow other women...

29.10.2004, 07:40
Whether takes a place to be the constant partner? If is not present, its or his purchase can improve a situation a little. And in general - I recommend to visit or attend the doctor. It is necessary to concern to health more closely or attentively. And the reasons can be different...


Sergey a.k.a. James John Dark

30.10.2004, 22:17

The constant partner takes place to be - I married. Doctors as one, register valerjanku and Leonurus.

Heard, that there is any weakening or relaxing gymnastics. Can, someone knows about her?

03.11.2004, 16:46

You are not lonely in the sufferings. PMS each woman (behind small exception) tests to some extent almost. Also it is connected with hormonal reorganization of an organism (equilibrium between estrogens and Progesteronum is broken) that leads to disturbance of a water-salt exchange. And to excess of water in an organism was acutely reacts nervous and vascular systems. By the way excess of estrogen decays in a liver and is deduced or removed through kidneys. If at you strongly pronounced PMS - check up a liver. There are general or common references which will not do much harm:

1) for 2 weeks reduce quantity or amount of drunk water;

2) reduce consumption salt, coffee, tea;

3) drink diuretic grasses (instead of coffee and tea);

4) use vitamins A, In.

In COSMO (October, 1997) is clause or article about PMS with spets. Exercises


07.11.2004, 08:57
Yes, about coffee, tea and salt - it absolutely agree - rather I recommend to limit - as well as acute seasonings. Valeriana and Leonurus is better to use natural (to make), to not use spirituous tinctures and tablets.

Whenever possible it is necessary to go to pool (if there are no medical contraindications) - strongly improves state of health.

And still I recommend to descend or go to the GOOD doctor. At least, to make analyses and US.


Sergey a.k.a. James John Dark

09.11.2004, 10:48
Suffered the same long time.

After began for 5 to drink days diuretic and 2 once a day to go on aerobics - as an arm or a hand has removed or has taken off.

By the way, all dorogennye vitamins and patentovannye agents which to me were registered by doctors, were, as dead proparks.

And efficient advice or councils was given not by the gynecologist, and the neuropathologist. If in a head beats - better to it or him;them.

Serg Golubev
10.11.2004, 19:24

Thanks for advice or council. Only a little has not understood - 2 times a day on aerobics constantly?

13.11.2004, 20:55
Find good naturopata and solve problems in a complex. Grasses the-same medicines. There are also contraindications. The idea about check on uzi is quite good, but not always it shows all. Therefore also I speak-search the expert. There are such things as iridodiagnostika, analie an alive blood. But all piece that this way is more difficult, t.k.chtoby

To solve problems with health natural methods, will have much to work above itself. And with usual medicine like easier- tablet the order. I do not advise to drink hormones even if your doctor will recommend.

15.11.2004, 20:04
Aerobics 2 times a week, certainly. If 2 times a day to persist in, it is better PMS.

2 the CAT Advice or Councils good, but approach or suit women who very much like to be treated and surveyed.

19.11.2004, 10:39
Who as struggles with it or him?? I these days simply die of depression... Nothing would be desirable....

22.11.2004, 04:39
Very important role during this period is played with an eutrophy.

It is necessary to eat many vegetables, fruit (apples and grapes are especially good), porridge, bread from a flour or torment of a rasping grinding.

To exclude from a ration fat nutrition (meat and eggs), sweets (especially fat), alcohol, coffee, chocolate. It is Less than everyones majonezov and fat sauces. It is necessary to limit the use salt also Saccharum, to drink more waters and juices.

I recommend to esteem January issue Shape - in him very detailed clause or article on this subject.

25.11.2004, 17:54
I am perplexed really it is impossible to supervise myself these days? I half a year ogrebaju from liked for each trifle For example, today have received that at it or her herpes. Strains a little though I realize, what is it cannot become the reason of divorce in any way.

30.11.2004, 05:37
In my opinion it is impossible to supervise:-(But it is possible to have a drink restful travki. It helps or assists. And still my love stirring or chattering with the friend who quarreled at this time with the wife vvydal: " And you about PMS recollect, the life will much easier seem:-) " Was available in view of - well any delirium on it to write off or copy " So can Kimura and to you slightly a position to replace?

04.12.2004, 13:52
And me the neuropathologist has advised for nedelku to drink slabomochegonnoe. That the liquid on brains did not press. Helps or assists.

05.12.2004, 10:18
And at me during this period, "activity"-th increases or is enlarged become irritable and many great victories, I am obliged to this status... I become disputed, I swing or pump the rights Many premiums and service movings-th is obliged PMS.V a normal status I hate conflicts and silent Advantage or Benefit to me from it or him mass! BUT all over again I longly could not understand that I fly into a rage?

08.12.2004, 17:15
It is possible to bring the 2 cents with a nonconventional method?

There is at me a friend, lives in other country. I somehow from it or her receive a N-mail about that it or her "kolbasit" and as associates suffer from it or this.

I, not departing from cash department (soap tray), have spent a small remote session, using technics or technical equipment REJKI - and otpisal to her next day about it or this. In day has received its or her letter, that all boring and zamorochki that day as an arm or a hand has removed or has taken off from it or her. And has removed or has taken off still before she has received my letter where I have told or said that has worked. So it not a self-suggestion.

What think?

Lady in Red
09.12.2004, 05:59

Type " I shall remove or I shall take off decay on distance "?:-)))

10.12.2004, 18:56

[It is corrected: ?a??-th (12-02-2001).]

[It is corrected: ?a??-th (12-02-2001).]

13.12.2004, 09:10
, nea, to " I Remove or I Take out. Decay. " This attitude or relation has no. I worked on achievement of harmony, and it has helped or assisted her with the given situation. It in general individually enough.

16.12.2004, 05:32
Has understood.

" I shall guide harmony on distance on the Internet ". Abruptly. I appreciate.

Drinking-bouts you remove or you take out? Wreaths of a celibacy?

16.12.2004, 16:29
On me he terribly operates or works, this PMS. Every month the same. Character becomes simply intolerable. My friend while suffers or bears. But whether its or his patience for a long time will suffice?! And this time this depression and has not passed or has not taken place, now I sit and I think, can and in vain I dump on PMS. Napridumyvali we to itself of excuses. It is necessary nevertheless somehow itself in arms or hand to hold.

20.12.2004, 05:08
, I remove or take out nothing from women - I wait, while will descend or go itself () Zhvanetsky.

If it is serious, I am not engaged in healing at a professional level - so, only for myself and few friends. But in the help I refuse to nobody; I usually feel, whether my help is necessary, and whether I can help or assist the concrete person with a concrete case.

Therefore, unfortunately, to your question I can not respond - I did not collide or face with such cases.

Frolov And
23.12.2004, 08:16

It was the malicious joke. It is pleasant, when the person does not take offence

23.12.2004, 17:28
Glandular preparations attempt (fenjuls, for example)... Also have a drink pustyrnichek... And in general still I advise these days more activly to go in for sports, since there are many androgens in a blood, and on trainings ustanesh - forces will not be on depression or a rage)))

26.12.2004, 11:46
, But-thy! And that I shall bewitch all princes and Ivanushek that they by a bog shot!