Просмотр полной версии : ureoplazma again: (

09.01.2005, 16:44
Some times on a smear it was found out ureoplazma and a mycoplasma, treated different schemes or plans.

Today has received the analysis of a blood: ureoplazma IgG-0,29 koef.pozitivnosti, and ureoplazma IgM-0,17. Mycoplasma IgG and IgM-result negative.

At me it is some or a little bit questions:

1. The partner to check it is necessary? The Smear or a blood to hand over?

2. Whether it is necessary to hand over any else analyses?

3. Advise, please, the scheme or plan of treatment.


17.01.2005, 05:37
It is necessary to pass or take place treatment together with the partner. I handed over only a smear. And the scheme or plan of treatment individually. In female consultation genikolog has painted treatment to me already for 2 months, not having made thus on sensitivity to .1,5 month I which as have sustained analyses (from antibiotics have occured or happened strong oslobevanie an organism, all two months was ill or sick with cold, laid with temperature 3 about that that I have interrupted a course she have started to yell, that I do not wish to be treated. Has decided to not follow its or her courses of treatment. On following weeks I go to a paid out-patient department. And I would hear the first time that one course was 2 months, read about it or this in the basic 2 weeks much.

28.01.2005, 06:46
It is necessary to pass or take place treatment together with the partner. I handed over only a smear. And the scheme or plan of treatment individually. In female consultation genikolog has painted treatment to me already for 2 months, not having made thus on sensitivity to .1,5 month I which as have sustained analyses (from antibiotics have occured or happened strong oslobevanie an organism, all two months was ill or sick with cold, laid with temperature 3 about that that I have interrupted a course she have started to yell, that I do not wish to be treated. Has decided to not follow its or her courses of treatment. On following weeks I go to a paid out-patient department. And I would hear the first time that one course was 2 months, read about it or this in the basic 2 weeks much.

Izolda, thanks for the answer.

I.e. necessarily still I should hand over the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics, correctly?

And I already am silent, why all this time the doctor words have not told or said about treatment of the partner...

12.02.2005, 00:23
Videmo I did not accept what that an antibiotic, therefore that effective it would be necessary to hand over treatment on sensitivity. And here treatment of both partners necessarily. Otherwise any result. During to be protected by a condom and to exclude oral caress. By the way at the partner can not be this infection. It depends from imunnoj systems.

05.03.2005, 08:11
On sensitivity to antibiotics to what should hand over the analysis?

There is an idle time - a smear from a vagina, and is complex - from a urethra, vlagalishchi and the cervical channel.

And for the husband - it is enough to make a smear on ureoplazmu or it is necessary at once and on any other viruses? Or lushe a blood to hand over?

27.03.2005, 14:13
As sdaetsja on sensitivity I do not know the analysis, only I am going to to go in paid in this occasion. Itself already asked a question on this subject, but that that nobody has responded. My partner handed over analyses on all to an infection, took a smear. And you longly passed or took place course of treatment?

05.04.2005, 22:32
Devulki, and whether it is necessary in general ureoplazmu to treat, if she does not disturb? At me somehow too found, but vrachiha to treat does not hurry, and at me any signs. On what is it it can be reflected?

26.04.2005, 06:29
In many places read that if she not prevyshant norm or rate that to treat it or her it is not necessary. I the doctor has frightened me having told or said that if I zaberemeniju not having cured it or her the child to be born with teratisms. The infection too does not disturb me. But recently was in hospital, did or made laproskopiju (the obstruction of a pipe was), a pipe have cleaned. Whether and here now I think from for this infection at me there were solderings in pipes. Speak what is it probably.

14.05.2005, 19:54
Ureoplazma - an infectious disease, a cat. In due course passes in the chronic form. Can cause or call sterility or barrenness, and if zaberemenneli it is fraught with an abortion or premature birth or births. If pregnancy is born normally (all depends on immunity), that is risk of infection of a fetus at passage through patrimonial ways. Vobshchem, it to not eat well. It is necessary to treat though to cure this infection extremely difficultly. Here

09.06.2005, 07:25
Some times on a smear it was found out ureoplazma and a mycoplasma, treated different schemes or plans.

Today has received the analysis of a blood: ureoplazma IgG-0,29 koef.pozitivnosti, and ureoplazma IgM-0,17. Mycoplasma IgG and IgM-result negative.

Today with these analyses went to the doctor, and, it appears, what exactly these results speak that mycoplasmas, ureoplazmy at me are not present!

I.e. she once was, therefore there are antibodies to ureoplazme, but now it or her is not present and there is nothing to treat, hence!!!


10.08.2005, 06:22
I congratulate!