Просмотр полной версии : Purgation

26.02.2005, 00:32
At me a dysbacteriosis, did or made the analysis in gynecology, I shall hand over now from the basic area (well it that beautifully sounded)...

I understand, that all the subsequent treatments (antibiotics, or -preparations, or something another) will be useless, if I shall not spend cleaning an organism (beginning or starting, naturally, from an intestine).

Prompt, please, somebody did or made such cleaning?

How she is done or made also what results?

02.03.2005, 00:18
It is not necessary any cleanings, from antibiotics and so the dysbacteriosis of an intestine will be and if eshyo before these or it;this specially all to break or disturb och longly to restore flora pridyotstsa.

07.03.2005, 09:17
Then what to do or make???

The dysbacteriosis is, even to gynecology gives...

10.03.2005, 16:17
treskat cars fibrous fruit-vegetables (apples with a peel, a green string bean, kotore all that is) and to wash down all with bioyogurts vprikusku with bifidobakterijami in tablets. Vegetative fibers proskrebut and bacteria a microflora will restore an intestine. In house conditions such program quite vypolnimo as summer on a nose, fruit of vegetables buit fill up

17.03.2005, 02:07
First it is necessary to restore flora of an intestine, and then already to be cleaned (if want, certainly). And that all of you the remained bacteria this cleaning will wash up Have a drink bifidum, helps or assists. I, by the way, recently cleaned all system - and an intestine, a stomach, both kidneys, and a liver. 12 days sat on a diet and drank minerals. Has grown thin for 3 kg and I feel it is remarkable

21.03.2005, 11:51
All over again it is necessary to restore flora of an intestine, and then already to be cleaned (if want, certainly). And that all of you the remained bacteria this cleaning will wash up Have a drink bifidum, helps or assists. I, by the way, recently cleaned all system - and an intestine, a stomach, both kidneys, and a liver. 12 days sat on a diet and drank minerals. Has grown thin for 3 kg and I feel it is remarkable

And what for a diet?

28.03.2005, 00:42
All over again it is necessary to restore flora of an intestine, and then already to be cleaned (if want, certainly). And that all of you the remained bacteria this cleaning will wash up Have a drink bifidum, helps or assists. I, by the way, recently cleaned all system - and an intestine, a stomach, both kidneys, and a liver. 12 days sat on a diet and drank minerals. Has grown thin for 3 kg and I feel it is remarkable

And what for a diet?

Kandskaja Wild Rose De-Tox program

28.03.2005, 18:49
All over again it is necessary to restore flora of an intestine, and then already to be cleaned (if want, certainly). And that all of you the remained bacteria this cleaning will wash up Have a drink bifidum, helps or assists. I, by the way, recently cleaned all system - and an intestine, a stomach, both kidneys, and a liver. 12 days sat on a diet and drank minerals. Has grown thin for 3 kg and I feel it is remarkable

And what for a diet?

Kandskaja Wild Rose De-Tox program

Oh svjat-...

And is easier?

30.03.2005, 14:04
All over again it is necessary to restore flora of an intestine, and then already to be cleaned (if want, certainly). And that all of you the remained bacteria this cleaning will wash up Have a drink bifidum, helps or assists. I, by the way, recently cleaned all system - and an intestine, a stomach, both kidneys, and a liver. 12 days sat on a diet and drank minerals. Has grown thin for 3 kg and I feel it is remarkable

And what for a diet?

Kandskaja Wild Rose De-Tox program

Oh svjat-...

And is easier?

Detox is a type e, toxins from an organism deduces or removes. There three jars with tablets, and one with droplets you Accept all this two times a day, thus sitting on a diet. Grechka, vegetables it is more preferable; it is impossible milk or dairy, sweet, flour. In a toilet you run time 5 per day But you grow thin and you are cleared More clearly a little bit?

30.03.2005, 20:13
aaaaa, tabletochki, jasnenko..

kada for a long time in a beauty salon where I worked, girls poocheredi went in one wonderful place, type the medical center on purification or ablution of an organism, somewhere under Peter where for a week grew thin on 7 kg. Guzzled salad leaves, beskontsa clysters and tolchek, special medicines. Spoke a drain of dung followed! And stones left kidneys! Came pink aki mladenchiki. Here to find schas such center... Probably it is time

31.03.2005, 05:23
aaaaa, tabletochki, jasnenko..

kada for a long time in a beauty salon where I worked, girls poocheredi went in one wonderful place, type the medical center on purification or ablution of an organism, somewhere under Peter where for a week grew thin on 7 kg. Guzzled salad leaves, beskontsa clysters and tolchek, special medicines. Spoke a drain of dung followed! And stones left kidneys! Came pink aki mladenchiki. Here to find schas such center... Probably it is time

Probably, this same, only it is possible to do or make houses By the way, mum spoke me, that at you Russian abstersive or cleaning tabletochki are on sale. The same principle, as those Canadian on which I sat.

01.04.2005, 23:46
Probably, this same, only it is possible to do or make houses By the way, mum spoke me, that at you Russian abstersive or cleaning tabletochki are on sale. The same principle, as those Canadian on which I sat.

Aha, are on sale, BADy medicines and alimentary additives are called, type it not, therefore do not pass or take place such serious control as medicine. And people drink and are poisoned or persecuted. Heard to forbid want this business. And from the present or true medicines abstersive or cleaning a current laxatives, streskal tabletochku and pzhalsta full abstersive or cleaning effect.

09.04.2005, 12:12
Now very activly advertise or promote gidrokolonoterapiju.

I understand, that in a more way to the bill it is a clyster.

But in advertising paint, that an intestine ochishaetsja from toxins etc., etc. After procedure do or make restoration of a microflora. Precisely I do not know, but I assume, that is rectal enter to - that similar bacteria, restoring that flora.

Even in advertising speak, that after such procedure any medicamental treatment will be more effective.

That is in advertising, as always all is beautiful.

Try or Taste, and to us then tell.

18.04.2005, 00:14
On ento a lavage I would go to last turn... I saw this probe which on the tonsils put... A gloom, etozh torture as on kol to plant or put it is better than a clyster of the house. By the way I kosmetologsha takes a great interest or is fond in nonconventional medicine, she advised clysters with own mochej to put, type super-purification or super-ablution. But che I disdain

27.04.2005, 02:52
Here all the same I do not understand:

The dysbacteriosis (with sootvetsvujushchimi bacteria) is, treat it kindly antibiotics...

Antibiotics kill flora which then is complex or difficult for restoring...

So to do or make???

01.05.2005, 18:50
On ento a lavage I would go to last turn... I saw this probe which on the tonsils put... A gloom, etozh torture as on kol to plant or put it is better than a clyster of the house. By the way I kosmetologsha takes a great interest or is fond in nonconventional medicine, she advised clysters with own mochej to put, type super-purification or super-ablution. But che I disdain

To me too about it told, that super. But I am better as nibud without it or this I shall live... Besides, it or her it is necessary to collect - pair litres... sorri....

10.05.2005, 15:42
I in February did or made gidrokolonoterapiju - zamuchali problems with an intestine, all was reflected in a skin ugly

The doctor to me at once has told or said, that all over again - to clean, potom-to treat!

No trouble in it or this is not present (I too shivered before the first session, even temku here opened). Unpleasantly, no more that.

Result impressing enough! Has grown thin for 1,5 kg (though it was not the purpose), has got rid of gravity and other unpleasant sensations in a stomach or belly, the skin has sharply improved.

16.05.2005, 01:52
I in February did or made gidrokolonoterapiju - zamuchali problems with an intestine, all was reflected in a skin ugly

The doctor to me at once has told or said, that all over again - to clean, potom-to treat!

No trouble in it or this is not present (I too shivered before the first session, even temku here opened). Unpleasantly, no more that.

Result impressing enough! Has grown thin for 1,5 kg (though it was not the purpose), has got rid of gravity and other unpleasant sensations in a stomach or belly, the skin has sharply improved.

And how sensations during procedure? Not painfully? On a kind strashnenko looks or appears

21.05.2005, 19:59
I in February did or made gidrokolonoterapiju - zamuchali problems with an intestine, all was reflected in a skin ugly

The doctor to me at once has told or said, that all over again - to clean, potom-to treat!

No trouble in it or this is not present (I too shivered before the first session, even temku here opened). Unpleasantly, no more that.

Result impressing enough! Has grown thin for 1,5 kg (though it was not the purpose), has got rid of gravity and other unpleasant sensations in a stomach or belly, the skin has sharply improved.

How much procedures to you did or made? Well in sense that the effect was (basically about a skin)?

I thought, that one ekzekutsii has enough.

23.05.2005, 00:44
Girls, looking through a subject should respond!


Yes, it is very effective, very much clears but how to be spoken " one lechit-another will cripple! ".

My mum works in hospital and already for a long time, about 5 years ago told history, that to them have brought the man, at mors, a cat have removed or have taken off directly (sorry) from a toilet bowl, he to itself(himself) with mochej has made a clyster! He much also was sharply cleared, the organism did not expect and has given failure!!

If wish mochej to be cleared, it is necessary on pervosti to stir or prevent to her with water and that waters was in 2-3 times more, then gradually to pass to cleaning exclusively on "urinary" cleanings!

26.05.2005, 06:28
The usual course consists of 4-5 procedures, depending on zashlakovanosti an intestine. To me did or made 6, but at me there problems were

It is not sick! Unpleasantly a little, but no trouble

Procedure lasts 35-40 minutes After that 1,5 hours are desirable to eat, to not smoke and for not drinking spirtonogo. Before it or this for the night it is necessary to drink aktivirovanogo some coal and for 2 hours to eat nothing.

During all process it is better poberech a stomach from acute, fat, sweet and spirtnogogo. Is kashek more

But it as a whole even a diet it is impossible to name, and on health it is well reflected!

And on a skin amazing action renders (including a dandruff, razradzhenija, pryshchiki, a complexion, fat content - all!!!)

12.06.2005, 20:43
For a long time I read about different kinds of purification or ablution, but bojazno somehow. It would not be desirable to put experiments with an organism. If any honey the center to find, how Jane has described.

Well clysters with urine precisely would not guess to do or make

20.06.2005, 18:55
For EEx.

The best agent for restoration of a microflora of an intestine - "Bifidokoktejl" Is the newest development of the Russian scientists which has proved already in the different countries. Positive responses mass. Everyone bifidobakterija is planted or put on a special sorbent that allows to reach an intestine. All other preparations without such sorbent. In one bag contains so much bifidobaktery, how much in 2 buckets bifidokefira. Convalescence goes very much bastro. And taste at it or him simply class! All my family uses it or him!

Aelita Rezlovskaja
10.08.2005, 04:27
It is necessary to use BADom tjan-??.... Double cellulose is called. Clears ofigenno