Просмотр полной версии : What is it such?

13.04.2005, 00:10
Girls, the tank-crop has shown, that at me any coccuses.... What is it such?

The otolaryngologist
25.04.2005, 02:27
Whence crop? Crop or a smear?

29.04.2005, 10:36
Whence crop? Crop or a smear?

I on the account with pregnancy.... First took a smear, then crop.

The otolaryngologist
05.05.2005, 03:47
The nonspecific vaginitis, can be. Not enough information. And what the doctor has told or said?

22.05.2005, 10:11
The Nonspecific vaginitis, can be. Not enough information. And what the doctor has told or said?

The doctor has registered terzhinan, and to tell what is it such at it or him time was not I Put tablets. At me from them an itch

The woman-doctor
26.05.2005, 08:34
Hello. Coccuses are there can be, for example, staphilococcuses or streptococcuses which can be and in norm or rate (some kinds), but in small quantity or amount.

It speaks that at you the flora of a vagina (in norm or rate she bacillary) is broken or disturbed. It still depends on quantity or amount, therefore it is complex or difficult to speak, how much or as far as it is bad or not bad.

Usually at crop the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics of the found microorganisms is done or made.. But during pregnancy especially antibiotics you will not treat, therefore is better local treatment.

Terzhinan it is appointed or nominated, just, at the mixed flora since he consists of several components.

And displays at you were any? Allocation, an itch, not passing or not taking place thrush? Why the doctor has decided to do or make bakposev?

The matter is that coccuses and in norm or rate can be in small quantity or amount, but besides depends on a kind.

If it is "bad" coccuses it is necessary to treat since at sorts or labors the child has every prospect them to receive.. And if to consider, that immunity at the child as is not present those, he will react badly.

But it is in absentia complex or difficult to speak something, therefore, if something confuses you, it is better to specify always at the doctor.


04.08.2005, 15:34
Hello. Coccuses are there can be, for example, staphilococcuses or streptococcuses which can be and in norm or rate (some kinds), but in small quantity or amount.

It speaks that at you the flora of a vagina (in norm or rate she bacillary) is broken or disturbed. It still depends on quantity or amount, therefore it is complex or difficult to speak, how much or as far as it is bad or not bad.

Usually at crop the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics of the found microorganisms is done or made.. But during pregnancy especially antibiotics you will not treat, therefore is better local treatment.

Terzhinan it is appointed or nominated, just, at the mixed flora since he consists of several components.

And displays at you were any? Allocation, an itch, not passing or not taking place thrush? Why the doctor has decided to do or make bakposev?

The matter is that coccuses and in norm or rate can be in small quantity or amount, but besides depends on a kind.

If it is "bad" coccuses it is necessary to treat since at sorts or labors the child has every prospect them to receive.. And if to consider, that immunity at the child as is not present those, he will react badly.

But it is in absentia complex or difficult to speak something, therefore, if something confuses you, it is better to specify always at the doctor.


Big to YOU thanks. I now know as as