Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist advice or council

The suslik
05.05.2005, 02:56
At me a delay this month already for 5 days, I do not know what to do or make??? And it not the first month gets off a cycle.

And more, can be because of it or this, can is not present, but in it the period at me terribly is late water in an organism, i.e. in the mornings I hardly open eyes (have swelled up veki), in the afternoon hardly I close trousers (the stomach or belly sticks out)... voobshchem it very much is not comfortable. That it is possible to do or make with it or this and why it occurs or happens.

In advance I thank for any advice or council on my subject.

13.05.2005, 20:05
At me a delay this month already for 5 days, I do not know what to do or make??? And it not the first month gets off a cycle.

And more, can be because of it or this, can is not present, but in it the period at me terribly is late water in an organism, i.e. in the mornings I hardly open eyes (have swelled up veki), in the afternoon hardly I close trousers (the stomach or belly sticks out)... voobshchem it very much is not comfortable. That it is possible to do or make with it or this and why it occurs or happens.

In advance I thank for any advice or council on my subject.

The test buy or purchase for the beginning. And generally is better you to the doctor need to descend or go, as the cycle nevertheless gets off.

And more, I you move to a subject health, well? There to you will help or assist more, than we here.

15.05.2005, 06:01
In my opinion here advice or council unequivocal: to the doctor.

Or even come into section Female health, there you will be responded by the doctor.

Good luck

The visitor
25.05.2005, 00:49
Thanks for moving and for advice or council.

Certainly the test has already been bought or purchased and checked up, that's all right. To go to the doctor the diagnosis or suspicions on something is necessary. At me they are not present, I do not know, it can PMS such.

The suslik
03.06.2005, 15:39
Esteemed other forums on a similar subject, the woman-doctor to not respond more likely, because a situation at me similar to all otstalnym to girls. More likely stres at job, was because of what (during that moment I really was nervous, and two days after), now Friday, I shall try to relax in a hot bath

08.06.2005, 12:57
In occasion of edemas, drink diuretic karkade and a bearberry for 14-10 days prior to the beginning of monthly. If it occurs or happens 10-7 days prior to monthly it is feature such if it is constant and after monthly does not pass or take place, to the nephrologist, kidneys to check.

And the cycle can skip constantly, 7 days is allocated or removed what to consider or count it normal. At me too was such and I to the gynecologist a question the flaunter earlier.

The visitor
11.06.2005, 13:50
In occasion of edemas, drink diuretic karkade and a bearberry for 14-10 days prior to the beginning of monthly. If it occurs or happens 10-7 days prior to monthly it is feature such if it is constant and after monthly does not pass or take place, to the nephrologist, kidneys to check.

And the cycle can skip constantly, 7 days is allocated or removed what to consider or count it normal. At me too was such and I to the gynecologist a question the flaunter earlier.

Perfectly! By the way did not know, that karkade - diuretic tea. Thanks for advice or council big.

27.06.2005, 19:19
Please Itself it was excruciated, and karkade has casually opened. He on taste to like me, and began to notice, that after it or him more often in a toilet to run became. And the more strong to make, the more strongly)))

And at a bearberry all taki the course what that is not is more often 4 yearly seems, and opposite she

03.08.2005, 18:10
To go to the doctor the diagnosis or suspicions on something is necessary. At me they are not present, I do not know, it can PMS such.

Success to you with application karkade, but it

In the mornings I hardly open eyes (have swelled up veki), in the afternoon hardly I close trousers (the stomach or belly sticks out)... voobshchem it very much is not comfortable.

IMHO also there is a reason to address to the doctor.