Просмотр полной версии : postinor

24.05.2005, 17:54
Tell who accepted postinor and what consequences from it or him were.

25.05.2005, 00:07
Nichyo good. In 2 weeks after monthly have begun next. But then other output or exit was not, as a method of contraception I shall advise nobody.

26.05.2005, 14:11
I am simple too 2 times accepted. Consequences was not any, but it would be desirable to know how much or as far as he it is harmful

28.05.2005, 19:19
More cautiously with it or him, often it or him it is impossible to accept, a maximum 4 times a month, and that now gynecologists who once recommended postinor, abuse for its or his use, harmful very much

The woman-doctor
31.05.2005, 01:28
He is harmful, since contains greater or big concentration of hormones. It is better to be protected somehow reliably (a condom, oral contraceptives), that there were no occasions so often to accept.

31.05.2005, 05:46
Girls, explain pozhalusta, to itself has hammered into a head yes so was frightened.

In 3-4 months I am going to to do or make small, but within the last year has accepted pieces 6 postinorchikov. And in it or this to year so 3 pieces have turned out already. I shall not do or make it or this any more. I voobshcheto always use farmateksom, and here as that to the friend old said goodbye and voobshchem head over heels all has turned out. Girls, calm, tell or say what is it in any way dolzho to affect or influence on my small.

02.06.2005, 12:22
Do not accept you this rubbish.

Here at me the friend ispolzrvala them as contraception - so doctors have told or said, has what is it served as the reason of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis.

So nefig to play about it or this. Only as a last resort - and that, I the opponent of such decisions of a problem if it is fair.....

04.06.2005, 14:06
At me 2 girlfriends postinor on 1 time have drunk or cut. Monthly have begun before term. Problems was not. BUT!!!! In no event it is impossible from to use often. Not speaking about " 4 times a month ". This huge quantity or amount of hormones in a year!

4 times for a year! It is impact on an organism!

It is an extreme case!

05.06.2005, 01:17
At me 2 girlfriends postinor on 1 time have drunk or cut. Monthly have begun before term. Problems was not. BUT!!!! In no event it is impossible from to use often. Not speaking about " 4 times a month ". This huge quantity or amount of hormones in a year!

4 times for a year! It is impact on an organism!

It is an extreme case!

07.06.2005, 05:32
And to me be interesting the delay can from postinora?

There like as it is written, that failure of a cycle can be...

At somebody was similar?

At me after reception (not the first) postinora monthly (but them and to name that so it is impossible: small beige allocation) have passed or have taken place it is long days 10. And now here the second month after reception and while is not present them, that is for 2 month the delay turns out. I did or made the test of 3 weeks on end: all three negative. I cannot understand why so the cycle has got off... I here already have changed the mind all, there can be an inflammation again and on its or his background... Voobshchem I shall be grateful for any advice or councils...

09.06.2005, 04:04
Forces down a cycle at all. A shock dose of hormones.

And in general, in my opinion, these tablets have been created for women, podvergshihsja to rape.

Speaks for itself - only in extreme cases.

09.06.2005, 08:05
I heard. That these tablets can be accepted not earlier than 1 time in a floor of year.

The woman-doctor
11.06.2005, 01:15

I think what not bad to descend or go to the doctor.

Similar on pregnancy but then the test should be negative, that beige allocation is not monthly were.

Or so the cycle, then in any case to the doctor has strongly got off.

Even on US.


13.06.2005, 16:49

I think what not bad to descend or go to the doctor.

Similar on pregnancy but then the test should be negative, that beige allocation is not monthly were.

Or so the cycle, then in any case to the doctor has strongly got off.

Even on US.


You have in view of, what then the test should not be negative or I that that have not understood????

Thanks you big for the answer.

And if not difficultly will comment, please, on the statement of one my friend that she after postinora has been compelled or forced for cleaning to lay down. Such it is possible or probable? If yes, why?

16.06.2005, 17:35
And if not difficultly will comment, please, on the statement of one my friend that she after postinora has been compelled or forced for cleaning to lay down. Such it is possible or probable? If yes, why?

m: action postinora up to the extremity or end is not studied or investigated, and if he was applied as a contraceptive, but has not helped or assisted, it is quite probable, that he okzal the big influence on an embryos, and better as soon as possible from it or him will get rid, than to wait for greater or big terms and already then to do or make abortion.

The woman-doctor
20.06.2005, 23:37
And I still dokommentiruju: reaction on postinor individual, quite probably, that at your friend it has caused or called a bleeding which could not stop other ways.

25.06.2005, 03:45
And I still dokommentiruju: reaction on postinor individual, quite probably, that at your friend it has caused or called a bleeding which could not stop other ways.

Clearly, spasbo HUGE!!!!

Horror what we shall take measures.

The visitor
28.06.2005, 00:12
At one of my girlfriends extrauterine was because of it or him...

And another has become pregnant after its or his reception all peerly... So doctors have told or said, that no trouble with the child will not be, it is possible to give birth or travail, but on the third month the abortion spontaneous has happened...

So " the Condom - my best friend! "

28.06.2005, 15:11
Accepted ok in current of year but in a compartment with long flights the deep clottage of a vein of the left leg or foot has turned out... Now here with the husband we use a condom, but once he has torn, never would believe that such can happens voobshchem it was necessary to drink postinor - t.e - levonel, result monthly have come or stepped earlier for 2 weeks, and on the second month a long delay

29.06.2005, 05:15
postinor sbivaet cikl na pary nedelj. U menja 2 raza v mesjac poralsja prezervativ: (I 2 raza mne prishlosj ego prinimatj, eto dlja moih mozgov bil stress, tak kak ja znaju 4to neljza 4asto, no prezervativi rvutsa periodi4eski: (

U menja cikl sbilsja i bili boli kak pri mesja4nih, toljko siljnee. U moej podrugi toze cikl sbivalsja. A kakih to globaljnih problem ne nabljudala, no postinor starajusj ne glotatj. Hotja mne ginekolog skazala 4to eto slishkom siljnoe lekarstvo ot beremennosti, estj kuda menee vredno eto sprincevatjsa ljubij kisloj zitkostju-limonnim sokom ili hotj slabim rastvorom uksusnoj essencii, 4tobi bil kislij vkus vodi. No doverija k babushkinim sposobam u menja nety vse ravno: (

uz lu4she cikl budet pary mesjacev narushen 4em neozidanij karapuz ne vovremja.

30.06.2005, 14:10
I somewhere read, that postinor promotes development of a cancer of a uterus...

I some times drank, and as the cycle got off - on couple of weeks began monthly earlier. But after everything, that I about itself heard - desire to use it or him was gone at all.

05.07.2005, 04:17
I accepted postinor time five for all life, the bleeding was not, the cycle has not got off never, monthly came in time. Till now I do not know, whether he operates or works on me in general, but to accept I am not going to any more.

03.08.2005, 07:53
Whether should appear after reception postinora any allocation? 6 hours has accepted the second tablet back, sejas there is a nagging pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly.