Просмотр полной версии : Antibiotics and flora

17.05.2005, 06:47
Tell, what to you doctors simultaneously with antibiotics for maintenance and restoration of flora appointed or nominated? Suppositories, capsules?

20.05.2005, 12:00
Depends on what is appointed or nominated the antibacterial preparation, what course and in this connection. Sometimes probiohabit spasms are absolutely not necessary.

24.05.2005, 01:57
In the original, like, so:

You do not cost or stand too close,

I - tigrenok, instead of kiska!

30.05.2005, 11:53
Tell, what to you doctors simultaneously with antibiotics for maintenance and restoration of flora appointed or nominated? Suppositories, capsules?

Laktofiltrum, Genferon and nyxes for immunity "Taktivin"

02.06.2005, 14:05
In the original, like, so:

You do not cost or stand too close,

I - tigrenok, instead of kiska!

Aha, I have mixed it with the Eskimo dog:

On prutike - a note:

" Do not approach or Suit close! "

I am simple in neponjatkah: antibiotics were appointed or nominated by other doctor, not the gynecologist, and anything to nanometer was added. I.e. plus Nistatinum and all. And the gynecologist I know at such chicken-feed still a heap of useful bacteria, vobenzimov and korsilov writes out...

03.06.2005, 11:05
Well, vobenzim and korsil is absolutely other song, they do not concern to probiohabit spasms.

If at you not a long course of reception of an antibacterial preparation, was not before signs of a dysbacteriosis - it is possible to do without special preparations. Or consult to your doctor

09.06.2005, 14:23
Well dejstvitno, karsil here prichem-he the liver protects... To me always candles bifidum- wrote out. And before them neo--the excellent or different antibiotic of local action, will sweep away all including kandidu notorious. Here right after it or him bifidum- and all is direct krasivo-bad flora ubili-good have lured

barrakuda (has not entered)
13.06.2005, 11:59
I have just finished treatment of a thrush, to me have told or said, that have come on the repeated analysis in 10 days. Here has read through, that bifidumbakterinom it is good to use after treatment, but to me the doctor nothing registered. Whether it is necessary most to buy or purchase it or him? Or to the doctor to consult?

14.06.2005, 21:59
I have just finished treatment of a thrush, to me have told or said, that have come on the repeated analysis in 10 days. Here has read through, that bifidumbakterinom it is good to use after treatment, but to me the doctor nothing registered. Whether it is necessary most to buy or purchase it or him? Or to the doctor to consult?

Yes buy or purchase, certainly! Only it will be better.

barrakuda (has not entered)
19.06.2005, 00:05
Tell or Say, during use bifidumbakterina it is possible to drink alcohol or too it is impossible, how during treatment?

24.06.2005, 08:24
Tell or Say, during use bifidumbakterina it is possible to drink alcohol or too it is impossible, how during treatment?

And and here alcohol? bifidumbakterin-a local medicine, candles, to it or him;them on alcohol in a blood pofigu.

02.07.2005, 15:51
It can to the most toxicant antibiotics karsil write out, that to a liver to help or assist? To me odzhnazhdy during a course even mezim recommended. I do not know the right......

02.08.2005, 17:11
It Can to the most toxicant antibiotics karsil write out, that to a liver to help or assist? To me odzhnazhdy during a course even mezim recommended. I do not know the right......

And karsil necessarily write out, only together with antibiotics, correctly, for a liver. mezim neznaju what for, probably registered antibiotics diabrotic what-string or breaking a gastric juice... And bifidum for an intestine inside or mestno for female organs.