Просмотр полной версии : Perleche

04.12.2004, 23:08
At whom happens, who than treats? At me sometimes happens after stolovki

I somehow heard, that the perleche happens gibkovoj the nature. Sometimes itself passes or takes place for a day, weeks I can not sometimes consult.

05.12.2004, 23:42
At me happens sometimes too after doubtful places, I do not fly or I treat in any way, itself passes or takes place

13.12.2004, 19:33
At whom happens, who than treats? At me sometimes happens after stolovki

I somehow heard, that the perleche happens gibkovoj the nature. Sometimes itself passes or takes place for a day, weeks I can not sometimes consult.

Happens constantly, even at regular reception of vitamins. I am rescueed or saved;salvaged by hygienic lipstick - quickly passes or takes place.

Ndaaa, go with the spoon and a plate, who is not known ate with them up to you and as cleanly it or her have washed.

22.12.2004, 23:07
The prescription of disposal for not fastidious - mizinchikom from ushka get sulfur or as it there is called and smear a sore, the before it or her will spread, that is as soon as was outlined, the will get rid more quickly. It is taken from babushkinyh prescriptions.

26.12.2004, 17:17
My girlfriend mixes or admixs Biseptolum, potolchenyj in poroshochek, with any cream (to nurseries, for example) and puts or renders this "mazjuku" on a perleche. Speaks, helps or assists

Still (too national babushkin the prescription) - poteret a underside nochnushki (that, which to a body)... Like it turns out, that from sweat which was absorbed by a tissue, it is a piece passes or takes place.

nenaju, did not try or taste

06.01.2005, 03:41
And at my mum it has appeared after vyzavanija sorts or labors, to her allowed to breathe for simplification of a pain special gas then they and do not pass or take place many years. And doctors have told or said, as will not pass or not take place, if they were caused or called with that reason. And to improve a status eating bananas since sometimes perleches arise from shortage of vitamins (group B helps or assists?) .narodnyj the way - " from ushka " - too helps or assists, everyone recommend.

13.01.2005, 16:33
[quote = "Estee"] At whom happens, who than treats? At me sometimes happens after stolovki

I somehow heard, that the perleche happens gibkovoj the nature. Sometimes itself passes or takes place for a day, weeks I can not sometimes consult. [/quot

For the night to cover with honey - helps or assists

19.01.2005, 03:22
Forgive or Excuse, and what is it such?

24.01.2005, 11:57
Forgive or Excuse, and what is it such?

PERLECHE (perleches)

Definition. A perleche (synonym CH an angular stomatitis) CH a lesion of angles of a mouth in the form of shchelevidnoj erosions or cracks of a various genesis.

Etiology. Occurrence of a perleche is promoted by a disadvantage of vitamin B, a diabetes mellitis, a superfluous sialosis, especially at the broken or disturbed occlusion at older persons, a spicy food, and also piokokkovaja (streptococcal) and candidosis infections, a dysbacteriosis.

Clinic. The streptococcal perleche differs formation of erosion after quickly opened phlyctena: erosion is covered by a yellowish purulent crust because of podsyhanija purulent separated. At a candidosis perleche the surface of erosion -red, is surrounded by a fimbria matserirovannogo an epithelium: periodically appears belesovatyj easily removed or easily taken out "curdled" scurf.

Most it was interesting

06.02.2005, 12:29
Most it was interesting

Thanks for ordering.

13.02.2005, 08:22
And at me perleches are a signal that I fall or be ill. If has appeared perleches - wait for a flu Pass or Take place quickly and.

22.02.2005, 12:01
Ointment the Rescuer =)

25.02.2005, 01:12
Unguentum Zinci and on a trace put as did not happen, Quickly, cheaply and it is effective

06.03.2005, 17:07
Little girls, only has seen this temku. Now just it or this I suffer. First time has appeared two years ago, during the Great post which tried to keep, and now this infection accompanies with me in current of time when I keep posts. As soon as postitsja I cease, I start to eat meat all passes or takes place, therefore I considered or counted, what is it from shortage of vitamins. Esteemed your posts, I shall try to undergo treatment now Unguentum Zinci.

09.03.2005, 12:30
At me at teenage age happened or was possible. It, apparently, or from shortage of vitamins of group In (is in black bread and an egg yolk)-whether or that bacteriemic or bacterial,-whether that fungic or fungal then cures Unguentum Nystatini.

15.03.2005, 06:43
Estee, and all who otpisal here and more will come-attention!

That you name Zaedom or on another simply cold a-virus Herpes 1.

I ask prohonour closely or attentively...

Children or Guys, I too thought, what is it ordinary cold. Therefore as attributes all friends.

As a rule a rhinitis before occurrence of blisters or blebs, chihanie sometimes small temperature.

And so. It is a virus by which are infected practically 90 % of people seem.

Who that since a birth, who that during a life.

BUT.. And here attention..!!

He does not disturb till time in general.. Or it is shown here by such cold-..

During this period it is necessary to not pass or miss first attributes - remember feeling of a burning sensation when still there are no blisters or blebs... During this moment it is necessary to begin treatment by ointment.. I use ointment Zoviraks...

Further.. In what danger?

And here in what.. At adverse factors.. Namely.. You often catch a cold.. At you the stressful situation long comes.. oslablenoe a delivery, as a result of or as a result failure imunnoj systems and here then... Rashes can come or step plentiful.. Not only in angles of labiums, but also on the face.. A nose.. A body.. Blisters or blebs burst and bleed slightly.. Then become covered by a crust.. It already failure.. Already run to the doctor!!

Moreover!!.. Can pass to genitals or genitalias, and it is Genital Herpes..

And then more careful and probably long treatment already is required..

Very much I ask you.. prochtite about Herpes.. Draw conclusions and watch or keep up itself..

Probably it is better to address to the doctor.. No trouble in it or this is not present.. He will advise you treatment.. Better profilakticheski than then already long..

Imunnye preparations.. Vitamins.. It is not terrible.. But.. It is necessary in the preventive purposes..

Remember, then will manage in hundred krat more dearly or expensively..

Consultation.. Analyses.. Preparations..

I hope you pay attention.

Also be not frightened.. But to data accept..

Be not too lazy and prochtite all here:

http: // www.doktor.ru/pi/ASK/1052.htm

20.03.2005, 09:29
Estee, and all who otpisal here and more will come-attention!

That you name Zaedom or on another simply cold a-virus Herpes 1.

I ask prohonour closely or attentively...

Children or Guys, I too thought, what is it ordinary cold. Therefore as attributes all friends.

As a rule a rhinitis before occurrence of blisters or blebs, chihanie sometimes small temperature.

And so. It is a virus by which are infected practically 90 % of people seem.

Who that since a birth, who that during a life.

BUT.. And here attention..!!

He does not disturb till time in general.. Or it is shown here by such cold-..

During this period it is necessary to not pass or miss first attributes - remember feeling of a burning sensation when still there are no blisters or blebs... During this moment it is necessary to begin treatment by ointment.. I use ointment Zoviraks...

Further.. In what danger?

And here in what.. At adverse factors.. Namely.. You often catch a cold.. At you the stressful situation long comes.. oslablenoe a delivery, as a result of or as a result failure imunnoj systems and here then... Rashes can come or step plentiful.. Not only in angles of labiums, but also on the face.. A nose.. A body.. Blisters or blebs burst and bleed slightly.. Then become covered by a crust.. It already failure.. Already run to the doctor!!

Moreover!!.. Can pass to genitals or genitalias, and it is Genital Herpes..

And then more careful and probably long treatment already is required..

Very much I ask you.. prochtite about Herpes.. Draw conclusions and watch or keep up itself..

Probably it is better to address to the doctor.. No trouble in it or this is not present.. He will advise you treatment.. Better profilakticheski than then already long..

Imunnye preparations.. Vitamins.. It is not terrible.. But.. It is necessary in the preventive purposes..

Remember, then will manage in hundred krat more dearly or expensively..

Consultation.. Analyses.. Preparations..

I hope you pay attention.

Also be not frightened.. But to data accept..

Be not too lazy and prochtite all here:

http: // www.doktor.ru/pi/ASK/1052.htm

We speak mine about different things, it not the cold, no blisters or blebs at me are present, when she appears.

02.04.2005, 23:13
To thicket a perleche causes usual Kandida, that that causes a thrush. Such things are very good for treating ointment triderm.

02.05.2005, 17:54
Ointment Synaflanum or Flucinarum!

And from ushka... It skoka should be not cleaned ears that it was grey there in quantities or amounts that a sore to smear?? I there even a wadding stick being picked do not have anything similar...

30.05.2005, 22:20
[we about different things speak mine, it not the cold, no blisters or blebs at me are present, when she appears.

And thanks God ..)

By the way at me too began with simple treshchinok in corners..

Only do not risk nevertheless.. Here esteemed the others that write.. Nevertheless we legkomysleno to ourselves concern..

Well unless it is difficult here for example as soon as there was that that, to go to the doctor and to hand over the analysis... We shall bite lokotki then..

You understand.. I not strashchaju.. Simply here I know, that now at the friend with the husband.. A problem uh...

And I not the bore.. But.. Nevertheless I throw still the link one.. Can be useful to that.. In fact " preduprezhden-means it is protected " ..)

http: // www.doktor.ru/pi/STA/1.htm*g

01.08.2005, 21:31
Know, marvellously, greasings by liquid vitamin E have quickly helped or assisted. But before it or this have once smeared Lamizilom, and few times with ointment Etony (she bactericidal).