Просмотр полной версии : Bacterial vaginosis

The woman-doctor
04.03.2005, 22:30
Now about gardnerelle.

Originator Gardnerella vaginalis. Is conditional-pathogenic flora which in a noma is present at a vagina, but in small quantity or amount.

Meets often. At development gradnerelly, from a microflora of a vagina disappear laktobakterii which should prevail in norm or rate. Changes kislostnost vaginas, favorable conditions for development of other is conditional-pathogenic microbes or connections of infections are framed.

Signs nespetsifichny. Can pass or take place asymptomatically.

To thicket from displays happens:

- Plentiful allocation of gray-white color,

-allocation often with a unpleasant (fish) smell,

-itch, burning sensation

- Unpleasant sensations during the sexual certificate or act

Diagnostics: a smear, crop


- Destruction gardnerelly: preparations of Metronidazolum or klindamitsia

- Settling normal flora

06.03.2005, 10:49
And me have appointed or nominated only metrogil and a cream dolotsin, and about a new microflora have told or said nothing. It is possible it or her as that to restore without candles and tablets, for example definitely to eat?

14.03.2005, 14:00
And me have appointed or nominated only metrogil and a cream dolotsin, and about a new microflora have told or said nothing. It is possible it or her as that to restore without candles and tablets, for example definitely to eat?

Well still after okonnchanija treatments it is possible povstavljat candles Bifidobakterin. Well and to eat accordingly!

The woman-doctor
17.03.2005, 10:36
And me have appointed or nominated only metrogil and a cream dolotsin, and about a new microflora have told or said nothing. It is possible it or her as that to restore without candles and tablets, for example definitely to eat?

It is necessary to eat correctly always.

After treatment it is necessary to hand over analyses if there is no thrush - it is possible suppositories with laktobakterijami.

24.03.2005, 03:23
To my girlfriend have made analyses on an infection so at it or her have as a result written that the ureaplasma is found out, slabopolozhitelnyj 1:1000

And me when gardnarellu have found out have simply written - it is revealed, without any digits.

Why so?

02.04.2005, 20:34
Now on the last isledovanijam - if at crop it is found out gardnerella, diagnose - dizbakterioz vaginas. Also treat accordingly as a dysbacteriosis. My God save treatment by any antibiotics - receive result is even worse!!! If she gardnarella all time vozvrvshchaetsja - alas, she is present with neizbezhnostju at your flora. Advice or council: it is not necessary to try to treat all times of it or her is a part of your flora: raise or increase the general or common immunity, drink vitamins C and E, use products with laktobakterijami if there is no thrush as much as possible - use suppositories with laktobakterijami (the good effect gives, for example, atselakt)!

The woman-doctor
03.04.2005, 19:21
To my girlfriend have made analyses on an infection so at it or her have as a result written that the ureaplasma is found out, slabopolozhitelnyj 1:1000

And me when gardnarellu have found out have simply written - it is revealed, without any digits.

Why so?

I think, to you defined or determined different methods.

11.04.2005, 23:33
tmne PTSR a method, and her what and it is better to them to define or determine, can at me too was in the weak form, and I am flied or treated?

The woman-doctor
20.04.2005, 03:46
Fym, I to you of anything cannot tell or say.. To Her could too PTSR do or make or in a blood to look credits. To me it is complex or difficult so to say. And about you I can tell or say nothing, since I did not see you, yours vydeleny.. Also I do not know, did or made to you a smear.

Gardnerella in norm or rate should be in a vagina, only in small quantity or amount.

So, if nothing disturbed you. And at gardnerelle in PTSR, the smear was good, there was enough of rods Dederljajna, maybe, and it was not necessary to treat. But this all assumptions since I do not know a situation.

All super!
25.04.2005, 16:06
Too there was a bacterial vaginosis, about 1.5 year ago approximately.. Have allowed antibiotics to drink, suppositories betadin, and more what heap that of tablets, all this in female consultation was, has followed a policy, has handed over repeatedly analyses, there is no bacterial vaginosis have told or said, but complications on a stomach have appeared... Began to hurt or be ill;be sick terribly, has gone to other doctor, already familiar, she has twisted at a temple.. That have appointed or nominated not those preparations that it is impossible to give antibiotics so much.. And all in such sort....... Then the second to me has written out och dear or expensive preparations for restoration of a microflora of a stomach and for restoration of a microflora of a vagina and in general organs.. (precisely I do not remember as is called) but that short.... Here.. Like it would be restored... Now I in that consultation female not a leg or foot...

And you as suspect the bill of candles betadin and antibiotics in a complex??

The woman-doctor
27.04.2005, 11:59
Gardnerella it is treated by one antibiotic, it is enough of it or this, if only gardnerella + suppositories. Betadin it is possible.

Perhaps, except for gardnerelly still something was?

All super!
09.05.2005, 04:30
Gardnerella it is treated by one antibiotic, it is enough of it or this, if only gardnerella + suppositories. Betadin it is possible.

Perhaps, except for gardnerelly still something was?

Nothing was exact, all results of analyses itself wrote off or copied, only it... Itself was surprised what so much to drink have appointed or nominated tablets...

11.05.2005, 22:34
The woman-doctor prompt please, whether can be simultaneously and gardenelez and a thrush? And how then to treat? To me recently have diagnosed gardenelez, but the clinic paid and treatment costs or stands nearby 100 $. And the finance now sing such romances. Have told or said as I shall be ready zaplati then to me will paint system of treatment (such at them the scheme or plan of job) probably and they will give out preparations to me, differently for what 100 $. But me to know what to accept is better, I would buy or purchase and would be treated. A thrush I too periodically suffer. As gardenelez I did not treat, he means is, and allocation curdled as at a thrush. And an itch and in general it is unpleasant, but the smell is not present. And more allocation little bit pinkish as though krovit a little. It can because of erosion? I know that all over again it is necessary for an infection to cure and then to erosion to be accepted, and it or her except for as cauterization treat? And more it is necessary to my partner will be checked up on gardenelez? It to him where, to the urologist? Help or assist, pliz.

28.05.2005, 17:20
And I then shall ask And this most gardenellez or how it or him there can itself how thrush to develop, for example, because of weakening of an organism, or he sexual by as an infection is passed?

The woman-doctor
01.06.2005, 17:59
The Woman-doctor prompt please, whether can be simultaneously and gardenelez and a thrush? And how then to treat? To me recently have diagnosed gardenelez, but the clinic paid and treatment costs or stands nearby 100 $. And the finance now sing such romances. Have told or said as I shall be ready zaplati then to me will paint system of treatment (such at them the scheme or plan of job) probably and they will give out preparations to me, differently for what 100 $. But me to know what to accept is better, I would buy or purchase and would be treated. A thrush I too periodically suffer. As gardenelez I did not treat, he means is, and allocation curdled as at a thrush. And an itch and in general it is unpleasant, but the smell is not present. And more allocation little bit pinkish as though krovit a little. It can because of erosion? I know that all over again it is necessary for an infection to cure and then to erosion to be accepted, and it or her except for as cauterization treat? And more it is necessary to my partner will be checked up on gardenelez? It to him where, to the urologist? Help or assist, pliz.

Hello, Severjanka.

Thrush simultaneously with gardnerelloj can be.

Then to treat it is possible in the beginning gardnerellu, then at once a thrush, if only suppositories. If tablets it is possible simultaneously.

What treatment on 100 dol. To you have appointed or nominated? Unless they to you do not write out preparations, and you then go and buy in a drugstore. Thus it is possible to buy or purchase analogues of dear or expensive preparations. And, that is, they do not wish to appoint or nominate to you treatment?

Well and analyses at you on arms or hand? I advise you with these analyses to go to any other doctor on survey, and he to you will appoint or nominate correct treatment.

Pinkish allocation, certainly, can be, because of bleeding erosion, but not only because of it or this.

And what for to you now, in general, to treat erosion?

To your partner to be checked unessentially since to be treated it will be necessary, in any case, together.

I so understand, that at the doctor you were for a long time.

I to you would advise to descend or go once again, maybe, to other doctor. Or it is simple in laboratory to hand over once again even a smear, or if there is an opportunity, crop of flora from a vagina with chuvstvitelnosju to antibiotics.. Since the flora can change.


The woman-doctor
30.07.2005, 04:09
And I then shall ask And this most gardenellez or how it or him there can itself how thrush to develop, for example, because of weakening of an organism, or he sexual by as an infection is passed?

Yes, can develop at weakening local immunity, at change of medium in a vagina.