Просмотр полной версии : The test for pregnancy

20.04.2005, 17:41
The test for pregnancy can show week, 2- week term???

12.05.2005, 04:07
Shows from 10 days, that is, it turns out, since 1-st day of a delay. After implantation of the impregnated ootid (7 day after conception) starts to be developed or produced chorionic Gonadotropinum, on it or him and the test is spent.

It is considered authentic from 10-th day. If the test positive - go to do or make US. Negative - repeat next day. If and then negative then precisely pregnancy is not present....

Or you EXTREMELY, IMPROBABLY, are unreal unlucky...


The visitor
30.07.2005, 03:23
Shows from 10 days, that is, it turns out, since 1-st day of a delay. After implantation of the impregnated ootid (7 day after conception) starts to be developed or produced chorionic Gonadotropinum, on it or him and the test is spent.

It is considered authentic from 10-th day. If the test positive - go to do or make US. Negative - repeat next day. If and then negative then precisely pregnancy is not present....

Or you EXTREMELY, IMPROBABLY, are unreal unlucky... Success!

Has not understood....