Просмотр полной версии : To the woman to the doctor

04.09.2004, 02:49
I address to you with such question. I now accept klomifen (to become pregnant) 4 days, there was one more day. At me with basal temperature something not clear for me. For 4-th day 36,7 for 5-th day of a cycle (from 1-st day of reception klomifena) she was 36,9 on 6-th 36,9 on 7-th 36,9 and on the eighth (t.e.segodnja) 37,1 I shall not understand or these are side effects or I can already have become pregnant. There was one more day of reception and I do not know what to do or make. More nothing disturbs (in sense of pains), the only thing neponjatki from bases. Rate. Earlier (one year ago) I accepted Klomifen in current of 3-rd cycles, but he has not helped or assisted me. Now the sister has become pregnant on itself from the first cycle I have solved poprobyvat still time. When I was on Klomifene with basal temperature all was normal earlier. Thanks.

The woman-doctor
16.09.2004, 05:00
That is you to yourselves have appointed or nominated Klomifen? You do not have ovulation? Since he is appointed or nominated at absence of an ovulation. And the general or common body temperature is not raised or increased? On idea on BT should not influence. Quite probably, what the ovulation has occured or happened earlier, what length at you a cycle usually? It is complex or difficult to me to judge, what exactly to you to do or make in your situation, I think, if the general or common body temperature has not changed.. And you correctly measure BT it is possible to not drink last tablet since it can be an attribute of an ovulation..

The woman-doctor
19.09.2004, 00:15
By the way, the reason of sterility or barrenness have found at you? And whether checked the partner?

The visitor
19.09.2004, 04:23

Excuse, I a little bit not on a subject... Simply it is very urgent. I 4 months accepted contraceptive Three-?NO??, then have decided on mesjatsok to make a break. Vobshchem has drunk up last packing, t.o. Has finished reception on February, 3rd. A question! Whether it is possible already in the beginning of March (with arrival of the first day monthly to begin reception)? To summaries it is written, that if the last month you do not accept, then it is possible monthly to begin in the first day ostensibly. The girlfriend speaks nafig to the doctor to go, month has passed or has taken place-accept, yes I and that to the doctor because of it or this do not wish to go... Simply I doubt something, whether it is not enough that. Prompt, please. Whether there was at whom a similar situation, only tell more in detail, and that this business such, time and MUM ahead of time...

And more a question! I heard, that after the sexual certificate or act it is impossible to go at once to a bathroom (well if a condom you use, instead of tablets). Jacobs on kolenku even if water will get, and there semens chastichka, it is possible to fly in 2 bills. Though I so few times did or made, like not mum still... It is the friend the doctor has told or said!!! Believe? How think, whether the truth it?

28.09.2004, 09:38
That is you to yourselves have appointed or nominated Klomifen? You do not have ovulation? Since he is appointed or nominated at absence of an ovulation. And the general or common body temperature is not raised or increased? On idea on BT should not influence. Quite probably, what the ovulation has occured or happened earlier, what length at you a cycle usually? It is complex or difficult to me to judge, what exactly to you to do or make in your situation, I think, if the general or common body temperature has not changed.. And you correctly measure BT it is possible to not drink last tablet since it can be an attribute of an ovulation..

Cycle at me 26 days. Last tablet already , temperature for 9-th day 36,9 we shall look or see that will be further. At me a weak second phase of a cycle, ?to I was spoken by the doctor and in Ukraine here again, on US all is normal, in norm or rate, the husband was checked in Ukraine here again - is healthy. The only thing that remains to me, to check up permeability of pipes. Because of that that I still have not checked up to me the doctor does not wish to appoint or nominate more klomifen, he speaks: " you spend money and health, full inspection " is necessary. But I at deadlock. Here ?ta procedure of check of permeability of pipes costs or stands 1 500 dollars, for us ?to greater or big money, here and has decided still or even time to spend on drink klomifen (the doctor to the sister on 2 cycles, and she has become pregnant with 1-st on a trace. A cycle has given me) Certainly if pregnancy again will not come or step that will have to check permeability of pipes on credit. It is insulting, so much time and agents to be spent for a wind.

Instead of beremenneju already almost 5 years.... To me now 27. the temperature was measured just for some reason lowered 36,4. with the insurance will cover, and here inspections with sterility or barrenness not and cost or stand they very dearly or expensively. izvenjajus z and ukr. Letters , simply I can not switch a font on a computer something zavislo.

09.10.2004, 12:04
Respond........ Please

18.10.2004, 11:44
Dear Woman the-doctor. I write for the first time as never was interested in dialogue on an Internet. Today for the first time has spent day remedilessly searching for the information for my question in an Internet. Casually search has resulted or brought mneja on a page where you communicated with women in occasion of herpes. I with interest prochla all your reports and very much would like to ask to you a question but not znjaju as. I try for the first time having pressed a key "to respond". I do not know likely nada zaregestrirovatsja all over again. But I try or taste so


The woman-doctor
28.10.2004, 20:25

Excuse, I a little bit not on a subject... Simply it is very urgent. I 4 months accepted contraceptive Three-?NO??, then have decided on mesjatsok to make a break. Vobshchem has drunk up last packing, t.o. Has finished reception on February, 3rd. A question! Whether it is possible already in the beginning of March (with arrival of the first day monthly to begin reception)? To summaries it is written, that if the last month you do not accept, then it is possible monthly to begin in the first day ostensibly. The girlfriend speaks nafig to the doctor to go, month has passed or has taken place-accept, yes I and that to the doctor because of it or this do not wish to go... Simply I doubt something, whether it is not enough that. Prompt, please. Whether there was at whom a similar situation, only tell more in detail, and that this business such, time and MUM ahead of time...

And more a question! I heard, that after the sexual certificate or act it is impossible to go at once to a bathroom (well if a condom you use, instead of tablets). Jacobs on kolenku even if water will get, and there semens chastichka, it is possible to fly in 2 bills. Though I so few times did or made, like not mum still... It is the friend the doctor has told or said!!! Believe? How think, whether the truth it?


To begin it is possible most, but in the beginning to wait a menses and to be convinced, that there is no pregnancy.

About the second is not so.

The woman-doctor
14.11.2004, 09:11
The Cycle at me 26 days. Last tablet already , temperature for 9-th day 36,9 we shall look or see that will be further. At me a weak second phase of a cycle, ?to I was spoken by the doctor and in Ukraine here again, on US all is normal, in norm or rate, the husband was checked in Ukraine here again - is healthy. The only thing that remains to me, to check up permeability of pipes. Because of that that I still have not checked up to me the doctor does not wish to appoint or nominate more klomifen, he speaks: " you spend money and health, full inspection " is necessary. But I at deadlock. Here ?ta procedure of check of permeability of pipes costs or stands 1 500 dollars, for us ?to greater or big money, here and has decided still or even time to spend on drink klomifen (the doctor to the sister on 2 cycles, and she has become pregnant with 1-st on a trace. A cycle has given me) Certainly if pregnancy again will not come or step that will have to check permeability of pipes on credit. It is insulting, so much time and agents to be spent for a wind.

Instead of beremenneju already almost 5 years.... To me now 27. the temperature was measured just for some reason lowered 36,4. with the insurance will cover, and here inspections with sterility or barrenness not and cost or stand they very dearly or expensively. izvenjajus z and ukr. Letters , simply I can not switch a font on a computer something zavislo.

Klomifen he is appointed or nominated only for stimulation of the ovulation, the second phase not korregiruet.

I think, that it is necessary to hand over analyses on hormones.. And to modify the second phase if there are there problems..

The woman-doctor
20.11.2004, 11:09
Dear Woman the-doctor. I write for the first time as never was interested in dialogue on an Internet. Today for the first time has spent day remedilessly searching for the information for my question in an Internet. Casually search has resulted or brought mneja on a page where you communicated with women in occasion of herpes. I with interest prochla all your reports and very much would like to ask to you a question but not znjaju as. I try for the first time having pressed a key "to respond". I do not know likely nada zaregestrirovatsja all over again. But I try or taste so


To be recorded unessentially. Can ask the question here.

08.12.2004, 00:05

Jacobs on kolenku even if water will get, and there semens chastichka, it is possible to fly in 2 bills. Though I so few times did or made, like not mum still... It is the friend the doctor has told or said!!! Believe? How think, whether the truth it?

It as???

On kolenku the drop of water with a semen will get and it is possible to become pregnant? Kolenkoj? Forgive or Excuse, I absolutely have understood nothing that you write.

25.12.2004, 14:34
Dear woman-doctor for a day I prochla much yours soobshchej also has like huge sympathy to you. I domaju that you to much have helped or assisted also to me there are svetlee from an idea that such people as you eshe exist. To you likely it butut personal questions who certainly would like to set you and that you and why would help or assist simply interestingly, but I shall not take away from you precious time and I shall use such success to ask to you a question.

To me and at me dochurka 4 mes- who it or her sees 32 years simply falls in love. For a floor of year up to my pregnancy-poured out on the priest maculae - very much bolele as from a nyxis and then nachelo to be scratched. I did not pass or take place for about a week has addressed to the doctor-has told that the allergy or still can that has given antibakter ointment and go good luck. It was scratched to a pain - I tore apart (certainly slept with the husband) and did not assume a trouble. Simultaneously to it or this there was a delay monthly-first time in a life, I thought that have become pregnant. Maculae did not pass or take place - became more - hurted or was ill;was sick then has turned to ten fine blisters or blebs. A delay month-we to the doctor with mine sing and with otsutsviem month I have told or said, that here communication or connection, what is it for the first time for my 30 years-. He has told or said, that on war women too had a delay simply so - anything = and the priest-will pass. In seven weeks have gone or send monthly and the priest has passed or has taken place. It-is forgotten. Through 8 mes I have become pregnant. Poured out - to the doctor - vzjalal the analysis - herpes. My depression nebylo the extremity or end I nearly zdelala abortion. I shall be shorter - izvenite. Every month I was excruciated with IT. polbzovalas Zovorax I do not know how much or as far as helped or assisted but passed or took place in tech weeks. Somewhere after 6 go mes began to appear each two weeks. Since this moment and up to the extremity or end ber accepted Atsiklovir 800 mg a day - like has departed. Have told or said if will be active cesarean. But here to give birth or travail - poured out - last week. And in a week I byra am stimulated taka as term has been overdone 10 days. The doctor has looked or seen - purely or cleanly. Gave birth or travailled itself - hardly 24 hours on epidrolom cut - did not wish to leave. Dochurka - it is absolutely healthy from third day has started to type or collect weight in 2 mes - 7,5 kg all the god dag well. Me after sorts or labors again everyone two nedelib moreover laid in hospital with an infection, all seams dispatch or deliver;have missed two times in tech mes under kapelnitsoj - antibiotics My God but malyshka by way of. Have spent on drink or saw through 10 days atsiklovir setschas 1,5 mes - anything. But what I have seen at malyshke on pipochke-??? My God I do not know very similar. Mes naz there was simply prischik a nurse has told or said what is it anything happens Then has passed or has taken place then again _ prischichka like anything especial And teperr a place at diameter of 1 sm - and I shall not understand that I look One week ago were at the doctor - has told or said, that can from dajpersa, is more often wash and give air more in a week will pass or take place. Yes is not present I do not pass or take place .bozhe to a panic - I can not breathe. Tell or say please that to me to do or make how to protect the child. What to do or make most how to live.

Thanks you for your time

Whether it is possible to ask still?


10.01.2005, 05:52
The woman-doctor, respond please.

Last monthly were on January, 22nd, a cycle 34 days. On February, 26th has bought or purchased 2 tests identical, both have shown, that is pregnant. Ur! Today, on March, 10th, has gone to the doctor to confirm pregnancy. So she to me has told or said, that pregnancy at me 5 maximum of 6 days. How such can but? How conception can occur or happen later almost month after an ovulation? And more: at me something on February, 20th has begun similar to a thrush, but strongly less expressed. The doctor on it has told or said, that at pregnant women so happens (too strange, in fact by its or her calculations on February, 20th I was not the pregnant woman) and have appointed or nominated suppositories Betadin.

The thrush at me was in January. I then had a flu with complications and an inflammation of appendages (or ovaries, I do not remember), have appointed or nominated tablets, as a result of which thrush. Then I have drunk Fljukostat.

In advance thanks.

The woman-doctor
21.01.2005, 04:29
Dear woman-doctor for a day I prochla much yours soobshchej also has like huge sympathy to you. I domaju that you to much have helped or assisted also to me there are svetlee from an idea that such people as you eshe exist. To you likely it butut personal questions who certainly would like to set you and that you and why would help or assist simply interestingly, but I shall not take away from you precious time and I shall use such success to ask to you a question.

To me and at me dochurka 4 mes- who it or her sees 32 years simply falls in love. For a floor of year up to my pregnancy-poured out on the priest maculae - very much bolele as from a nyxis and then nachelo to be scratched. I did not pass or take place for about a week has addressed to the doctor-has told that the allergy or still can that has given antibakter ointment and go good luck. It was scratched to a pain - I tore apart (certainly slept with the husband) and did not assume a trouble. Simultaneously to it or this there was a delay monthly-first time in a life, I thought that have become pregnant. Maculae did not pass or take place - became more - hurted or was ill;was sick then has turned to ten fine blisters or blebs. A delay month-we to the doctor with mine sing and with otsutsviem month I have told or said, that here communication or connection, what is it for the first time for my 30 years-. He has told or said, that on war women too had a delay simply so - anything = and the priest-will pass. In seven weeks have gone or send monthly and the priest has passed or has taken place. It-is forgotten. Through 8 mes I have become pregnant. Poured out - to the doctor - vzjalal the analysis - herpes. My depression nebylo the extremity or end I nearly zdelala abortion. I shall be shorter - izvenite. Every month I was excruciated with IT. polbzovalas Zovorax I do not know how much or as far as helped or assisted but passed or took place in tech weeks. Somewhere after 6 go mes began to appear each two weeks. Since this moment and up to the extremity or end ber accepted Atsiklovir 800 mg a day - like has departed. Have told or said if will be active cesarean. But here to give birth or travail - poured out - last week. And in a week I byra am stimulated taka as term has been overdone 10 days. The doctor has looked or seen - purely or cleanly. Gave birth or travailled itself - hardly 24 hours on epidrolom cut - did not wish to leave. Dochurka - it is absolutely healthy from third day has started to type or collect weight in 2 mes - 7,5 kg all the god dag well. Me after sorts or labors again everyone two nedelib moreover laid in hospital with an infection, all seams dispatch or deliver;have missed two times in tech mes under kapelnitsoj - antibiotics My God but malyshka by way of. Have spent on drink or saw through 10 days atsiklovir setschas 1,5 mes - anything. But what I have seen at malyshke on pipochke-??? My God I do not know very similar. Mes naz there was simply prischik a nurse has told or said what is it anything happens Then has passed or has taken place then again _ prischichka like anything especial And teperr a place at diameter of 1 sm - and I shall not understand that I look One week ago were at the doctor - has told or said, that can from dajpersa, is more often wash and give air more in a week will pass or take place. Yes is not present I do not pass or take place .bozhe to a panic - I can not breathe. Tell or say please that to me to do or make how to protect the child. What to do or make most how to live.

Thanks you for your time

Whether it is possible to ask still?



First, it is necessary to calm down.

I on the Internet cannot tell or say, what is it. To show it is necessary not to the nurse, they it is usual a little that know from such details. To show it is necessary to the pediatrist.

I too advise you.. At each changing clothes.. To allow to breathe to a skin. In a bath add to a turn... Buy or purchase spets a cream from a boring from pampers, try to smear.. And where exactly this maculae? On a sexual labium?

To ask, certainly, it is possible.. But I not always can help or assist, since I do not see neither you, nor the child.. Also I do not know completely a situation.. But I shall try to help or assist, than I can.


The woman-doctor
04.02.2005, 19:10
The Woman-doctor, respond please.

Last monthly were on January, 22nd, a cycle 34 days. On February, 26th has bought or purchased 2 tests identical, both have shown, that is pregnant. Ur! Today, on March, 10th, has gone to the doctor to confirm pregnancy. So she to me has told or said, that pregnancy at me 5 maximum of 6 days. How such can but? How conception can occur or happen later almost month after an ovulation? And more: at me something on February, 20th has begun similar to a thrush, but strongly less expressed. The doctor on it has told or said, that at pregnant women so happens (too strange, in fact by its or her calculations on February, 20th I was not the pregnant woman) and have appointed or nominated suppositories Betadin.

The thrush at me was in January. I then had a flu with complications and an inflammation of appendages (or ovaries, I do not remember), have appointed or nominated tablets, as a result of which thrush. Then I have drunk Fljukostat.

In advance thanks.


You are assured, what 5-6 days, instead of 5-6 weeks?

The visitor
14.02.2005, 13:51
Hello Thanks for your attention. Were at the doctor again - has told or said-was simply an infection what happens from antibiotics prinjatyz mum. Has calmed, though I accepted antib two mes back and not what rektsii then at it or her was not. The speck not on a sexual labium and is direct sideways on a pubis. I shall try to buy in a turn and a camomile And kremoj I use constantly. The doctor has told or said, that if she has picked up at sorts or labors that hardly vyzhyla. Such already, asked to not risk and do or make cesarean - Is not present have rested - if purely or cleanly - to that to give birth or travail most. Well give the God very well.

Prompt pozhalujsa what to do or make with arms or hand somewhere through mes after rodoa arms or hand of-ligament mezhu a brush and an arm or a hand began to hurt or be ill;be sick. Very much boljat it is sometimes simple as knifes especially when I lift it or her yes in general any movement, and grow dumb at night. The doctor speaks - damage of ligaments or cords and only to do or make operation itself hardly will pass or take place and so to drink obezbalivajushchie. I certainly drink nothing, simply I suffer or bear, and have got used already

One more - panic attacks. Happens when there was a pregnant woman - especially first three mes - nemogla to breathe. The doctor has told or said, that an asthma. And what asthma when I not kashljalja, a breast did not whistle, nocht slept - perfectly but only spasteli by something I start to do or make - all kapets, not pogla even by phone to talk and eat - choked. First three mes ber has lost six kg at mine 57 isnachalno (body height 162) became then better but not absolutely, and now only something (smuzhem quarrel basically) and all I choke. prochla the literature what is it panich attack, occurs or happens basically after depression. I at me she was as I live far from the house and very much I miss. Spoke with vrachem, has told or said, that only itself to take in arms or hand. But etoja I know also itself and what to do or make when there are moments that cannot supervise. Can will advise that. Valerian drops the saw - helped or assisted, but it is a lot of tablets to drink I do not want, vsetaki I feed malyshku. At the husband job nervous too, sometimes as we shall be linked there is nothing and about it is understood, what is it silly. But he certainly in general nervous I think as to me have helped or assisted with it or this.

I read - you congratulated with rozhdenim devochkib I prosoedinjajus. It would be desirable simply with you poobshchat to ask " who you " and " that you " and whence you so much knowledge and why you help or assist all to us

Thanks huge.

The woman-doctor
22.02.2005, 02:33
Hello Thanks for your attention. Were at the doctor again - has told or said-was simply an infection what happens from antibiotics prinjatyz mum. Has calmed, though I accepted antib two mes back and not what rektsii then at it or her was not. The speck not on a sexual labium and is direct sideways on a pubis. I shall try to buy in a turn and a camomile And kremoj I use constantly. The doctor has told or said, that if she has picked up at sorts or labors that hardly vyzhyla. Such already, asked to not risk and do or make cesarean - Is not present have rested - if purely or cleanly - to that to give birth or travail most. Well give the God very well.

Prompt pozhalujsa what to do or make with arms or hand somewhere through mes after rodoa arms or hand of-ligament mezhu a brush and an arm or a hand began to hurt or be ill;be sick. Very much boljat it is sometimes simple as knifes especially when I lift it or her yes in general any movement, and grow dumb at night. The doctor speaks - damage of ligaments or cords and only to do or make operation itself hardly will pass or take place and so to drink obezbalivajushchie. I certainly drink nothing, simply I suffer or bear, and have got used already

One more - panic attacks. Happens when there was a pregnant woman - especially first three mes - nemogla to breathe. The doctor has told or said, that an asthma. And what asthma when I not kashljalja, a breast did not whistle, nocht slept - perfectly but only spasteli by something I start to do or make - all kapets, not pogla even by phone to talk and eat - choked. First three mes ber has lost six kg at mine 57 isnachalno (body height 162) became then better but not absolutely, and now only something (smuzhem quarrel basically) and all I choke. prochla the literature what is it panich attack, occurs or happens basically after depression. I at me she was as I live far from the house and very much I miss. Spoke with vrachem, has told or said, that only itself to take in arms or hand. But etoja I know also itself and what to do or make when there are moments that cannot supervise. Can will advise that. Valerian drops the saw - helped or assisted, but it is a lot of tablets to drink I do not want, vsetaki I feed malyshku. At the husband job nervous too, sometimes as we shall be linked there is nothing and about it is understood, what is it silly. But he certainly in general nervous I think as to me have helped or assisted with it or this.

I read - you congratulated with rozhdenim devochkib I prosoedinjajus. It would be desirable simply with you poobshchat to ask " who you " and " that you " and whence you so much knowledge and why you help or assist all to us

Thanks huge.


Has not understood.. Rashes at a daughter from an infection which has arisen after your reception of antibiotics? What antibiotics drank or saw.. And in what occasion?

It is not necessary so to be afraid of herpes.. It is unpleasant, but anything lethal. You are alive. The herpes are dangerous fetal.. At your daughter of it or this was not. At it or her your antibodies already are..

I agree what to give birth or travail most it is necessary, if there are no rashes. So do not worry. All have correctly made. And the herpes would pass and at kesareve.. And in general.

It can be an arthritis - well to descend or go to the rheumatologist.. Or to the therapist.. It it is necessary to look. For now do or make massage of wrists, and rotary movements of brushes in the different parties or sides several times in day.

I do not understand, what damage of ligaments or cords from both parties or sides? Try to go to osteopatu if is in your country. They will understand, in chemdelo.. And if business in damage.. Will help or assist you.

About panic attacks:

Try to drink valerjanu again, you sleep how much? Both how eat? And whether happen on fresh air? Also distract? Look or see cartoon films, esteem something ridiculous.. Have a drink tea with mint for the night. And well before a dream to walk.. And in sports to be engaged. There is an opportunity to leave the child on an hour with the husband, and something for itself to do or make?! To go to a sports hall or something in this sort? On massage, for example?

Thanks for congratulations.

To pleasure I shall communicate Only not always I can respond at once, since to the child of only 3 weeks.. Also I do not sleep almost.

And why I here?

It is an old story.. I have got on female passions casually.. About 4 years ago.. Searched for prescriptions national for body height of hair. Esteemed.. Also has seen, that here it is a lot of forums different.. Has come on Female health and uzhasnulas. Here girls each other advised treatment by antibiotics, etc., at all not knowing details and not having honey. Educations. And I have started to advise..

And the section about pregnancy and labors has then opened. And obstetrics - my passion, and I there have lodged. Here I come less often..

Also I can not throw - I am am given with this huge pleasure, and already all native became and I experience for all..

07.03.2005, 22:09
My God. What you well done!! I am sincere you vozhishchajus and I am proud. The Lord will thank you for it. I wish to apologize for mistakes or errors at once - vo-the first speshub I worry and two floors of year I live in Canada. I therefore and exact names of diagnoses cannot skazatb but I shall try.

At the girl the doctor has told or said - a thrush - one of which reasons of occurrence reception antib. I accepted inside and then a dropper two times - five various antib including penitsilin. Happens vsvjazi with my infection on the second week after sorts or labors - seams dispatch or deliver;have missed while has reached from a maternity home by the machine or car home 5 hours (we have a hospital but I have gone as though in regional vsvjazi with my conditions (gerp)) They there do not hold longly in hospitals - 24 hours at normal sorts or labors. I laid six days - all has been broken off and cut. Leaving or care have appointed or nominated - sedentary baths three times a day prsto in water. I was in a shock and obezbalivajushchie (which I certainly did not drink) In a month - again an infection _ a pain. - again on a dropper and all time I fed suppuration. Have told or said anything are admissible medicines. Though the truth all with malyshkoj was good - rostet greater or big and umnichka

Has tried to translate or transfer my diagnosis of arms or hand - kistevoj a tunnel (the dictionary special honey is not present) the Description - damage of a nerve. The pain pr turn of a brush (insert a key into a door I can and already turn is not present - a pain as in an arm or a hand) proffessionalnaja illness or disease for those who prints knifes on kompjutore or at any repeating movement. Painfully to touch a place where the big finger soedin with a brush. At them here this illness or disease is widespread as I shall look or see - all makes operation (everyone drive the machine or car constantly - Canada - greater or big village without the machine or car as without legs or foots) Honey system - I not poverilaju the Doctor - one - family He and the surgeon (to the husband rodinki deleted) both the therapist and the pediatrist and akusher. To get to the expert - the especial direction is necessary

I shall tell or say to you our doctors _ much more competently - to it or him;them the good equipment. National medicine - at all do not know that such Valerian drops!!) thanks for your advice or councils! Do not hurry up to respond. When there will be a free minute. Not to me to you sosetovat. But try to sleep - then the weariness has an effect, even if it or her and do not feel all over again.

I wish you uspaha and prosperities. The main thing of health to you and yours Dochurke!

The woman-doctor
28.03.2005, 14:45
Hello, Dejzi.

Thanks for kind words. For mistakes or errors not volnujes, the main thing, sense.

The thrush is no trouble. To be frightened it is not necessary. It is a pity, that you such had complications after sorts or labors..

About arms or hand I have understood all. It is the truth, for some reason in Russia such diagnosis usually is not present, though all also work. Therefore here I to you not the adviser.


03.04.2005, 00:37
The woman-doctor! Your advice or council is very urgently necessary. The gynecologist has told or said to me 10 days to drink Djufaston (10 tablets) - and then should begin monthly (whether on 10 day, whether in a day after the termination or ending of reception). I have drunk yesterday last tablet - monthly have not begun. What to do or make - to drink Djufaston or to wait, when will begin monthly? I can something is wrong have understood, and monthly right after the terminations or endings of reception Djufastona not necessarily begin? In advance thanks!

The woman-doctor
05.04.2005, 15:01
The Woman-doctor! Your advice or council is very urgently necessary. The gynecologist has told or said to me 10 days to drink Djufaston (10 tablets) - and then should begin monthly (whether on 10 day, whether in a day after the termination or ending of reception). I have drunk yesterday last tablet - monthly have not begun. What to do or make - to drink Djufaston or to wait, when will begin monthly? I can something is wrong have understood, and monthly right after the terminations or endings of reception Djufastona not necessarily begin? In advance thanks!

The menses begins after the termination or ending of reception djufastona in 2-3 days. Tactics zaviset from a situation.. Appointed or nominated for a cycle or by preparation for pregnancy?

Though, probably, at you already all was solved.

27.07.2005, 21:09
The woman-doctor! Yes, already all was solved Descended or Went to the gynecologist several days ago, she has told or said, that the menses should begin - and has begun And I drank for a cycle. But all is peer to thanks!