Просмотр полной версии : The man as a medicine!!

27.10.2004, 23:56
At me, unfortunately, constant gynecologic problems: that a cystitis inflammatory, not so long ago in general operated (was the fibroma of an ovary is something of type a cyst, I so have understood)! About a cycle which constantly jumps, at all I do not speak - that monthly is not present some months, few times for a month! And all this bouquet in mine 25! One of these days has addressed to the gynecologist with the next problem: the bottom of a stomach or belly hurts, pulls, noet! And so she has advised me to conduct a regular sexual life (this or it in given the moment in general is absent), and the more temperamentally the partner, the better for me!! How to you such treatment?? Or it is a joke??

09.11.2004, 20:30
I too about such heard. At exaltation and an orgasm there is an inflow of a blood to organs of a small basin, that like as it is useful. And on the friends I can judge, that at whom sex rare or infrequent and irregular, of female sores do not get out. It is interesting, why then gynecologists as a medicine do not register a masturbation? Effect that the same!

Olga With.
17.11.2004, 08:09
I too about such heard. At exaltation and an orgasm there is an inflow of a blood to organs of a small basin, that like as it is useful. And on the friends I can judge, that at whom sex rare or infrequent and irregular, of female sores do not get out. It is interesting, why then gynecologists as a medicine do not register a masturbation? Effect that the same!

Well do not tell or say

At employment or occupations by sex the special hormone of happiness is allocated, and at onanizme-nea

On a subject: such I too heard, even has checked up Indeed.

Has put here in any hormones, I especially did not press in this subject...

Baba Manya
21.11.2004, 14:22
I too about such heard. At exaltation and an orgasm there is an inflow of a blood to organs of a small basin, that like as it is useful. And on the friends I can judge, that at whom sex rare or infrequent and irregular, of female sores do not get out. It is interesting, why then gynecologists as a medicine do not register a masturbation? Effect that the same!

Because in our country mastrubatsii is not present

Lena, simply Lena
07.12.2004, 07:50
I do not believe something in such treatment... Sex. The life is useful unless to that raises or increases mood and gives a discharge (well if the partner correct, instead of torments in bed)

Besides, sex can provoke cystitises, a thrush, and OK can provoke cysts... So it is not known, that it is more useful

15.12.2004, 10:15
I too about such heard. At exaltation and an orgasm there is an inflow of a blood to organs of a small basin, that like as it is useful. And on the friends I can judge, that at whom sex rare or infrequent and irregular, of female sores do not get out. It is interesting, why then gynecologists as a medicine do not register a masturbation? Effect that the same!

Well do not tell or say

At employment or occupations by sex the special hormone of happiness is allocated, and at onanizme-nea

On a subject: such I too heard, even has checked up Indeed.

Has put here in any hormones, I especially did not press in this subject...

I read, that during sex (without prezika) the woman receives from the man any hormones, and not abstract, but quite real. And the the woman is more senior, the more these hormones for normal functioning are necessary to her.

We with girl-friends for fun speak: man's vitamins.

Oh, something now seemed to me, that all lesbians unimportantly look or appear

28.12.2004, 07:09
I in pritsipe shall agree with it or this...

Lena, simply Lena
07.01.2005, 03:32
I too about such heard. At exaltation and an orgasm there is an inflow of a blood to organs of a small basin, that like as it is useful. And on the friends I can judge, that at whom sex rare or infrequent and irregular, of female sores do not get out. It is interesting, why then gynecologists as a medicine do not register a masturbation? Effect that the same!

Well do not tell or say

At employment or occupations by sex the special hormone of happiness is allocated, and at onanizme-nea

On a subject: such I too heard, even has checked up Indeed.

Has put here in any hormones, I especially did not press in this subject...

I read, that during sex (without prezika) the woman receives from the man any hormones, and not abstract, but quite real. And the the woman is more senior, the more these hormones for normal functioning are necessary to her.

We with girl-friends for fun speak: man's vitamins.

Oh, something now seemed to me, that all lesbians unimportantly look or appear

Whence receives hormones? From a semen? Togad it turns out, that those who practises the interrupted certificate or act and masturbatsiju-too are deprived treatment...

Well, we shall admit or allow, she receives hormones... But plus to it or this receives also any harmfulness, which is allocated, if at the partner a prostatitis (and at whom it or him shchas is not present?) or still what sore... Besides doubts: what it is more useful?

14.01.2005, 09:17
Whence receives hormones? From a semen? Togad it turns out, that those who practises the interrupted certificate or act and masturbatsiju-too are deprived treatment...

Well, we shall admit or allow, she receives hormones... But plus to it or this receives also any harmfulness, which is allocated, if at the partner a prostatitis (and at whom it or him shchas is not present?) or still what sore... Besides doubts: what it is more useful?

It is more useful to sleep with own healthy husband, IMHO. And, and liked

I any more shall not recollect clause or article, but there business was not only in a semen.

25.01.2005, 07:04
Little girls!

Educate me dremuju!

Unless the prostatitis at the partner threatens vospoleniem to the woman???

I quote your reasonings:

Whence receives hormones? From a semen? Togad it turns out, that those who practises the interrupted certificate or act and masturbatsiju-too are deprived treatment...

Well, we shall admit or allow, she receives hormones... But plus to it or this receives also any harmfulness, which is allocated, if at the partner a prostatitis (and at whom it or him shchas is not present?) or still what sore... Besides doubts: what it is more useful?

I that not so catch up with that,

16.02.2005, 20:26
Well, we shall admit or allow, she receives hormones... But plus to it or this receives also any harmfulness, which is allocated, if at the partner a prostatitis (and at whom it or him shchas is not present?) or still what sore... Besides doubts: what it is more useful?

Well, if at you doubt in occasion of your partner, what for with it or him in general then to sleep?

At me in occasion of my partner of doubts is not present, and we sleep without prezika already almost three years. And all I from it or him pull out hormones.

Uma Turman
22.02.2005, 00:37
At me, unfortunately, constant gynecologic problems: that a cystitis inflammatory, not so long ago in general operated (was the fibroma of an ovary is something of type a cyst, I so have understood)! About a cycle which constantly jumps, at all I do not speak - that monthly is not present some months, few times for a month! And all this bouquet in mine 25! One of these days has addressed to the gynecologist with the next problem: the bottom of a stomach or belly hurts, pulls, noet! And so she has advised me to conduct a regular sexual life (this or it in given the moment in general is absent), and the more temperamentally the partner, the better for me!! How to you such treatment?? Or it is a joke??

AbsAljutnaja the truth!

ONLY sex should be qualitative, instead of such (Hajku in Russian):

" Excess of tendernesses is always fraught sopljami.

Where skilled quality ebli?

To not fall asleep... "

22.02.2005, 05:55
I do not believe Something in such treatment... Sex. The life is useful unless to that raises or increases mood and gives a discharge (well if the partner correct, instead of torments in bed)

Besides, sex can provoke cystitises, a thrush, and OK can provoke cysts... So it is not known, that it is more useful

And it is simple so molonitsy does not happen? Has carried to you! OK can provoke, and can and not provoke, di understand, why cysts? For some reason to anybody in a head does not come to stop to smoke, for example, for health, or is porridge in the mornings instead of cholesteric sausages with zharenymi eggs. Or easier or simply to conduct a healthy way of life, but what for if there is a mass of factors on which it is possible to fall down malfunctions in a female organism.

23.03.2005, 02:19
Little girls!

Educate me dremuju!

Unless the prostatitis at the partner threatens vospoleniem to the woman???

1. The prostatitis can be caused or called by an infection.

2. The prostatitis is like an inflammation? Tady there will be something and for us infectious

3. It is necessary to watch or keep up the muzhik: the Yak are wetted?

Lena, simply Lena
21.04.2005, 22:28
Just about, MK! Esti already all has correctly responded!-)

Here girls here on me to attack have begun, and in fact I only wished to tell or say, that it is not necessary to carry out instructions of the doctor blindly: to find the first comer and to start "to be treated" with it or him! All it is necessary to weigh and estimate or appreciate possible or probable harm and chances of treatment by SUCH methods.

And still, by the way, has not passed or has not taken place also half a year as here on the Pass hung someone's temka " Than continence for the woman " harms - so the majority has decided, that nothing harms

I ask to fix or record, that I do not call for continence, and simply I state doubts that sex prevents female sores, and also I warn very young girls from " in a whirlpool with a head ".

And if you do not have cystitis or errozii it not because, what you married and on a regular basis receive a portion of hormones of the husband Will argue?

Uma Turman
25.04.2005, 09:27
And I already for a long time was convinced, that sex very favorably acts on an organism, even sometimes I apply as a medicine " from a headache ".

I shall not describe precisely in a scientifically way how he acts on improvement of a status, but I realize, that that discharge and inflow of good mood (and after numerous orgasms - and a status kajfa on couple of days) and gives an organism a signal, that " very well, you in the good form and will cope with any illnesses "! Sex also gives to confidence of (a positive mental status) that should be reflected on fiz.sostojanii. Speak, that all illnesses or diseases from nerves...

I think also, that nobody will run at once on road " to catch the first comer ". Like all here normal also understand what to be engaged in sex costs or stands with adequate men.

26.07.2005, 21:00
It agree with Wash...

By the experience I can tell or say, that long continence can and not strongly worsens health, but irritability and discontent to associates are shown

And here when the mutual pleasure is delivered under full program HARASHO!

Though here och it is easy or light to me to spoil mood

And when you with such joyful mood come in the morning on job, and people around not so hot benevolent... Your mood and not always for a short while disappears

So I for sex, but exclusively for OTEOSHENIJA, instead of with the first comer (it is interesting doctors, whether when about it or this speak doubt that available at the woman of desire?)