Просмотр полной версии : Urgently! How to stop a blood?

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The squabbler
08.12.2004, 07:25
Urgently! Even for one day how to stop disfunktsionalnoe a uterine bleeding? Who tried or tasted Norcolutum? How soon he helps or assists?

12.12.2004, 09:52
And it is not harmful?

18.12.2004, 02:10
Urgently! Even for one day how to stop disfunktsionalnoe a uterine bleeding? Who tried or tasted Norcolutum? How soon he helps or assists?

To me in hospital stopped, something pricked.

25.12.2004, 22:38
Bleeding?? Per day?? Most???

Kshmar.... And doctors are not present series?

The visitor
26.12.2004, 13:20
I here wrote on the same question 2 weeks ago. One I can : run in gynecology. To me too here have advised everything, and the doctor me has there and then put in hospital. Have made cleaning (I was never pregnant, those there were no abortions) .potom have appointed or nominated hormonal treatment. I do not wish you to frighten, but as have told or said to me my treating doctor-with it or this do not joke, because there can be problems more abruptly simply bleedings. In general, mine to you advice or council from soul-doctor and only. Ispytanno on own experience

02.01.2005, 13:46
What it is possible to make most? What to drink, what tablets?

The visitor
07.01.2005, 05:33
Do not drink anything without advice or council of the doctor! I ask you! It can cause or call a boomerang effect! It is necessary for you now uzi, analyses. And the doctor.

13.01.2005, 00:22
I the third day drink nastoj neetles, Vicasolum and a calcium - calms down a little, and then whips again. I wish to try to drink Norcolutum.

13.01.2005, 08:03
What it is possible to make most? What to drink, what tablets?

What for????

14.01.2005, 13:00
What it is possible to make most? What to drink, what tablets?

What for????

TO STOP THE BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20.01.2005, 11:49
I here wrote on the same question 2 weeks ago. One I can : run in gynecology. To me too here have advised everything, and the doctor me has there and then put in hospital. Have made cleaning (I was never pregnant, those there were no abortions) .potom have appointed or nominated hormonal treatment. I do not wish you to frighten, but as have told or said to me my treating doctor-with it or this do not joke, because there can be problems more abruptly simply bleedings. In general, mine to you advice or council from soul-doctor and only. Ispytanno on own experience

What have advised?

The visitor
27.01.2005, 08:05
About My God!!!

Vicasolum, calcium, Ascorutinum and izhe similar (including your neetle)-it all as dead a poultice! I understand, to doctors it is terrible and neohoto, but you do not have choice! It can is bad will end!

31.01.2005, 06:49
What it is possible to make most? What to drink, what tablets?

What for????

TO STOP THE BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What for it or her to stop? Because of what krov and * 243; current?? A menses??

The visitor
05.02.2005, 06:58
At it or her n?-SHE already wrote.

06.02.2005, 21:16

What for it or her to stop? Because of what krov and * 243; current?? A menses??

Means so. To me 29. Half a year was not monthly absolutely (such happens to me constantly). Now the menses does not stop the third week. Flows not strongly. Absolutely. But the fourth week - has bothered. Snachalo botched work of days ten, and now are hardly stronger with clots.

The visitor
17.02.2005, 01:34
At me was :2 month without them-3 month krov.predstavljaete? 2 years then all in norme.nedavno have repeated : without them and month krovotechenie.dumala will pass or take place samo.do the last hoped on chudo.no it or him not .: and a bleeding because of nego.vam it is necessary to be surveyed and lechitsja.inache you risk the zdorovem.ja sincerely I wish you dobra.shodite to the doctor.

18.02.2005, 15:03
And you in general to doctors go?

Why do not restore a cycle even hormones?

The visitor
24.02.2005, 17:43
I lechus.i advise too to make to the girl who has begun or started this subject

Those to the Squabbler. Read more closely or attentively

07.03.2005, 04:50
Hm. Also it is pleasant to scoff at itself? Vicasolum stops a blood by augmentation of viscosity of a blood. Superfluous thrombuses are necessary to you? The Calcium - to the elephant a pellet. A neetle tozh for 3 days to business you will not help or assist - there can and there will be a sense, but after a month of use.

Precisely hormones.

15.03.2005, 08:32
Hm. Also it is pleasant to scoff at itself? Vicasolum stops a blood by augmentation of viscosity of a blood. Superfluous thrombuses are necessary to you? The Calcium - to the elephant a pellet. A neetle tozh for 3 days to business you will not help or assist - there can and there will be a sense, but after a month of use.

Precisely hormones.

Norcolutum can help or assist?

24.03.2005, 16:45
... And can and not help or assist. Then only will be worse.

You do not know, FROM WHAT the bleeding does not stop, in itself it cannot be.

Do not toil with nonsense, shodite to the doctor. bo- will not be.

The visitor
28.03.2005, 15:30
In my opinion, to you as about a wall goroh.prostite konechno.no to you it is real here everyone speak, that to what itself something to poison or persecute, when it is necessary to know the diagnosis and it is correct lechitsja.udachi to you.

The visitor
11.04.2005, 04:14
... And can and not help or assist. Then only will be worse.

You do not know, FROM WHAT the bleeding does not stop, in itself it cannot be.

Do not toil with nonsense, shodite to the doctor. bo- will not be.

Worse from Norcolutum than? The bleeding can will amplify?

22.04.2005, 04:06
... And can and not help or assist. Then only will be worse.

You do not know, FROM WHAT the bleeding does not stop, in itself it cannot be.

Do not toil with nonsense, shodite to the doctor. bo- will not be.

Worse from Norcolutum than? The bleeding can will amplify?

Yes. And considerably.

23.04.2005, 20:47
Girls, I in holiday in the another's country. At home I shall be already on August, 15th. There is no here my doctor. WHAT it is possible TO MAKE that though for a while to stop a blood???