Просмотр полной версии : Erosion and condylomas

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27.08.2004, 17:00
Help or Assist, please advice or council.

With suspicion on a thrush I have gone recently to the doctor, have handed over all analyses. Result the Virus of a papilloma 16. And the doctor still kondillomy has found out. And still it is enough for a long time at me there was an erosion but as it has appeared she began to heal, like good, but the doctor speaks, that on old edge or territory there were cicatrixes.

Treatment have registered such:

1) to treat condylomas preparations and to prick something for rising immunity. The partner too to treat.

2) then prizhech condylomas (the doctor speaks, that at me their loose both on sexual labiums and in a vagina)

3) prizhech erosion.

I read what to cauterize up to sorts or labors it is not recommended, and I just yet did not give birth or travail. The doctor insists, that if not prizhech at sorts or labors will be hushe - shejka uteruses will be truncated and on a place of cicatrixes there will be cracks.

The doctor och. The pleasant woman, here only I am afraid as though "have not healed" for the additional income, and that already such happened

In general, I worry, can that yet has written, and the doctor och. The pleasant woman, here only I am afraid as though "have not healed" for the additional income, and that already such happened but questions such:

1) whether it is necessary to treat the partner if at it or him displays of a virus of a papilloma are not present

2) whether it is necessary to cauterize erosion At me very high painful threshold.

3) how much adequately such treatment to such problem

4) the virus of a papilloma 16, he oncogenous is how much dangerous

Thanks, I hope for answers, at me even a week in a stock to think what to do or make further, and then already to be treated it is necessary.

04.09.2004, 06:21
1) whether it is necessary to treat the partner if at it or him displays of a virus of a papilloma are not present

2) whether it is necessary to cauterize erosion At me very high painful threshold.

1. Yes

2. How old are you also what your doctor speaks?

11.09.2004, 19:21
To me 23. The doctor speaks, that she heals itself, but there there are cicatrixes and consequently it is necessary to cauterize. I did not give birth or travail, but the nearest 2-3 years I am going to, it would not be desirable to risk, if there is a risk, certainly... Or the risk of complications if it or her to not cauterize is more?

18.09.2004, 19:04
It is very strange to hear about cauterization of erosion... It or Her cauterize up to pregnancy in extreme cases when almost a cancer sh.matki, and at you especially she heals. In occasion of erosion address to other doctor, listen to opinion.

I do not remember, that means 16, I cauterized. No trouble, a little bit to suffer and all. But me before appointed or nominated the Y?uN?-spray and viferon, it is strange, that to you at once...

22.09.2004, 22:50
1) whether it is necessary to treat the partner if at it or him displays of a virus of a papilloma are not present

2) whether it is necessary to cauterize erosion At me very high painful threshold.

3) how much adequately such treatment to such problem

4) the virus of a papilloma 16, he oncogenous is how much dangerous

Thanks, I hope for answers, at me even a week in a stock to think what to do or make further, and then already to be treated it is necessary.

1. It is necessary. Even if at the partner of it or this is not present. To check up it or him it is necessary. Can will register to him what tablets.

Itself suffered the same once. Prizhegali... To tell the truth very unpleasant procedure. It was treated about 3 months since they at once do not pass or take place. Happens as for 1 it is possible, and sometimes people on a floor of year go on procedures. If at you them not so much, I hope all quickly will pass or take place. I drove the partner on survey, at it or him nothing was..... And to tell the truth, I then on glupasti have not insisted on it or him profelaktike... Young was esho. And it would be necessary.

2.3. About cauterization I can tell or say nothing, .. did not collide or face. To you already advised above... Descend or go to other doctor, look or see, that he to you will tell or say.

4. Dangerously as well as any virus. The main thing to not start, and that it will be possible to reject skates... Not in direct certainly sense....... Same so it is not pleasant when at you there mass of these or it papilom. To tell the truth did not know, that this virus oncogenous but when itself it was treated.... vrach from this tragedy did not build and spoke that in it or this rather no trouble is not present. More shortly, are treated the darling and all at you OK will be. Only pridetsja fairly to suffer

The visitor
29.09.2004, 15:45
It is very strange to hear about cauterization of erosion... It or Her cauterize up to pregnancy in extreme cases when almost a cancer sh.matki, and at you especially she heals. In occasion of erosion address to other doctor, listen to opinion.

I do not remember, that means 16, I cauterized. No trouble, a little bit to suffer and all. But me before appointed or nominated the Y?uN?-spray and viferon, it is strange, that to you at once...

To me before cauterization of condylomas have appointed or nominated all over again treatment:

- Nyxes immunomaks intramusculary

- Trays or Basins with a solution miramistina

- Linimentum tskloferona 5 %

- Suppositories kilferon

07.10.2004, 01:14
Previous my report

14.10.2004, 19:57
1) whether it is necessary to treat the partner if at it or him displays of a virus of a papilloma are not present

2) whether it is necessary to cauterize erosion At me very high painful threshold.

3) how much adequately such treatment to such problem

4) the virus of a papilloma 16, he oncogenous is how much dangerous

Thanks, I hope for answers, at me even a week in a stock to think what to do or make further, and then already to be treated it is necessary.

1. It is necessary. Even if at the partner of it or this is not present. To check up it or him it is necessary. Can will register to him what tablets.

Itself suffered the same once. Prizhegali... To tell the truth very unpleasant procedure. It was treated about 3 months since they at once do not pass or take place. Happens as for 1 it is possible, and sometimes people on a floor of year go on procedures. If at you them not so much, I hope all quickly will pass or take place. I drove the partner on survey, at it or him nothing was..... And to tell the truth, I then on glupasti have not insisted on it or him profelaktike... Young was esho. And it would be necessary.

2.3. About cauterization I can tell or say nothing, .. did not collide or face. To you already advised above... Descend or go to other doctor, look or see, that he to you will tell or say.

4. Dangerously as well as any virus. The main thing to not start, and that it will be possible to reject skates... Not in direct certainly sense....... Same so it is not pleasant when at you there mass of these or it papilom. To tell the truth did not know, that this virus oncogenous but when itself it was treated.... vrach from this tragedy did not build and spoke that in it or this rather no trouble is not present. More shortly, are treated the darling and all at you OK will be. Only pridetsja fairly to suffer

Thanks for support, I am was insolent or keep, to me the main thing to understand all.

I the doctor has appointed or nominated to the partner too most, except for Linimentum tsikloferona, here and explain now to him, that it is necessary to insert suppositories into an anus.

And about cauterization itself heard, what is not necessary, only the doctor speaks about these cicatrixes from an adhesion, it can radically changes business?

22.10.2004, 08:46
Thanks for support, I am was insolent or keep, to me the main thing to understand all.

I the doctor has appointed or nominated to the partner too most, except for Linimentum tsikloferona, here and explain now to him, that it is necessary to insert suppositories into an anus.

And about cauterization itself heard, what is not necessary, only the doctor speaks about these cicatrixes from an adhesion, it can radically changes business?

Here, you see, and my partner the doctor has looked or seen, but nothing has registered. Pravdo, has carried... All has managed. So let it is treated too. And that you will be lechtsja, and he is not present.... And suddenly at it or him a little yes remains this infection and will be then again on new all..... Eh.... I of the too would not force to insert a suppository Well let though all rest does or makes. By the way, me suppositories did not register. I only went on cauterization and houses very strong solution of potassium permanganate still cauterized..... On raskorjachku And about erosion I the truth do not know. Not, you descend or go to other doctor. Let he something will tell or say. And then decide what to do or make with it or this. Do not neglect, it not jokes. Though I, to tell the truth heard much, that prizhgali to girls not given birth or not travailled. I when had a suspicion on erroziju so I vrachiha to me has told or said: " Yes that you are afraid, rizhgut to you slightly and all.... No trouble ".

26.10.2004, 20:24
Appoint or Nominate imunostimulirujushchie medicines.

Do not cauterize not given birth or not travailled because at sorts or labors rvutsja a tissue near to cicatrixes.

29.10.2004, 02:58
The virus of a papilloma is not treated, he remains in a blood for all life, as well as a virus of herpes. Treat only condylomas (cauterize).

Not the fact, that at your partner this virus is, if at it or him steady immunity he from you will not catch.

07.11.2004, 03:36
Appoint or Nominate imunostimulirujushchie medicines.

Do not cauterize not given birth or not travailled because at sorts or labors rvutsja a tissue near to cicatrixes.

Here I and so thought, while the doctor has not told or said to me, I quote literally:

Erosion at you heals itself, but on a place of old borders cicatrixes, they should be cleaned or removed cauterization.

I understand nothing!

10.11.2004, 21:04
Thanks for support, I am was insolent or keep, to me the main thing to understand all.

I the doctor has appointed or nominated to the partner too most, except for Linimentum tsikloferona, here and explain now to him, that it is necessary to insert suppositories into an anus.

And about cauterization itself heard, what is not necessary, only the doctor speaks about these cicatrixes from an adhesion, it can radically changes business?

Here, you see, and my partner the doctor has looked or seen, but nothing has registered. Pravdo, has carried... All has managed. So let it is treated too. And that you will be lechtsja, and he is not present.... And suddenly at it or him a little yes remains this infection and will be then again on new all..... Eh.... I of the too would not force to insert a suppository Well let though all rest does or makes. By the way, me suppositories did not register. I only went on cauterization and houses very strong solution of potassium permanganate still cauterized..... On raskorjachku And about erosion I the truth do not know. Not, you descend or go to other doctor. Let he something will tell or say. And then decide what to do or make with it or this. Do not neglect, it not jokes. Though I, to tell the truth heard much, that prizhgali to girls not given birth or not travailled. I when had a suspicion on erroziju so I vrachiha to me has told or said: " Yes that you are afraid, rizhgut to you slightly and all.... No trouble ".

i-yes, I just too was afraid to tell or say, that to him suppositories should be inserted. Here my surprise was, when I have listed all also he on it have told or said... i-yes, nyxes not so it would be desirable. Here understand them! Good, he can is simple has not realized still...

It is good, that there is an Internet, and a forum, and here so would sit and thought, that I one such unfortunate and with an oncogenous virus soon is necessary on a next world. And here so you will write and like you think, here others consult, well and I that. Thanks!

The woman-doctor
13.11.2004, 21:03
Personally I do not see sense to cauterize " cicatrixes after the begun to live erosion ", but, on the other hand I did not see itself.. And to judge difficultly.

The partner to treat there is a sense if it or he has displays (that is condylomas).

23.11.2004, 10:55
Condylomas at it or him are not present, medicines dear or expensive, the truth can also is not necessary to excruciate it or him?

Instead of it will turn out, that I shall be flown by or be treated, and he is not present, even profilakticheski... And then at me again all will begin anew?

23.11.2004, 23:30
Condylomas at it or him are not present, medicines dear or expensive, the truth can also is not necessary to excruciate it or him?

Instead of it will turn out, that I shall be flown by or be treated, and he is not present, even profilakticheski... And then at me again all will begin anew?

I can certainly and not the rights, and time at it or him is not present displays of a virus and it is not necessary to treat it or him. But I would be spent and pomuchala it or him. Anything, will not decrease from it or him But you spakojna will be. And so maloli, suddenly then again....

The woman-doctor
01.12.2004, 14:28
Understand, how here already wrote.. The Virus will not leave a blood, sooner or later your friend all the same will receive your virus (if any more has no it or him). Are treated thus only displays of a virus - condylomas or papillomas. Therefore I do not think, that there will be a big sense.

11.12.2004, 05:13
Understand, how here already wrote.. The Virus will not leave a blood, sooner or later your friend all the same will receive your virus (if any more has no it or him). Are treated thus only displays of a virus - condylomas or papillomas. Therefore I do not think, that there will be a big sense.

And what probability of that, as in me this virus sits. I except for prizhikanija did not treat the condylomas. Anything else did not register. I.e. at me modet it again to arise?

14.12.2004, 16:34
In me too one of these days have found out papilomu, have appointed or nominated treatment, syringings, nyxes any, wads with ointments to me insert and more have allowed a tablet to have a drink, Valtreks are called, in anotatsii to them prochla, what them accept at a virus of herpes, and words is not written about PVCH, whether so it is necessary to me to drink them, if they absolutely from another?!!??

The visitor
21.12.2004, 07:15
And you did not try to ask about it or this that who to you them has registered? On mine the doctor is more competent of this question, than all local advisers..

The woman-doctor
31.12.2004, 22:34
And what probability of that, as in me this virus sits. I except for prizhikanija did not treat the condylomas. Anything else did not register. I.e. at me modet it again to arise?

Happens, that this virus itself leaves an organism.. But it has been noticed at women in the age of till 24 years.

Most likely, the virus and sits since to cure it or him it is impossible.

Can arise at weakening immunity.

The woman-doctor
06.01.2005, 22:43
In me too one of these days have found out papilomu, have appointed or nominated treatment, syringings, nyxes any, wads with ointments to me insert and more have allowed a tablet to have a drink, Valtreks are called, in anotatsii to them prochla, what them accept at a virus of herpes, and words is not written about PVCH, whether so it is necessary to me to drink them, if they absolutely from another?!!??


It agree why to not talk to the doctor who has appointed or nominated treatment? But with you it agree, Valtreks = a preparation against a virus of herpes.. And VPCH here at anything.

The visitor
09.01.2005, 01:29
The woman-doctor, it has simply turned out so, that on reception was on Friday in the evening, and it was necessary to drink tablets to begin or start since Saturday (then and prochla about c Valtreksa) and see you in the evening Monday I shall not see the doctor. Whether so it is necessary to drink them?...

16.01.2005, 06:23
Has forgotten to subscribe in the last post

The woman-doctor
24.01.2005, 08:38
I speak, that these tablets on VPCH do not operate or work... And to drink or not - to solve to you..

Easy wait for consultation of the doctor... From two days nothing will change.