Просмотр полной версии : High pressure

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22.03.2005, 09:38
Pressure always 140 on 110. Happens, that else raises or increases, more often, when weather varies. Doctors speak, that the reasons for a high pressure are not present and simply write out any tablets from which all hurts me (by-effects much) and which do not help or assist. Asked to make analyses of a blood, has handed over, speak, that that's all right, including a cholesterin. (and on what) it is possible to hand over what else analyses to understand the reason? The matter is that I live in Canada, here like "to treat", especially not reflecting on consequences... And I want dokapatsja up to a short. Kto-nibud somebody or somebody else faced this problem?

Still such question in addition. Even if I shall find out, in what a problem, me for certain again will write out tablets. Whether there are effective national ways to lower pressure? Garlic in capsules already I drink, still butter or oil of seeds of flax. And more... At me sometimes it jumps up to 170 on 140 what to do or make, quickly to bring down it or him?

25.03.2005, 17:21
The raised or increased pressure often happens result of disease of kidneys and endocrine system so hand over the analysis wet and check up kidneys. Probably, the reason in it or this.

27.03.2005, 16:43
Thanks Here one more problem. When they give a direction on the test, they ticks mark or celebrate what exactly them interests. For example, I them have asked to check up me on venereal so he has noted only AIDS and a lues. I come behind results, speaks: that's all right. I ask: and a clamidiosis? Has written out again a direction. Only on a clamidiosis. To what I it? What particularly in kidneys it is necessary to check up?

01.04.2005, 08:13
Oh, here it I cannot precisely tell or say. If I am not mistaken, it is necessary to do or make a roentgen of kidneys. Only it is possible or probable not a roentgen is called, and in another way.

05.04.2005, 12:30
Ok, I shall achieve that ALL has checked up

09.04.2005, 00:40
Success to you and, the main thing, health.

13.04.2005, 01:00
Success to you and, the main thing, health.


15.04.2005, 09:35
Pressure 140/110 - very high, has not paid attention to yours

Age. And of pressure do not joke.... The Analysis of a blood, especially on

Venereal diseases here there is nothing. It is necessary

To survey heart and kidneys. For this purpose do or make analyses of urine, in

Volume number daily on presence of fiber. Inspections of heart, the cardiogram including under a load, analyses of a blood on hormones

For check of job of a thyroid gland. Factors raised or increased

It is a lot of pressure, esteem in an Internet. It is necessary to stop to smoke, sit

On a saltless or an electrolyte-deficient diet to drink travki. But all this preventive measures,

If pressure high it is necessary to drink tablets. Usually people with

To constantly high pressures constantly accept medicines

In the small prolonged doses.

17.04.2005, 02:45
Greetings, ValleyGirl!

My husband had a same situation, he 2 years sat on the tablets reducing pressure while side effects have not exceeded any measure. Analyses everyone were normal.

Now he too is treated by a homeopathy, feels fine (t-O-).

Baba Manya
18.04.2005, 18:07
Flax, I to frighten you do not want or wish, but to me many Canadians complained on raspizdjajstvo the Canadian medical system. Type while for a throat not vozmyosh the doctor, he under the initiative will not direct you on analyses. It is necessary most to read the literature, to study or investigate signs, and to the doctor to go already with the ready petition. The doctor so "has forgotten" to inform one of my employees that at it or him a cancer. Operated already in the USA, in Ejlskom hospital.

19.04.2005, 20:26
Pressure 140/110 - very high, has not paid attention to yours

Age. And of pressure do not joke.... The Analysis of a blood, especially on

Venereal diseases here there is nothing. It is necessary

To survey heart and kidneys. For this purpose do or make analyses of urine, in

Volume number daily on presence of fiber. Inspections of heart, the cardiogram including under a load, analyses of a blood on hormones

For check of job of a thyroid gland. Factors raised or increased

It is a lot of pressure, esteem in an Internet. It is necessary to stop to smoke, sit

On a saltless or an electrolyte-deficient diet to drink travki. But all this preventive measures,

If pressure high it is necessary to drink tablets. Usually people with

To constantly high pressures constantly accept medicines

In the small prolonged doses.

To me 30, problems have begun still in podrastkovom age but then on me of attention in general nobody turned, all waved away. On tablets I sat some months, but I from them very much am am hurted with a stomach or belly and a loin, and pressure and has not decreased. Thanks for advice or councils, I have already appointmented with vrachem, I shall beat out from it or him all

23.04.2005, 14:21
Greetings, ValleyGirl!

My husband had a same situation, he 2 years sat on the tablets reducing pressure while side effects have not exceeded any measure. Analyses everyone were normal.

Now he too is treated by a homeopathy, feels fine (t-O-).

Jadzia, probably, I too longly postpone visit to a homeopathist, we more than once spoke about it or this And what your husband had a pressure and how now earlier? Whether Really these preparations help or assist?

27.04.2005, 11:42
Flax, I to frighten you do not want or wish, but to me many Canadians complained on raspizdjajstvo the Canadian medical system. Type while for a throat not vozmyosh the doctor, he under the initiative will not direct you on analyses. It is necessary most to read the literature, to study or investigate signs, and to the doctor to go already with the ready petition. The doctor so "has forgotten" to inform one of my employees that at it or him a cancer. Operated already in the USA, in Ejlskom hospital.

Marinas, therefore I temku also have got or started this, advice or councils are necessary... I available to go to fight with my doctor since on the initiative he anything to do or make does not want. Besides, here it is impossible to receive a direction to experts. The family doctor will "treat" you while you will not receive extreme degrees of complication. I recently handed over PAP test (on a cancer of ovaries, in my opinion), he has appeared bad. So you think, the gynecologist to me and not vidat! He to me has told or said, that is necessary, that at 2 subsequent tests were bad bad that he to it or him;them has directed me. I shall wait about a year

Baba Manya
27.04.2005, 20:03
Marinas, therefore I temku also have got or started this, advice or councils are necessary... I available to go to fight with my doctor since on the initiative he anything to do or make does not want. Besides, here it is impossible to receive a direction to experts. The family doctor will "treat" you while you will not receive extreme degrees of complication. I recently handed over PAP test (on a cancer of ovaries, in my opinion), he has appeared bad. So you think, the gynecologist to me and not vidat! He to me has told or said, that is necessary, that at 2 subsequent tests were bad bad that he to it or him;them has directed me. I shall wait about a year

They ofigeli! Mum native, God forbid to hurt or be ill;be sick in Canada. If there is an opportunity to go to the expert in the USA, even for greater or big money, it should be made. With the bad test 2 years to go it is impossible. I hope that at you all okej, but health is more dear or expensive than any money. So longly to wait it is impossible. Here to you free-of-charge medicine. And why he does not wish you to direct? Oblomno to him, whether that? And who to you did or made the test then? In fact the gynecologist should do or make the test for a cancer of ovaries, not the attending physician. So why the same gynecologist cannot treat you?

29.04.2005, 08:47


They ofigeli! Mum native, God forbid to hurt or be ill;be sick in Canada. If there is an opportunity to go to the expert in the USA, even for greater or big money, it should be made. With the bad test 2 years to go it is impossible. I hope that at you all okej, but health is more dear or expensive than any money. So longly to wait it is impossible. Here to you free-of-charge medicine. And why he does not wish you to direct? Oblomno to him, whether that? And who to you did or made the test then? In fact the gynecologist should do or make the test for a cancer of ovaries, not the attending physician. So why the same gynecologist cannot treat you?

He did or made... Here family doctors on all arms or hand of "master"... And to the expert does not direct or refer, because does not wish to lose the client. Explains it to that any gynecologist will not undertake me on the basis of results only one test and that is more than half of women have the same problems I too I hope, that at me it's OK in the Summer, most likely, I shall go to Moscow since the output or exit is not present more. In a selftreatment to be engaged I do not want. I shall try or taste still a homeopathy, we shall look or see, that will leave.

Baba Manya
05.05.2005, 04:13


They ofigeli! Mum native, God forbid to hurt or be ill;be sick in Canada. If there is an opportunity to go to the expert in the USA, even for greater or big money, it should be made. With the bad test 2 years to go it is impossible. I hope that at you all okej, but health is more dear or expensive than any money. So longly to wait it is impossible. Here to you free-of-charge medicine. And why he does not wish you to direct? Oblomno to him, whether that? And who to you did or made the test then? In fact the gynecologist should do or make the test for a cancer of ovaries, not the attending physician. So why the same gynecologist cannot treat you?

He did or made... Here family doctors on all arms or hand of "master"... And to the expert does not direct or refer, because does not wish to lose the client. Explains it to that any gynecologist will not undertake me on the basis of results only one test and that is more than half of women have the same problems I too I hope, that at me it's OK in the Summer, most likely, I shall go to Moscow since the output or exit is not present more. In a selftreatment to be engaged I do not want. I shall try or taste still a homeopathy, we shall look or see, that will leave.

Pancake, well and medicine. It as in Middle Ages caused the hairdresser or barber to bleed the patient. Really on all arms or hand of the master. That test which you did or made - on a cancer shejki uteruses instead of ovaries. A smear in fact take from shejki uteruses. And you cry, can, tell or say that hurts you, and krovit. Can then will direct? And on all protection, certainly is necessary. Search to itself for friends among doctors. Other output or exit is not present.

07.05.2005, 13:20
Jadzia, probably, I too longly postpone visit to a homeopathist, we more than once spoke about it or this And what your husband had a pressure and how now earlier? Whether Really these preparations help or assist?

My God, you tell what horrors! Similar, what even at us the medicine is better. At least, directions to experts can be received easily (other question, on what these experts are capable).

At the husband happened 100/160. Now he will not measure, speaks, that to him it is good, what for to measure.

You understand, a homeopathy, certainly, not panacea but though becomes worse from it or her not. And side effects are not present. The husband, by the way, too with a stomach or belly had problems from the medicines lowering pressure.

07.05.2005, 22:59
In the Summer, most likely, I shall go to Moscow since the output or exit is not present more. In a selftreatment to be engaged I do not want. I shall try or taste still a homeopathy, we shall look or see, that will leave.

Will be in Moscow, be not too lazy, come into firm shop of company " ". There much all interesting is. And for the decision of your problem it is created special antihypertonic fitochaj "Eskulap".

Antihypertonic fitochaj

Structure: a grass of Leonurus, leaves of mint peppery, roots of Valeriana and solodki, hips.

Properties of components:

Calming or Abirritating and antihypertonic properties of Leonurus, Valeriana, dogrose and roots solodki;

The dogrose possesses vitaminizing properties;

Spasmolytic both weakening or relaxing effect solodki and mints peppery.

Action: possesses calming or abirritating and vitaminizing action, promotes normalization of arterial pressure, reduces risk of hypertonic statuses; softens consequences of stressful reactions and a -emotional overstrain or overvoltage. It is recommended as a preventive and auxiliary supporting or maintaining agent at an idiopathic hypertensia and neurosises.

Way of preparation and application: the bag of tea to insist (under a cover) in a glass of hot water (t 80) within 10 minutes. To accept in the afternoon and in the evening after meal, courses on 1 month 3-4 times a year.

To children till 10 years and to pregnant women to accept after the coordination with the doctor.

40 filter-software packages 2 g

The shop, like, to this address is:

The address: Moscow, Spartakovskaja the area, 14, a premise or room 8.

Phone: 8(095) 788-60-41.

Business hours: from 10.00 till .

09.05.2005, 07:26
Besides, here it is impossible to receive a direction to experts. The family doctor will "treat" you while you will not receive extreme degrees of complication.

As it is familiar to me. In Spain free-of-charge medicine same.

And why you we shall not get the private or individual insurance? It not and is dear or expensive (in a month), but to any expert it is possible to get instantly.

I already for a long time only to private or individual doctors go.

17.05.2005, 12:37
Flax, I to frighten you do not want or wish, but to me many Canadians complained on raspizdjajstvo the Canadian medical system. Type while for a throat not vozmyosh the doctor, he under the initiative will not direct you on analyses. It is necessary most to read the literature, to study or investigate signs, and to the doctor to go already with the ready petition. The doctor so "has forgotten" to inform one of my employees that at it or him a cancer. Operated already in the USA, in Ejlskom hospital.

Marinas, therefore I temku also have got or started this, advice or councils are necessary... I available to go to fight with my doctor since on the initiative he anything to do or make does not want. Besides, here it is impossible to receive a direction to experts. The family doctor will "treat" you while you will not receive extreme degrees of complication. I recently handed over PAP test (on a cancer of ovaries, in my opinion), he has appeared bad. So you think, the gynecologist to me and not vidat! He to me has told or said, that is necessary, that at 2 subsequent tests were bad bad that he to it or him;them has directed me. I shall wait about a year

ha--! All this reminds something to me! And, Holland!

Read, it is simple as about the Dutch medicine. Only with the amendment, that she not free-of-charge, and money for the private or individual insurance otvalivaem on the round sum of month. Any analyses and researches undertake with fight. Better all this money, which to the Dutch insurance companies otvalivaem - yes on treatment in the next Germany. So is not present, niiizja!

20.05.2005, 12:08
Girls, thanks for support

Marinas, tomorrow I go to the doctor, I shall both be cried, and to complain. I hope, will help or assist, of what I doubt.

Jadzia, to a homeopathist tozh has entered the name, you are right - will not be worse

LightAngel, it is a pity, that has not read through your post before, to me parents could bring this tea, they to me have arrived yesterday from Moscow...

anais, here all doctors private or individual, and the insurance state If insurances are not present, then pay simply more. And so - differences are not present. Simply here such system: first you go to the family doctor, and he already gives you a direction to kspetsialistam. Experts without this direction will not accept you

Oltje, so-called Canadian gosudarstvennja the insurance too not free-of-charge. "Otvalivaju" on 90 dollars for itself and the daughter every month.

29.05.2005, 09:50
Here nedavecha I passed or took place inspection. All has begun with rising pressure. I have handed over analyses of a blood, urine - have appeared not by way of a kidney, the cardiogram normal, a blood on hormones and US shchitovidki. The truth results and has not received (well here such I a raven) since I feel normally (fie-fie-fie). Never thought that kidneys influence pressure. Well vobshchem as there will be a diagnosis soobchu. Has by the way managed to me it is all of the order of 20 dollars in gos.poliklinike.

05.06.2005, 11:50
Whether there Are effective national ways to lower pressure? Garlic in capsules already I drink, still butter or oil of seeds of flax. And more... At me sometimes it jumps up to 170 on 140 what to do or make, quickly to bring down it or him?

Has put still what quickly to force down pressure badly, it or he should be lowered or omitted smoothly. It is desirable prilech, to stops of legs or foots a warm heater, to drink calming or abirritating droplets or a tablet which will be registered by the doctor. And hour 2 to lie down, it is not less.

Garlic in capsules and butter or oil of seeds of flax very well, for an organism in general. And about national agents I not so zamorachivajus - buy to the husband ready grassy collectings, instead of tea.

07.06.2005, 17:48
Ask, at me too most likely kidneys. On results inform

Estee. I, basically and do or make, more nothing helps or assists... And you at homeopathists buy teas or is simple in a drugstore?

09.06.2005, 02:12
Girls, thanks for support

Marinas, tomorrow I go to the doctor, I shall both be cried, and to complain. I hope, will help or assist, of what I doubt.

Jadzia, to a homeopathist tozh has entered the name, you are right - will not be worse

LightAngel, it is a pity, that has not read through your post before, to me parents could bring this tea, they to me have arrived yesterday from Moscow...

anais, here all doctors private or individual, and the insurance state If insurances are not present, then pay simply more. And so - differences are not present. Simply here such system: first you go to the family doctor, and he already gives you a direction to kspetsialistam. Experts without this direction will not accept you

Oltje, so-called Canadian gosudarstvennja the insurance too not free-of-charge. "Otvalivaju" on 90 dollars for itself and the daughter every month.

At you most likely develops (or has already developed) - "Hypertonia".

At such disease carefully picked up preparations which have been written out good vrachem are necessary. Disease it to cure practically it is not possible or probable, and it is possible to supervise and adjust or regulate pressure only

By means of these preparations.

It can develop at any age, but more often after 30 years.

You need to refuse tonics (coffee, kola, alcohol), it is desirable to avoid stresses (from them pressure at hypertensive patients jumps even more!), from position sitting or laying sharply do not rise. Still pressure jumps can occur or happen in connection with sharp weather changing (for example has sharply become cold).

Do not suppose, what at you at night merzli a leg or foot, hold them in heat, it is better even to dress for the night nosochki. And as soon as possible find the good doctor! Do not pull and do not try to be treated by national agents, it can be simply dangerous.