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16.02.2005, 00:42
Already to mine there was a subject somewhere a cystitis, but cannot find, therefore excuse, that I begin new. At someone was such, that the cystitis passed in the chronic form. Already simply forces are not present. After treatment with antibiotics he izchezaet a maximum for 1-2 months. Then again too most, but how much already mozhna to drink antibiotics. On an infection it was checked, it's OK. One year ago has cured ureoplazmu, posde it or this handed over 3 times control -was negatively. I plan pregnancy in 3 months, I wish to prepare somehow an organism, but with this cystitis simply travki not pomagajut, to have to be rescueed or saved;salvaged by warm douche or a heater and that suffices not for a long time. Voosnovnom starts to hurt or be ill;be sick at daybreak hours per 6 mornings, I come on job zamuchannaja. The woman the doctor or girls at whom was similar advise pliiiz salvage from this muck.

U_ Has entered
16.02.2005, 05:48
At me too a similar status - practically constant finding between illness or disease and not illness or disease.

However, there are no infections passed sexual by. And thus on US - no attributes of a chronic cystitis are present. Only it is constant in bakposeve is present E. coli. After antibiotics - vanishes, and then again appears. It is not known whence...

Perhaps, someone knows, why so happens?

So too very much I wait for advice or councils too.

My ways of "salvage" of (except for daily hygiene, it it is natural):

1. Warm douche.

2. I drink a lot of water.

3. As at me exacerbations almost always after sex - I drink after it or him 1 tablet Norfloksatsina or Kanefron (it not and its or his pregnant women it can be accepted an antibiotic), necessarily I go to a toilet in a small way (on the husband to expostulate is impossible-he is healthy).

4. Vitaminki (I Duovit drink).

5. Instead of green tea I drink the Grass of the Horsetail Field (she is on sale in packs, and in bags as tea). Every day since morning.

Still, speak, if a teeth are not healthy - it is necessary to cure.

Once again about Kanefron - he though also road, but on travkah, and very well operates or works. To accept pregnant women it is possible.

Meanwhile my ways me hold 1 month in a status more or less - and it is first time for last 4 months.

ZY: I Hope, my ways will be useful to you. And I continue to wait for ways of struggle against a cystitis from other "readers"

16.02.2005, 07:25
Girls, I somewhere read, that to prevent a cystitis, it is necessary to descend or go necessarily after sex in a toilet on small.

17.02.2005, 00:01
At me too in analyses E. COLI.

And I pochemuto always thought that norfloksatsin-it an antibiotic if is not present today it or him I I shall buy or purchase and if I shall find kanefron, too the purchase. Thanks big for advice or councils.

And in a small way after sex-it or -this;-thus I have already taken in a rule, and before sex too-speak on a full bladder it is impossible.

The husband at me too went all purely or cleanly.

I every day still drink tsiston (he on travkah), have already drunk 2 packings on 100 pieces-effects "0".

17.02.2005, 20:03
Here in connection with an intestinal rod, the question was formed juicy, dazh two:

1. When, forgive or excuse, to the priest wipe: that in front back or behind forward?

2. Proctal or anal sex practise?

U_ Has not entered
18.02.2005, 20:38
Aaaankaa Norfloksatsin - an antibiotic. I wrote about Kanefrone, that he not an antibiotic. Seriously - at not strong attacks, Kanefron personally to me very much helps or assists. It or he is drunk on 2 tablets with 3 times a day.


1. In front back

2. No, it is not practised.

19.02.2005, 11:06

1. In front back

2. No, it is not practised.


Somehow she there all gets.

But the question to the author of a subject remains.

U_ Has not entered
19.02.2005, 17:24
DeLux And I am possible still I shall ask? And others sprosoby hits of an intestinal rod in a bladder can be? Or only what you have listed? (if so.. I also do not know as to think... I start to believe in aliens)

20.02.2005, 23:06
Hmm. Well about a bathroom I can assume (if he, whether ponimaesh, bryzgaetstsa, for example, during the responsible or crucial moment). Well mozh to be untidiness of the partner though technically it difficultly I represent.

22.02.2005, 05:25
Topic of the day.

Only at me it is even more interesting.

Day for 2-3 up to monthly the cystitis begins. And so already almost 8 months. First thought, that has simply caught a cold. And now I see, that system because all as an arm or a hand removes or takes out signs as soon as the menses begins.

Cleanly logically I assume, that is connected with a hormonal background.

And you did not have such, a girl?!

23.02.2005, 02:27
Here in connection with an intestinal rod, the question was formed juicy, dazh two:

1. When, forgive or excuse, to the priest wipe: that in front back or behind forward?

2. Proctal or anal sex practise?

1. Mum with detsva instructed as pravelno to wipe up (IN FRONT BACK)

2. No.

23.02.2005, 15:05
Aaaankaa Norfloksatsin - an antibiotic. I wrote about Kanefrone, that he not an antibiotic. Seriously - at not strong attacks, Kanefron personally to me very much helps or assists. It or he is drunk on 2 tablets with 3 times a day.

Has bought or purchased just kanefron. Dorogovat, but I hope the field horsetail will help or assist with bags also, already I sit I drink.

And on the bill of that that before monthly I too observed this tendency, but the truth at me begins approximately 5-8 days prior to them.

24.02.2005, 06:06
aaankaa I Hope, to you it becomes better (therefore as perfectly I understand your emotions)...

I can myself I wind... Just nachitalas in an Internet on site Medinkura (in he- consultations), that to girls who are infected by an intestinal rod urgently is not recommended to become pregnant, will not recover yet, and to become pregnant only in a month after passage of course of treatment...

It that.. It turns out to me never it is impossible to become pregnant? And I cannot become mum? Anything to itself of business or affairs!

Really all SO is bad...

24.02.2005, 18:03
About a cystitis before monthly:

To me one of doctors, spoke, that some women have exacerbations of a cystitis in the certain days of a cycle, and in takh cases, he has told or said, that massage kresttsovoj very or very much helps or assists area... On personal experience I do not know - whether so it, because did not notice at myself such law (a cystitis before monthly), and pleasure, this massage, not cheap, and sessions - a minimum 20.


26.02.2005, 03:07
Similarly, before mechjachnymi for 1-2 days too most, has noticed this tendency and now I do not worry in this occasion, and I am still rescueed or saved;salvaged by plentiful warm drink, it is necessary to drink constantly warm drink, it is possible simply water, it is possible travki. And has still noticed as has ceased to wear close strongly fitting clothes (jeans, trousers, etc.) so the cystitis for a long time did not visit or attend

It can to you too will help or assist

The visitor
26.02.2005, 21:13
At whom a cystitis after sex or before monthly - run to the gynecologist. Attributes of an endometriosis or a hysteromyoma. Doctors seldom know about it or this, but simptimy very characteristic.

27.02.2005, 10:29
At whom a cystitis after sex or before monthly - run to the gynecologist. Attributes of an endometriosis or a hysteromyoma. Doctors seldom know about it or this, but simptimy very characteristic.

I do not know, how about an endometriosis... But a myoma on US like precisely would reveal or tap... And me two times did or made US one month ago - anything.

And attributes of an endometriosis, except for as a cystitis - are not present (but it anything and does not mean).

Though gynecologic disturbance is - errozija shejki uteruses. Have told or said to not treat up to sorts or labors. I am observed constantly.

There can from errozii be a cystitis?

Lena, simply Lena
27.02.2005, 21:27
And analyses handed over? Leucocytes are raised or increased?

28.02.2005, 07:15
And analyses handed over? Leucocytes are raised or increased?

If the question was to me - that yes, handed over analyses after passage of treatment - lejkotsiy have been raised or increased, but the doctor has told or said, the main thing is what is it normal after a cystitis, that bacteria any more have not found.

However, these leucocytes have been raised or increased each time after treatment...

And about what speaks the raised or increased maintenance or contents of leucocytes?

Lena, simply Lena
01.03.2005, 04:53
And analyses handed over? Leucocytes are raised or increased?

If the question was to me - that yes, handed over analyses after passage of treatment - lejkotsiy have been raised or increased, but the doctor has told or said, the main thing is what is it normal after a cystitis, that bacteria any more have not found.

However, these leucocytes have been raised or increased each time after treatment...

And about what speaks the raised or increased maintenance or contents of leucocytes?

Leucocytes speak about inflammatory process. It is necessary peresdat the analysis wet somewhere in a month and to look or see.

And as to you kish. A rod have found? In what analysis? In bakposeve or in usual?

And more the question-as for a long time at you was the first acute cystitis?

01.03.2005, 15:30
Lena, simply Lena

Yes that it or him to retake - I so in two weeks after the termination or ending of treatment have again felt signs of a cystitis... So E. coli forever. Now I live on travkah... Any more I do not know where to go - has bypassed half-Kiev from usual out-patient departments up to the most dear or expensive. Everything, that I know about a cystitis - from the Internet and from same stradalits as I Doctors plainly to me could tell nothing.

Intestinal rod have found in bakposeve, took a catheter directly from a bladder, 10 in 6 degrees is last time of an acute cystitis in one of clinics to me have made this analysis. Up to they be took the usual analysis wet also anything there did not find. Appointed or nominated the next antibiotic and sent vosvojasi.

The first acute cystitis was very much for a long time - nearby 8 years back. But after that time I be ill or sick with a cystitis about 5 years.

Here three years ago the cystitis (acute) began to appear time in half a year, and from this winter (since December) - I from acute attacks of times in a month not vylazhu.

And it turns out - a cystitis - 10 days of antibiotics, 2,5 weeks of a happy life - a cystitis-10 days of antibiotics and t.d...

Lena, simply Lena
02.03.2005, 09:55
Lena, simply Lena

Yes that it or him to retake - I so in two weeks after the termination or ending of treatment have again felt signs of a cystitis... So E. coli forever. Now I live on travkah... Any more I do not know where to go - has bypassed half-Kiev from usual out-patient departments up to the most dear or expensive. Everything, that I know about a cystitis - from the Internet and from same stradalits as I Doctors plainly to me could tell nothing.

Intestinal rod have found in bakposeve, took a catheter directly from a bladder, 10 in 6 degrees is last time of an acute cystitis in one of clinics to me have made this analysis. Up to they be took the usual analysis wet also anything there did not find. Appointed or nominated the next antibiotic and sent vosvojasi.

The first acute cystitis was very much for a long time - nearby 8 years back. But after that time I be ill or sick with a cystitis about 5 years.

Here three years ago the cystitis (acute) began to appear time in half a year, and from this winter (since December) - I from acute attacks of times in a month not vylazhu.

And it turns out - a cystitis - 10 days of antibiotics, 2,5 weeks of a happy life - a cystitis-10 days of antibiotics and t.d...

I sympathize. I too am familiar with a cystitis. To me have registered after antibiotics 5- and polin for 2 weeks. And more different sets of grasses for the period of a year to drink.

But at me streptokok and more any klebolu has shown bakposev. Well and, as it is correct here the Visitor has noticed, an endometriosis, probably, provokes.

And after crop to you have appointed or nominated antibiotics which kill an intestinal stick? Or you drank or saw others?

The visitor
03.03.2005, 19:48
Lena, simply Lena Yes, me at a tank-crop have made also on sensitivity to antibiotics - it has appeared, my intestinal rods are sensitive to Norfloksatsinu (it or him to me and have appointed or nominated to 6 days, it or him I and the saw, plus still more in parallel Kanefron, Simbiter - for flora of an intestine, Vitamin E, and any hemopoietic medicine - I do not remember its or his name), and TSiproflorsatsinu (and it or him to me appointed or nominated in previous time - and all rods should die of it or him)

03.03.2005, 23:20
Previous there was I.

Lena, simply Lena how I have understood, at you an endometriosis? And how it or him diagnosed? Analyses any? US? Simply survey?

Lena, simply Lena
04.03.2005, 09:39
Previous there was I.

Lena, simply Lena how I have understood, at you an endometriosis? And how it or him diagnosed? Analyses any? US? Simply survey?

Absolutely casually on US naryli a cyst (has gone there absolutely in other occasion). Have observed half a year-thought, suddenly will resolve. Has not resolved. Have made US on dr. The apparatus (which a fetus look at pregnant women) and have diagnosed: an endometriosis and solderings. Have told or said, that solderings can cause desires.

Pancake, here at me one girlfriend from the first a cystitis has cured e the order! Then in Egypt sides has warmed, and now about it or him does not recollect even. I do not understand, how it was possible to her!