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18.08.2004, 05:55
I do not know, what is it such, but the doctor-gynecologist by results of the analysis has explained, what is it disturbance of a microflora of female sexual system - has written out suppositories and antibiotics... If it is fair, nothing has passed or has taken place

I am am pursued with a sickening or nauseous smell of a fish taaam... Horror... That appears, disappears

What to do or make? Somebody collided or faced with it or this?

20.08.2004, 09:08
I do not know, what is it such, but the doctor-gynecologist by results of the analysis has explained, what is it disturbance of a microflora of female sexual system - has written out suppositories and antibiotics... If it is fair, nothing has passed or has taken place

I am am pursued with a sickening or nauseous smell of a fish taaam... Horror... That appears, disappears

What to do or make? Somebody collided or faced with it or this?

On how much I know, it is an infection. When I last time was at genikologa, she to me told about such phenomenon. And to you did or made analyses on an infection?

23.08.2004, 03:58
Naturally, I have handed over ALL analyses, down to genital US is something of type bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoza.... When in norm or rate neobhoodimoe a parity or ratio of bacteria, and in the certain cases, for example, at change of the sexual partner, at stressful situations, at reception of antibiotics, the parity or ratio of these bacteria can change and there is such problem.....

Did not change partners and anything such like.......

Why so?

26.08.2004, 14:36

I shall tell what to make

27.08.2004, 08:10
ssori... It ICQ303331111

27.08.2004, 19:50
I do not apply for correctness of the diagnosis... But it can be gardenelez (it is not assured, that has correctly written)... At itself it seems there is a fish smell...

31.08.2004, 18:22
At me too most. First the doctor treated for a thrush and when I have made analyses, it has appeared, what is it bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz. But I have passed or have taken place course of treatment, and while (some days) it's OK.

And what at you was for a medicine?

02.09.2004, 07:53
Not well some doctors simply touch me. Treat from baldy!

The lovely girl, all over again hand over the analysis on crop and sensitivity. It will allow you to pick up as much as possible effective medicines. And more mine to you advice or council - start to accept Vobenzim. This preparation will strengthen salutary effect of antibiotics and will remove or take off by-effects.


05.09.2004, 16:42
At me too most. First the doctor treated for a thrush and when I have made analyses, it has appeared, what is it bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz. But I have passed or have taken place course of treatment, and while (some days) it's OK.

And what at you was for a medicine?

Suppositories Terzhinan and antibiotics-.... On t.. Somehow, I can not recollect now...

06.09.2004, 18:07
Not well some doctors simply touch me. Treat from baldy!

The lovely girl, all over again hand over the analysis on crop and sensitivity. It will allow you to pick up as much as possible effective medicines. And more mine to you advice or council - start to accept Vobenzim. This preparation will strengthen salutary effect of antibiotics and will remove or take off by-effects.


And that such Vobenzim, what is this a preparation and its or his structure. It not an antibiotic?

Thanks YOU for your support!

09.09.2004, 19:44
It is quite possible or probable trihomoniaz - idiots doctors at me only with what did not confuse it or him... Have a drink 10 days Trichopolum on 2 tablets 3 times a day and 2 tabletkina night in a vagina too 10 days.... + 10 days 3 times a day on 1 tablet of Nistatinum, but.. On the efflux or expiration of 10 days of 3 capsules kandibene there.... 3 days on one... And all ok... If strongly spoils, it is necessary to repeat in a month

14.09.2004, 11:11
Not well some doctors simply touch me. Treat from baldy!

The lovely girl, all over again hand over the analysis on crop and sensitivity. It will allow you to pick up as much as possible effective medicines. And more mine to you advice or council - start to accept Vobenzim. This preparation will strengthen salutary effect of antibiotics and will remove or take off by-effects.


And that such Vobenzim, what is this a preparation and its or his structure. It not an antibiotic?

Thanks YOU for your support!

The preparation "Vobenzim" is the alimentary additive, promoting improvement okislitelno-regenerative process in an organism.

So it not an antibiotic. Come into any drugstore and esteem the summary. A thing really shaking or amazing;tremendous.

17.09.2004, 08:47
If at you the flora i.e. a dysbacteriosis is broken or disturbed so antibiotics will even more break or disturb flora and will weaken or easy zash.sily an organism. You tried or tasted syringes Furacilinum 3 times a day? He not only cleans or removes a smell.

17.09.2004, 17:43
If at you the flora i.e. a dysbacteriosis is broken or disturbed so antibiotics will even more break or disturb flora and will weaken or easy zash.sily an organism. You tried or tasted syringes Furacilinum 3 times a day? He not only cleans or removes a smell.

Well and the dysbacteriosis happens a miscellaneous. If he not bacteriemic or bacterial also antibiotics are not necessary. And if the Tank.? Simply with mind or wit it is necessary to select antibiotics. Now full preparations of last generation. And accompanying preparations full which remove or take out a by-effect from antibiotics.

20.09.2004, 09:27
Saw the stand in KVD. The smell of a fish, especially after sexual contacts, but not only after them is an infection. What, has forgotten. I to you would advise in KVD to descend or go, instead of in consultation.

22.09.2004, 13:30
It is not necessary to something to insert and the more so to drink antibiotics BEFORE definition of the reason. Hand over analyses on ALL to an infection, and so forth Something should show flora! A fish smell - the normal status is obvious not, at the friend was, for example, at trihomoniaze.

22.09.2004, 20:47
Not well some doctors simply touch me. Treat from baldy!

The lovely girl, all over again hand over the analysis on crop and sensitivity. It will allow you to pick up as much as possible effective medicines. And more mine to you advice or council - start to accept Vobenzim. This preparation will strengthen salutary effect of antibiotics and will remove or take off by-effects.


And that such Vobenzim, what is this a preparation and its or his structure. It not an antibiotic?

Thanks YOU for your support!

Vobenzim is too something of type immunopovyshajushchego panotsejnogo a preparation, appoint or nominate it or him at a heap of illnesses or diseases

There is he dearly or expensively enough!

About results - especially to him I do not trust

26.09.2004, 04:51
Saw the stand in KVD. The smell of a fish, especially after sexual contacts, but not only after them is an infection. What, has forgotten. I to you would advise in KVD to descend or go, instead of in consultation.

No. It not an infection. A difference in what: to hand over analyses in KVD and to hand over them in consultation, whether results should byt different that? Analyses have shown disturbance of a microflora.

I am am excited with a question, that antibotiki accepted, accepted, and is not clear why has not passed or has not taken place anything, it would not be desirable to pass or take place again this course, knowing, that he will not help or assist

28.09.2004, 19:22
If at you the flora i.e. a dysbacteriosis is broken or disturbed so antibiotics will even more break or disturb flora and will weaken or easy zash.sily an organism. You tried or tasted syringes Furacilinum 3 times a day? He not only cleans or removes a smell.

No, nikoda. Tell, please, about it or this more in detail

What kills and how it to do or make???

01.10.2004, 23:23
It is quite possible or probable trihomoniaz - idiots doctors at me only with what did not confuse it or him... Have a drink 10 days Trichopolum on 2 tablets 3 times a day and 2 tabletkina night in a vagina too 10 days.... + 10 days 3 times a day on 1 tablet of Nistatinum, but.. On the efflux or expiration of 10 days of 3 capsules kandibene there.... 3 days on one... And all ok... If strongly spoils, it is necessary to repeat in a month

It not trihomoniaz - I handed over analyses in two different out-patient departments - in one platno, in another is free-of-charge

Here there, where platno besides antibiotics to me have registered also wads with scarlet, honey and something or something else, I only do not know as them to do or make and if is fair - that: I am afraid - whether a little that

Nobody collided or faced with it or this? Someone something can knows about it or this?

07.10.2004, 20:33
It is quite possible or probable trihomoniaz - idiots doctors at me only with what did not confuse it or him... Have a drink 10 days Trichopolum on 2 tablets 3 times a day and 2 tabletkina night in a vagina too 10 days.... + 10 days 3 times a day on 1 tablet of Nistatinum, but.. On the efflux or expiration of 10 days of 3 capsules kandibene there.... 3 days on one... And all ok... If strongly spoils, it is necessary to repeat in a month

It not trihomoniaz - I handed over analyses in two different out-patient departments - in one platno, in another is free-of-charge

Here there, where platno besides antibiotics to me have registered also wads with scarlet, honey and something or something else, I only do not know as them to do or make and if is fair - that: I am afraid - whether a little that

Nobody collided or faced with it or this? Someone something can knows about it or this?

At random I to you would not advise to accept Trichopolum. And to cure do not cure, and resistibility will lower.

It is perfect or absolute definitely an infection. Tell or say please which you did or made analyses? It was the analysis on PTSR? (at a cellular level - traces of presence of an infection in cells) on PTSR sometimes do or make the Analysis after provocation by a gonovaccine. After that, the result (positive) will be known, it is necessary to hand over the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics (the given infection). And only after that the doctor will pick up effective antibiotics.

About Vobenzima - he does not treat, and promotes mastering of a medicine (it - enzimnyj the preparation, supports or maintains a liver)

14.10.2004, 02:07
What means is definitely an infection, I can something is wrong I understand? Or those gynecologists to whom I handed over analyses, are not competent of it or this? I have explained all signs both in that and in other out-patient department - have handed over analyses - a smear on a heap of everything that is possible, I not the physician and med.terminologiej do not own. Has handed over a blood on the same heap of everything that is possible (it there was I personally the request - to be checked up on all!).

Analyses in TWO poliklinah have shown, that IT'S OK as they were expressed - only the raised or increased quantity or amount epitel.kletok and any else similar to them which in norm or rate are present at an organism of the woman and in case of the certain processes of type of stress, change of the partner, still any circumstances, type dropping of immunity exceed admissible norm or rate and it CAN cause similar signs of type of a smell of a fish, vydeleny.

Once again I speak - is not present any trihomoniaza and infections similar to them.

I do not think, that in both cases me have deceived or still something in this sort.

Me the question of such character interests now: what is this wads from an aloe and as them to apply, syringing and so on.

I am going to again on sled.nedele to go to hand over analyses repeatedly - let they to me now will explain: why has not passed or has not taken place anything, or can again has renewed.

19.10.2004, 20:38
Wads from an aloe - you take vatku you do or make a globule not dense by diameter 1,5 sm... You lay down in bintik you turn and promakaesh this all business of an aloe - bought or purchased in drugstores (for nyxes), you can squeeze out juice of a plant....

With honey too most... The same wad you smear with honey and there in inside. No trouble, chago I of a current have not altered in the life, scarlet antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory, honey basically too, but he as podpityvajushchee, though a chicken-feed this all with honey. Simply if that's all right, be engaged in less sex with whom-has got, and the allergy it can be or on preziki or a semen, too happens. You can miramistinom poshprintsevatsja - antibacterial, you can after sex by Acidum boricum, 1 ch.l. On a glass of warm BOILED water. To you how much years in general? You can in general it is simple a camomile prozezhenoj poshprintsevatsja, and urine morning it is possible.

22.10.2004, 01:09
Let's wait for consultation of the Woman-doctor...

But how much I read - one of the most characteristic attributes trihomonioza-a smell.

Will go to the doctor, ask, what method did or made analyses. Even, that on the future the nobility.

Generally, the doctor all in detail explains to me - that, what for, why.

And presence of an infection has suspected "approximately", the smear has shown the raised or increased level of leucocytes, has there and then told or said, that it is necessary to check up on an infection.. The Result has shown presence. Further - the analysis on sensitivity to antibiotics...

24.10.2004, 16:12
Not well some doctors simply touch me. Treat from baldy!

The lovely girl, all over again hand over the analysis on crop and sensitivity. It will allow you to pick up as much as possible effective medicines. And more mine to you advice or council - start to accept Vobenzim. This preparation will strengthen salutary effect of antibiotics and will remove or take off by-effects.


And that such Vobenzim, what is this a preparation and its or his structure. It not an antibiotic?

Thanks YOU for your support!

Vobenzim is too something of type immunopovyshajushchego panotsejnogo a preparation, appoint or nominate it or him at a heap of illnesses or diseases

There is he dearly or expensively enough!

About results - especially to him I do not trust

By me it is checked up! Effect amazing in a compartment with the basic medicines. (a thrush has cured, from which could not consult 2 years)