Просмотр полной версии : Something for veins

05.10.2004, 06:09
The varices while are not present, t-O-O.

But: happens that a droplet most aches a bit, from the interior of a knee, below. And in that place a few or a little;little bit vein is appeared through. More correctly she is visible to me, and if to look narrowly. Knowing very sad experience mum, it would be desirable to avoid varices.

Can have a drink that, for strengthening, and? Advise, who-that can pyot for prophylaxis... (only pliz not Russian medicines, are not present an opportunity them to buy or purchase).

13.10.2004, 22:59
To have a drink I do not know.. Well strengthens vessels Ascorutinum. Ask in your drugstores analogue of vitamins.. To drink medicines to me it seems early

And it is better to smear a place where appears a wreath the ointment, containing a heparin

04.11.2004, 23:07
It is good to have a drink GinkoBiloba (ginko biloba), and in general very much individualn! Do not drink except for vvitaminnyh additives of any tablets, TOL " TO under the doctor's instruction! Sh to flebologu yet late! 1. to not take hot baths! 2. To not sunbathe before reddening! (it is better vooshche to not sunbathe) 3. To buy or purchase golfs spetskompressionnye! 4. longly you sit-cost or -stand, to do or make charging or charge legs or foots! 4. To pass or take place inspection yearly (US)! Well has recollected has written. Do not start I very much I am excruciated with veins.. Did or Made operatsi (has started) already again it is necessary on second time on an operating table..

20.11.2004, 16:30
To smear veins (appeared through) with ointment against varices. I tried or tasted ointment Gepatrombin, the vein has brightened, has changed color. The main thing, I think, to not start all this....

The visitor
28.11.2004, 22:58
If there is a predisposition to the varices, no ointment will help or assist! So, for prophylaxis-yes, but etogo a little. To me for example did not help or assist any "miracle-ointment"..

23.12.2004, 13:50
It I was.

16.01.2005, 00:20
.kupit golfs spetskompressionnye!

About a golf: a good thing, but all these products (golfs, stockings) should have oprdedelennoe the pressure corresponding or meeting your status of veins. Therefore the doctor should pick up them...

And it in general really hereditary...

09.02.2005, 14:41
Well and if mum - the unique person who it or this suffers? Neither grandmothers, nor grandfathers. And mum speaks, that all from too big weight during pregnancy.

Well and where in a heat +35 golfs. In the winter still I can present...

Well good, you have intimidated me absolutely.

05.03.2005, 03:18

Structure: O-B-hydroksyetylorutoz, the rest-.

To me the doctor has written out. To drink not less than 3 months. Then month and again can be begun a break.

My veins have ceased to hurt or be ill;be sick. Have obviously become stronger and krov.sosudiki since you will stick with a finger-ecchymosis earlier, and now I can be beaten without consequences on my body

Sometimes I smear with gel Venoruton

06.03.2005, 23:13
Well I also have written that the doctor should pick up golfs. But it is possible also most 1 ("Sigvaris" firm, very good) to you will measure a leg or pinch and will give nuzhny ramer. At 3... Eto uze for treatment, 1 for prophylaxis. Diseases. By the way in a heat, most of all vilezajut (the load bolshaja) therefore golfiki to wear veins is NECESSARY! (by the way not so it is hot in them) cannot, then it is bad. I speak since have ruined myself, and to you poetomy I advise with all the heart! sh to flebologu, pyst will make to you UZI.Posmotrjat on a status of veins, and any problems of the Tablet still time I shall repeat ANY do not take! I smeared with Troxevasinum and Venorutonum (davnooo) and have decided to have a drink Troxevasinum of a tablet, thought will not prevent, to me so it was bad from them, thought I shall die .brosila through 2. Only vitamins strengthening walls of vessels. Yes be not frightened and do not worry! You do not have problems while, and will not be if will watch or keep up itself! Success!

P.S.shodite to flebologu!

04.04.2005, 04:03
Sigvaris - just the Swiss firm. In general a choice of compression stockings big, different firms. I have bought or purchased to myself Venoteks. is still Relaxan and t.d... To you are necessary most likely preventive... Or a maximum of 1 class of a compression. It is much more effective some ointments and, especially, tablets. Ksta, it is not obligatory stockings, it is possible golfs, stockings...

10.04.2005, 02:04
It is better to descend or go to flebologu and to inquire at it or him all on the problem, and also about a medicine.

He can to you will advise not golfs, stockings, and bandages for ikronozhnyh muscles or for kolenej. First they not such close and very well remove or take out weariness of legs or foots. Secondly they do not need to be worn constantly, but only in the evening or when ustanut legs or foots. These bandages knitted of a clap or cotton with elastanom in the form of a golf without noska and heels, are well erased. I am happy or am.

And as at me this problem very become painful or very sore, is guilty, I advise with it or this to not pull go to the doctor let he will prescribe medicine.

13.07.2005, 04:00
Well and if mum - the unique person who it or this suffers? Neither grandmothers, nor grandfathers. And mum speaks, that all from too big weight during pregnancy.

Well and where in a heat +35 golfs. In the winter still I can present...

Well good, you have intimidated me absolutely.

Well, chavo to be frightened that?) no trouble) see, how much people have written to you) means, someone was excited/excited already with these problemka about a heredity is so. At me on a female line at anybody in general is not present, at the grandmother and mums, in general a cellulitis (well, jarkovyrazhennogo), veins and here at the grandfather - are. At me wreaths too are shone, plus I am engaged in dances - so in general from for it or this became stronger. I smear liotonom, gepatrombinom (peiodicheski) and stockings "Sigvaris" to me registered flebolog, but, little girls, and have not bought or purchased while so. I smear, contrast dushik and usev the order! Success, do not worry