Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to find

24.05.2005, 11:39
All greetings. I neznaju as precisely name this piece (her or it merijut pressure). I wish to present the mother-in-law and where to search on the Internet neznaju, the semiautomatic device is necessary to me. In advance for thanks if can prompt where on the Internet to look.

10.07.2005, 11:14
All greetings. I neznaju as precisely name this piece (her or it merijut pressure). I wish to present the mother-in-law and where to search on the Internet neznaju, the semiautomatic device is necessary to me. In advance for thanks if can prompt where on the Internet to look.

Well, Alevtina, you give! This piece is called the TONOMETER. How much or As far as I know in drugstores praise Tonometers of firm OMRON. Type or collect in ramblere and to you their one million with polovinkoj vysypetsja! Health to your mum! A good piece! I too gave the, very much was useful! Firm I shall not recollect now, I in Germany bought it or him, but it and is not important. They basically from 100 dollars all at one level.