Просмотр полной версии : I can not breathe!

07.01.2005, 19:18
On prrotjazhenii 8 years drip to themselves in a nose navtizin on some times in day. The rhinitis is not present, there is simply nothing to breathe (as though that that prevents to pass or take place inside to air), yet I shall not drip a drop. Since evening I shall drip also I wake up that I breathe any more a nose and a mouth at night, and in a mouth already all has dried up, I drip again. Not specially, but itself has accustomed to these drops when hurted or was ill;was sick from a rhinitis used navtizin, drolo mucous, has then ceased. To me have told or said that quickly get used to Naphthyzinum. Only now I without it or him cannot breathe.

Went to the doctor for a long time, to me have told or said what is it tanzilit, already chronic, it is necessary to cauterize something in a nose. I am afraid of all these cauterizations, there is no confidence that I can without drops and after cauterization.

Who can knows national repty, grasses who faced such problem?

20.01.2005, 12:15
Hmmm, Naphthyzinum every day also some times during 8 years??? Horror any.... Better vozsebja to arms or hand also go to the doctor, let do or make all that will consider necessary. And if you do not result or bring My God will choke sometime??? (Fie-fie-fie). Do not delay treatment...

24.01.2005, 00:26
On prrotjazhenii 8 years drip to themselves in a nose navtizin on some times in day. The rhinitis is not present, there is simply nothing to breathe (as though that that prevents to pass or take place inside to air), yet I shall not drip a drop. Since evening I shall drip also I wake up that I breathe any more a nose and a mouth at night, and in a mouth already all has dried up, I drip again. Not specially, but itself has accustomed to these drops when hurted or was ill;was sick from a rhinitis used navtizin, drolo mucous, has then ceased. To me have told or said that quickly get used to Naphthyzinum. Only now I without it or him cannot breathe.

Went to the doctor for a long time, to me have told or said what is it tanzilit, already chronic, it is necessary to cauterize something in a nose. I am afraid of all these cauterizations, there is no confidence that I can without drops and after cauterization.

Who can knows national repty, grasses who faced such problem?

Naphthyzinum causes accustoming mucous a nose as to a narcotic, it or he;they cannot use more longly than 2 weeks and 3 drops in day. You want you do not want and otvakat it is necessary from it or him with lomkami...

12.02.2005, 17:52
Oh, fathers!

Try or Taste better it:

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Necessarily consult with the doctor. I think it much better and more safely, than beskontsa to drip in a nose of a drop... IMHO

The otolaryngologist
01.03.2005, 12:17
Here not going into details at all it is possible to put the preliminary diagnosis - a chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. Eight years kapanja Naphthyzinum... How much time repeated to the world... Do not use you more weeks vasoconstrictive drops (an alpha-). They block gradually all alfaadrenoretseptory mucous a nose that leads to a proof paralytic vasodilatation mucous and proof I shall swell it or her. Especially it is expressed on mucous nasal conchas and the unique way for ever will get rid of it or him - excision of a part bottom nasal conchas (turbinotomy) or destruction by its or her ultrasound or cauterization hypertrophied mucous. Address in an out-patient department to loru, if he directed or referred you on cauterization, as you it or him name to refuse sense was not, this operation is done or made under a local anesthesia and is not so terrible. Further will be worse - such constant disturbance nasal respiration one of preconditions for a genyantritis and in general than sinusitises as the anastomosis connecting or bridging a nasal cavity with a sinus swells also, hence it is impossible it or her ventilation and as for evstahiita and an otitis - normal ventilation of an acoustical pipe as is broken or disturbed is normal. It is necessary to you? Dyshanie above a hot steam and travki in this case are ineffective. From myself I can recommend standard therapy for chronic rhinites - Sinupret And Rinofluimutsil. Sinupret - the admixture of aqueous-alcoholic extracts of several plants, possesses good sekretoliticheskim action, i.e. reduces viscosity of a nasal secret and facilitates its or his deducing or removing, does not cause or cause accustoming, is accepted inside under the scheme or plan, it is better in droplets. Rinofluimutsil - special, nazalnaja the form of a preparation of Acetylcysteinum, one of the best Mucolyticums as facilitates evacuation of nasal slime, is applied already in the form of drops in a nose, contraindication - a glaucoma. Unique disadvantage of these preparations - rather big all for Russians the price, about two hundred roubles everyone, but they cost or stand it or this. And, if they will not cure, considerably will facilitate a life and will serve as preparation for operative treatment. Do not forget to consult to the doctor. Success.

The visitor
10.03.2005, 13:33
Naphthyzinum within 8 years?????????!!! It is pavor any..... The Terrible preparation. It or him still make??? He causes accustoming, all mucous burns...

In what the reason of your nose it is necessary to establish or install. Probably at you not that's all right with a nasal septum (iskrevlena on both sinuses). But with operations do not hurry up also any terrible cauterizations, punctures and similar measures of ours lorov.

Understand you I can - has gone through such.

I recommend to go for reception to a homeopathist - the homeopathy perfectly it treats - I to that an example. Prinitmaete sweet grains also come to life. About drops will forget. Only all this is written out by the doctor under the special scheme or plan. Rinofluimutsil - how much or as far as I know a strong hormonal preparation and it or he is appointed or nominated only by the doctor in a concrete situation.

31.03.2005, 03:16
My husband too was on this needle of Tears. Has made such cunning: gradually Naphthyzinum in a blister or bleb has started to dilute with boiled water. We shall tell or say, some days filled in there water with Naphthyzinum 1:1, then 2:1, etc. Now at it or him there one water, and that he to her practically does not use, though drags with itself a blister or bleb for own calmness. Try or taste, maybe, will help or assist.

I shall not recollect
19.04.2005, 14:20
It is possible to pass on vizin

He is softer

Then of it or him to get rid easier

vizin the truth for eyes

But the same sense

It is tested on itself

The otolaryngologist
09.07.2005, 04:53
2 Visitor

How much or As far as you do not know Rinofluimutsil - Mucolyticum Acetylcysteinum which is let out or is released in the form of nazalnyh of drops and to hormones any attitude or relation has no. Indications to its or his application - rhinites and sinusitises including and chronic since he reduces viscosity of a nasal secret and a secret okolonosovyh sinuses, promotes normal outflow of a secret and restoration thus to function of the ciliary epithelium covering or lining a nasal cavity. The preparation perfect, is well transferred or carried. I appoint or nominate it or him about three years already. Kasaemo homeopathies - validly I concern to this area of medicine. But, unfortunately, doctors not always understand (or do not wish to understand) where to help or assist it is possible homeopathic agents and where there were proof ANATOMIC changes which are not a subject to conservative treatment. The curvature of a nasal septum, a true hypertrophy of nasal conchas, polyps are not a subject to treatment by a homeopathy. Therefore visits to a homeopathist often (but not always still, fortunately) become simply vytjagivaniem money without any effect. Naphthyzinum - not a terrible preparation, simply is repeated by doctors, repeat how correctly to use vasoconstrictors and all uselessly... What is, when a septum " iskrevlena on both sinuses " I do not know, explain... She can be bent in this or that party or side, but on two simultaneously???