Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy and skin

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18.09.2004, 23:36
Share, please, experience. It is my first pregnancy and it would be desirable to save as much as possible the skin in a protogenic kind (in sense of a minimum of extensions and t.p)

I understand, that absolutely similar problems to not avoid, but to try something to make it would be desirable. Advise, who from extensions on a skin used what creams and linen also what results. Or, can, any spetsmassazh. In advance thanks!

Shumakov Olga
02.10.2004, 21:31
, Greetings!

I wish you easy or light;mild and pleasant pregnancy!!!

You have lifted very good temku!

At me the second pregnancy (2,5 months) and for me now the main thing - struggle against a boring, sensitivity of a skin on a body and the face. If I shall not be spread with a cream since morning - all was gone, the itch does not give rest all the day long! Rescues or saves;salvages only butter or oil Jonson's Baby on a wet skin - to wait a little and then already to be wiped by a towel. The skin in techenee day - as at krasotok in Playboy, bljastit, but is scratched by nothing. Also I did or made and in the first pregnancy - extensions new have not appeared (and old at me from 16 years), and on a breast have appeared later when I within 4 months was practically continuously decanted.

Therefore, by my experience, the main thing that to a body it was comfortable - a cream good (not important, against extensions or idle time), linen only h (today go to buy in Sweet Mama, at borings - a dusting powder a nursery.

And here the face is a song, such sensitive skin became, horror! Constantly reddens, any skraby does not transfer or carry, my liked mask Clinique with clay should be given the girlfriend!! Girls, advise, than you used during pregnancy? Whether went to the cosmetician on manual cleanings?

15.10.2004, 00:21
At me 4,5 months, a tummy has already appeared. After douche I use a speial oil for pregnant women (there enter butter or oil jojoba, an aloe belief, vitamins), I put or render on a breast and a tummy. Plus to that in the morning and I grease with a cream "Lapushka" - the Belarus cream for future mums in the evening. Well and results we learn or we find out in some months

The girlfriend who has given birth 2 months ago, advises NECESSARILY to smear a breast. She during pregnancy looked after a stomach or belly, and about a breast has not thought. After sorts or labors at it or her milk and the size of a breast for 3 days has very quickly come has changed with 1-st on 4-th. As a result - a stomach or belly gladenky, and on a breast strong extensions

For the face I use the same cosmetics, as earlier, and as a whole it is happy or enough. But borings really from time to time arise, that with them to do or make - I do not know...

ZY I Wish all easy or light;mild and healthy pregnancy!

04.11.2004, 20:11
There were two pregnancies, two months prior to sorts or labors the breast a rigid bast that in the further to avoid morbid sensations from feeding and a decanting rubbed. And so anything especial did not do or make, the skin on the face during beremennostej was as at the baby, extensions have not appeared, only have remained from sports since juvenile years.

24.11.2004, 12:04
Used from extensions a cream "Galenik" for pregnant and feeding. Has not helped or assisted And on a stomach or belly there is no extension, and all have concentrated on femurs and a breast (and here a breast I smeared two times a day since 3 mes pregnancy!).

Extensions on a breast have started to appear practically at once, on femurs have appeared, when I for 3 weeks have typed or collected more than 1 kg (i.e., there was a sharp jump of weight).

And here my mum, for example, in the 2 pregnancies did not use anything, and extensions 0. So all depends on properties of a skin.

07.12.2004, 09:28
It is possible to rub butter or oil E in a skin. It is on sale in a drugstore in capsules. Helps or assists from occurrence of extensions.

19.12.2004, 10:26
Thanks, for advice or councils!!!! I thought, that there is suddenly any a miracle of a cream At me the girlfriend used Vichy and a series " Our Mum " - result zero.

Gun Skazkina, was on site Sweet Mama - has looked or seen linen. And you such already used? And how it to you?? Firms much, it would be desirable to choose good. And in occasion of cleanings a good question. At me a skin mixed, I usually once a month-one and a half to the cosmetician go. And now I do not know, it is possible or not?

25.12.2004, 12:50
And Dzhodi Foster during pregnancy it was smeared with simply almond butter or oil (a breast, femurs, a stomach or belly) for a body. Speaks, any extensions.

26.12.2004, 21:12
During pregnancy with the face all was by way of, therefore for anything especial did not search, the only thing, reacted to smells, therefore used a cream without otdushek. A body smeared jojoba oil, but it is more because of dryness. In any case of extensions at me is not present. After sorts or labors put into a figure the order by means of agents Clarins, all has very well sat down on a place in current of 2 months, the truth I did not feed with a breast. And here with the face after sorts or labors terribly there was a wild sensitivity of a skin and the first kuproziki. Longly searched, eventually has stopped on Sisley, he and has rescueed or saved me.

05.01.2005, 12:46
I understand, that absolutely similar problems to not avoid

Well why - it is possible and to avoid. It depends on a skin. At me for example, any extension has not appeared. Though I was smeared with a cream through a stub-pack.

13.01.2005, 09:50
If the skin thin, any cream will not help or assist.

But to be smeared it is possible. For self-complacency.

17.01.2005, 00:31
Oh, also carries to you, girls! So it would be desirable, that and at me all was without extensions! A skin like not thin and not especially sensitive so chances are.

And what, spetsbelem nobody used????? Please, share.

01.02.2005, 14:33
Greetings to all!

Now for me spetsbele are seamless shorts from h.b or microfibers for 1-2 sizes more - at me now a boring even from gentle rezinochki if it is synthetics that in general extinguish light, and O a bra from Sweet Mama - has tried on their heap and has stopped on Maam - " growing together with a breast " model, a minimum of plastic details (such too cannot wear - a boring!!!). Here, I wear 3-rd day, the boring is not present while, it is pleasant.

And about a sensitive skin - I too always thought, that at me normal type of a skin! Also that the stomach at me very well works.... Also that character at me counterbalanced... And... And all the same the second here I wait for the baby with pleasure!!!

The patient!!!
04.02.2005, 05:39

I from 5-th month wore a girdle-bandage for support of a back and a stomach or belly, have very much helped or assisted, especially with spinal pains.

And after sorts or labors, naturally, has tightened or delayed a stomach or belly in grace, and a breast in strong minimajzer and so went month.

15.02.2005, 09:51
Verlioka, I, that heard this hereditary... How at your mum with a skin??

Itself (7 month of pregnancy) I smear femurs, breeches, a stomach or belly and a breast with the French gel "Lierak". To summaries it is written, that the above-stated gel gives result in 92 % of cases. About results in my case to speak while early, naturally...

Renata, and what such minimajzer??

18.02.2005, 17:16

It lifchik, opticheski the reducing volume of a breast, due to a special style. Usually minimajzery sews from strong, well holding tissues, with strong, not narrow bretelkami and good fasteners on a back (them it is not less 2) .v good lifchike- the breast will not stir.

20.02.2005, 10:48
Renata, t. e. Something of type of a corset??

22.02.2005, 16:17
I wish you "to run" on pregnancy with ease and as it is easy or light to please itself and people close to you with a birth of the kid. As to care of a body during pregnancy I at body height 165 and weight nearby 47-49, have typed or collected for 9 months 12, now I have no any extension, to be smeared the beginnings at once, first half of pregnancy it was smeared Vichy from extensions, has then passed to the French line (I do not remember the name, but she is practically in all shops for pregnant women). Big plus of this line, that there is cooling gel for legs or foots (removes or takes out edemas and weariness), a cream for care of a breast and it is immediate for care puzikom, sing also femurs. And at whom with the face - also from any troubles of type of nevuses pigmentosus, etc. Vials or Flasks it is enough a problem greater or big, somewhere 200-250 ml, they cost or stand somewhere on 700 everyone. In application are convenient, as have a batcher.

26.02.2005, 07:40
No, it not a corset, and simply kind lifchikov, well as push-. Is at all firms. For at whom the greater or big breast also would be desirable opticheski it or her to reduce.

08.03.2005, 08:51
Renata, has understood. Thanks.

08.03.2005, 13:27
Actually, interests, who of that did or made with a skin during pregnancy. Problems as I understand, the general or common for all - dryness of the body, a coming cellulitis, flabbiness, extensions, etc. And business becomes complicated that some components in creams of pregnant women are counter-indicative, as well as some kinds of essential oils.

Who as was rescueed or saved;salvaged?

15.03.2005, 08:07
Vishenka from the World behind the looking-glass

I now on the sixth month, from the very beginning of pregnancy use a cream from extensions, have tried or tasted a little, but for me it has appeared the best Biotherm- a cream for pregnant women from extensions, he is fine absorbed, not sticky, a smell at it or him prijatstvennyj..

I go to the Planet Fitness on spets. Employment or occupations for beremchatyh, therefore with a status increasing or enlarged eyes teltsa - it is happy or enough... Muscles all in a tonus that it was required from employment or occupations.... I wish and to reach pool!

On the face to a skin became noticeably more chilly though initially fat and chustvitelnaja, I am rescueed or saved;salvaged laerakovskoj maskoj-"Velour"

31.03.2005, 19:39
Vishenka from the World behind the looking-glass, for prophylaxis of extensions mjasjatsa from the third pregnancy has started to smear femurs, a stomach or belly and a breast "Lierakom", and for prophylaxis of varices used "Sabelnikom" and " Tigrovym an eye ". + was engaged in gymnastics, yoga for pregnant women, visited or attended pool and a sauna already till April, 10th inclusive (has given birth 12). At the moment I have no neither extensions, nor varices. But, I believe, that the heredity has a greater or big role in these questions.

15.04.2005, 18:41
I am smeared with a special cream from extensions for pregnant women Vichy. A breast obychnnym bio losenom for a body. I wear stockings for pregnant women, such dense, prifilaktika varices and edemas. Gymnastics of the house on kovrike when not laziness. Once a week yoga for ber., once a week akvagimnastika in pool, once a week simply in pool to swim for a while.

28.04.2005, 06:06
During pregnancy smeared basically a breast and a stomach or belly with creams from extensions, different. The cream which is on sale in shops "mazekea" has especially liked, it is a pity, only in the extremity or end of pregnancy it or him has found out. Extensions on a stomach or belly were not, about a breast early to speak, still I feed. From a cellulitis smeared irregularly, he at me was, but has not increased for pregnancy (and I have recovered all on 8 kilo from normal weight). By the way, when during feeding I have strongly grown thin, the cellulitis all has left, thus I did not use any creams. From what I have drawn a conclusion - want from it or him will get rid, it is necessary not on mazilki to be spent, and to clean or remove from a ration baked-sweet and a stomach or belly. Adepses. Certainly, during pregnancy it is irrelevant, and potom-please. As I till now feed, mazjukaju a breast a cream for a breast of firm " " which very much is pleasant to me. He for pregnant and feeding.