Просмотр полной версии : Cycle

25.05.2005, 23:10
Only to the doctor at once do not send, please. I have entered the name on reception, but it will be in 2 weeks, and to me is disturbing. At me a cycle of 30 days. All is always regular. And here suddenly in two weeks after the beginning previous, new has begun. However, not so it is plentiful, as it is usual. What is it can be?

29.05.2005, 16:24
Ya xodila s takim ge voprosom k vrachy. Ona mne skazala chto nichego strashnogo net. Chto v techenii zelogo goda zikl moget sbivatsya.

Tak chto ne peregivai osobo.

30.05.2005, 23:08
postinor accepted? After its or his reception usually in 2 weeks come monthly.

Probably, stress or an inflammation.

But visit to the doctor, in any case, do not cancel.

06.06.2005, 13:07
Da net, nichego ne prinimala. Ja voobsche sejchas nichego ne p'ju - mi vtorogo rebionka hotim. U menia vsegda organizm, kak chasi, rabotal - nikakih zaderzhek nikogda ne bilo, ne govoria uzhe o takom...

Pear juice
09.06.2005, 13:32
Do not experience. Can has suffered prolonged anxiety?

10.06.2005, 06:36
Net. Vedu pravil'nij, razmerennij obraz zhizni, brosila kurit ' neskol'ko mesiatsev nazad, pravil'no pitajus'. Gotovlus', odnim slovom. I kazhdij mesiats s zamiraniem sedtsa zhdu zaderzhki. Bila bi v Rossii, tut zhe bi s vrachem pogovorila, a zdes' zhdat ' prihoditsia tak dolgo...

The woman-doctor
08.07.2005, 02:53
The neigbour, it not a doomsday. On the Internet All of you anybody peerly will not tell or say, what is it can be.

To twitch it is not necessary, easy go to the doctor in 2 weeks.
